队列研究,cohort study
1)cohort study队列研究
1.A cohort study on the health effect by hepatitis B virus infection;乙型肝炎病毒感染对健康影响的队列研究
2.A cohort study of evolving of HIV-1 drug resistance in Henan Province,China;河南省部分地区人类免疫缺陷病毒1型耐药性发生和演变的队列研究
3.A 40-year cohort study on cancer mortality among female workers with manual spinning of chrysotile asbestos;手纺温石棉女工肿瘤死亡的41年队列研究

1.Application analysis on cohort study of clinical nursing scientific research临床护理科研队列研究的应用分析
2.Study of Request Queue in P2P Networks System Based on the Queuing Theory;基于排队论的P2P网络系统请求队列研究
3.A Cohort Study of Alcohol Consumption and Alcohol-related Liver Injury;长期嗜酒致酒精性肝损伤的队列研究
4.Cohort study on the impact of different delivery methods on breastfeeding分娩方式对母乳喂养影响的队列研究
5.Retrospective cohort study on transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 between spousesHIV-1夫妻间传播的回顾性队列研究
6.Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study and Associated Monitoring中医药多中心前瞻性队列研究的监查
7.Application of the Cohort Study in the Clinical Research of TCM Oncology队列研究在中医肿瘤临床研究中的应用
8.Application and development of cohort study in Chinese medicine队列研究在中医药研究中的应用和发展
9.A Retrospective Cohort Study on the Death Cause of Malignant Neoplasm in a Coke and Chemical Plant某焦化厂恶性肿瘤死亡的回顾性队列研究
10.Research on Queue Scheduling Algorithm of DiffServ ModelDiffServ队列调度算法的研究
11.The Research of Active Queue Management Based on Average Queue and Load;基于平均队列和负载的主动队列管理研究
12.Queue Algorithm Based on two-queue Model in Soft Handoff软切换中基于双队列模型的排队算法研究
13.Research on TCP Congestion Control and Queue Management in DiffServ Network;TCP拥塞控制和区分服务队列管理研究
14.Research on Active Queue Management Algorithm for High-Speed Network;高速网络中的主动队列管理算法研究
15.Research on Active Queue Manegement Algorithm and Simulation Analysis;主动式队列管理算法研究及仿真分析
16.Research on Round-Robin Fair Queuing Algorithm for 802.11 WLAN;基于802.11WLAN的循环公平队列调度算法研究
17.A Research of Improved Queue Fairness Based on RED Algorithm;基于RED算法的队列公平性改进研究
18.Application Research of Message Middleware and MSMQ;消息队列中间件技术及MSMQ应用研究

Cohort studies队列研究
3)historical cohort study历史性队列研究
1.A historical cohort study was carried out by comparing levels of sero antibodies against Legionella pneumnophila of 414 workers who were taken as the exposure group under central air conditioning systems with 414 controls from the general poputation as the non exposure group.方法 随机抽取北京市 4家大饭店 414位工作人员作为暴露人群和 414位对照者作为对照人群 ,用历史性队列研究方法 ,针对中央空调系统这一暴露因素进行血清流行病学研究。
2.【Method】 52 687 puerperals and their 53 324 infants were researched,the relative risk(RR) and the population attributable risk(PAR) of the ten exposure factors were calculated with historical cohort study.【方法】以1994~2002年在广州市荔湾区分娩的52687例产妇和53324例围产儿为研究对象,采用历史性队列研究的方法,分别计算10项暴露因素的相对危险度(relativerisk,RR)和人群归因危险度百分比(populationattributablerisk,PAR)。
3.A historical cohort study was further confirmed the risk factors of SID which were screened out by single variat and multivariate analys.通过历史性队列研究验证儿童SID的危险因素。
4)Retrospective Cohort Study回顾性队列研究
1.A Retrospective Cohort Study on Risk Factors of Hospital Infection;医院感染危险因素的回顾性队列研究
2.The application of retrospective cohort study between vocational factor and pregnant outcome;回顾性队列研究在职业因素与生殖结局分析中的应用
3.A retrospective cohort study on the death cause of malignant neoplasms in a chemical factory;某化工厂恶性肿瘤死亡的回顾性队列研究
5)Prospective cohort study前瞻性队列研究
1.It is important to estimate the incidence and risk factors for HIV and syphilis seroconversion in a prospective cohort study.但目前国内在该人群中开展的研究均为横断面研究,还未见有该人群中HIV和梅毒新发感染率及其影响因素等方面的报道,因此需要在该人群中开展前瞻性队列研究,了解其HIV和梅毒新发感染率,以便及时指导调整和采取相应的控制男男性行为人群HIV传播流行的措施和策略。
2.A prospective cohort study was performed to compare the difference in the incidence of VD between LA patients and controls.方法:采用前瞻性队列研究,比较108例LA患者(LA组)与108例无LA的患者(对照组)之间发生VD的差异。
6)genetic cohort study基因队列研究
1.Objective To establish a large biological sample bank from a great number of participants for genetic cohort study.结论条形码技术的应用可有效地避免样品间的相互混淆,使实验室每一项工作准确、可靠、高效,实现医学研究工作全面信息化,提高基因队列研究的质量。

队列研究队列研究 也称定群研究,是暴露与未暴露于某因素的两种人群,追踪其各自的发病结局,比较两者发病结局的差异,从而判定暴露因子与发病有无因果关联及关联大小的一种观察研究方法。