传承与创新,Inheritance and innovation
1)Inheritance and innovation传承与创新
1.On Inheritance and Innovation of Culture of Traditional Martial Arts in the Martial Arts Teaching Process;论传统武术文化在武术教学过程中的传承与创新
2.Discussion on inheritance and innovation of Chinese jade creation;浅述中国玉器的传承与创新之路
3.The combination of ancient city protection and tourist development shall be solved through balanced inheritance and innovation as well as scientific measures and perfect legal guarantee.要通过平衡传承与创新,以及科学的措施和健全的法制保障来解决古城保护与旅游开发有机持续结合的问题。

1.Inheritance and Innovation-our Country Traditional Campus Transformation Urban Design;传承与创新—我国高校传统校园的改造
2.Inheritance & Innovation of Traditional Graphs in Designing Symbols;传统图形在标志设计中的传承与创新
3.Heritage and Innovation of the Decoration Symbols of Traditional Folk Furniture传统民间家具装饰符号的传承与创新
4.Development of Henan Opera in the Eighth Agricultural Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps;豫剧在新疆兵团农八师的传承与创新
5.Inherit and Innovation:the Development of Xinjiang Landscape Paintings传承与创新:新疆山水画艺术的发展
6.The Culture Inheritance and Innovation of Chinese Modern Furniture Design;中国现代家具设计的文化传承与创新
7.Research of Succession and Innovation in Modern Landscape Architecture Design;现代风景建筑设计的传承与创新研究
8.Passing on and Innovation: Study on Chunqin of Huizhou Scholars;传承与创新:徽州学者的《春秋》研究
9.Inheritance vs. Innovation: On the Perspective in Daisy Miller;传承与创新:试论《黛西·米勒》的视角
10.Spirit of "Moving to Western Regions" - Transmitting, Carrying-on and Innovation of Culture of Jiaotong University;西迁精神:交通大学文化的传承与创新
11.Uyghur Culture Transmission and Innovation in Reforming Period of China社会转型期维吾尔文化的传承与创新
12.Inheritance and Innovation of Chinese Traditional Garden in Modern Landscape Design中国传统园林与现代景观设计的传承与创新
13.Inheritance and Innovotion of the Traditional Music of the She Nationality in Modern Civilitzation现代文明背景下畲族传统音乐的传承与创新
14.Traditional Nuptial Culture in the Heretage and Innovation of Nuptial Industry;传统婚庆文化在婚庆产业中的传承与创新
15.The Expanse and Chang of Chinese Traditional Graphs in Moden Design Circumsfance;中国传统图形在现代设计境遇中的传承与创新
16.On the Inheritance and Innovation to the Traditional Education of Innovation Education;论创新教育对传统教育的继承与革新
17.On Inheritance and Characteristics of Nation Security Innovation;论国家安全观的传承创新与理论特色
18.Inheritance and Innovation of Traditional Color in Interior Design;传统色彩在室内装饰中的继承与创新

Innovation and Succession创新与传承
3)Inheritance and innovation in design传承与设计创新
4)cultural convey and innovation文化传承与创新
1.The key for China to construct new villages in a harmonious society lies in:focusing on cultural convey and innovation,providing healthy spiritual food to villages;promoting view of the equality,desperately gaining equal national treatment for peasants,diminishing dual structure making public opinion so as to develop harmonious villages.和谐社会的新农村建设关键在于:着力文化传承与创新,为新农村建设提供健康的精神食粮;着力加大平等观的弘扬,不遗余力地为农民争得平等的国民待遇,尽快消除二元结构制造舆论,提供对策;着力于制度创新探讨,为整个农村、整个社会寻求抑制人性之恶的健全机制,促进整个社会、整个农村的和谐发展;着力加大各级政府财政预算调整力度,把中央提出的“多予”政策落到实处。
5)inheritance and innovation传承创新
1.On the inheritance and innovation of Chinese ethic and the all-round development of college students;中华传统文化传承创新与大学生全面发展
6)Inheritance and Innovation继承与创新
1.Brief Discussion on the Inheritance and Innovation of the Enterprise Culture;浅谈企业文化的继承与创新
2.On the basis of Inheritance and Innovation,through the research of the methods,packing up the literature,the amalgamation of many subjects,absorbing the research technology of modern molecule and biology medicine,and so on,we constructed the method system of TCM Modernization step by step.文章认为,对中医学的研究要遵循其自身发展规律,应在继承与创新的基础上,通过方法论的研究、整理文献、多学科共融、吸纳现代医学分子生物学研究技术等方法,逐步构建中医现代化的方法体系。
3.To explore the way to the integration of Chinese and western medicine in the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine, thi s article analyzes its intrinsic motive force and developmental trend and adopts modern scientific techniques to develop Chinese medical theory in a unique, ori ginal and differential thinking method.探讨中医学发展进程中继承与创新的结合方法。
