1.Analysis on Characteristics of the Panjiao,a Sect of the Buddhism in Sui-Tang Dynasty;隋唐佛教的判教特点分析
2.All over the World Any Considers Are Consistent,And Every Roads Are Alike----On the ideology of PanJiao of Zongmi;天下百虑而一致,殊途而同归——宗密判教简论
3.Taking time as the visible clue and Panjiao as the invisible one, this paper discusses the occurrence, development and establishment of this thought.本文主要根据时间为明线,判教为暗线来论述其思想的发生、发展和创立。

1.Education Cultivates Critical Spirit: A Study on Critical Pedagogy;教育呼唤批判精神:批判教育学研究
2.Culture from Classification--On the Practice of Ma Yi-fu s Cultural Classification;文化自判教出——马一浮文化判教论的再阐释
3.Making Full Use of Simulated Negotiation Teaching to Improve the Teaching Effect of Business Negotiation充分运用模拟谈判教学 提高商务谈判教学效果
4.Two Possible Channels to Investigate"Critical Buddhism";审查“批判佛教”的两条可能进路——兼谈中国佛教“人本主义”的判教思想
5.A Review of moral education thoughts in the critical pedagogy in the U.S.;美国批判教育学的道德教育思想述评
6.Dogmatism should be criticized, or else many mistakes cannot be rectified.教条主义应当受到批判,不批判教条主义,许多错事不能改正。
7.What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?因为审判教外的人与我何干。教内的人岂不是你们审判的么。
8.For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?因为审判教外的人与我何干。教内的人岂不是你们审判的吗。
9.Post-colonialism and Critical Pedagogy: the Aim of Education is to Cultivate Critical Spirit;后殖民主义与批判教育学:教育的目标在于培养批判精神
10.As Cultural Politics:Teacher Education in the Perspective of Critical Educational Theory文化政治:批判教育理论视域中的教师教育
11.The coach upheld the referee's decision.教练赞同裁判的裁决。
12.The Value Paradox of Schooling --A Comparative Study of the Critiques of Ancient Schooling;学校教育的基本价值——古典学校教育批判的批判
13.Religionary Criticism or Political Criticism--On the Basic Standpoint of Critical Philosophy of Powell;宗教批判抑或政治批判——论鲍威尔批判哲学的基本立场
14.As Regards, to Ming Dynasty, Powder Catholic Criticizes and Opposes Several Cognitions Criticizing;关于明末对天主教批判与反批判的几点认识
15.Japan's Aum Shinrikyo Cult Leader Sentenced to Death日本邪教奥姆真理教一头目被判死刑
16.Teaching:Study for Enhancing Oneself--Moral Judgment in Teaching Behavior;教学乃“为己之学”——教学行为的道德评判
17.Ten Arguments of Critique on Linear Teaching in German Educational Field;德国教育界批判线形教学的十条论据
18.Discussion on Teaching Ability Training for Business Negotiation Course Teachers;论《商务谈判》课任教师的教学能力修养

cases analysis teaching判例教学
3)refereeing teaching裁判教学
1.The writer of this paper has devoted a comprehensive discussion to the problems that may occur in the refereeing teaching.篮球裁判教学作为体育系篮球普修课的一个重要组成部分,是培养和提高学生裁判能力的重要环节。
4)religious criticism宗教批判
1.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the strong impact of religion on Black s creation on different stages in his life,exploring how Blake changes from religious fantasy to religious criticism in his thought.本文以布莱克早、中、晚期诗歌作品为主线,剖析宗教对其作品主题、创作素材等方面的深刻影响,探询作者是如何从思想上完成由宗教幻想到对宗教批判的转变历程。
2.The play was full of religious criticism,reflecting human desire and the pursuit of emancipation of man s individual character.该剧极富宗教批判性,反映了张扬人欲,追求个性解放的时代思潮,充满浪漫主义色彩,使明传奇的创作达到了一个新的思想艺术高度。
3.These can not only lead to people\'s interest and curiosity, but also to study the idea of Marx\'s religious criticism thought to provide a rich resource.马克思特殊的犹太教家庭背景、青少年时代浓厚的基督教情怀,以及后来对于宗教的批判态度,这些不仅可以引发人们的兴趣与好奇,而且可以为研究马克思的宗教批判思想提供丰富的思想资源。
5)Critique of religion宗教批判
1.Feuerbach s critique of religion is not merely a continuation of his early critique of philosophy; actually, the substance of his critique of religion represented by The Essence of Christianity is the critique of philosophy, i.费尔巴哈的宗教批判不仅是其早期哲学批判的延续,而且以《基督教的本质》为代表的宗教批判的真正精义就是哲学批判,是对黑格尔思辨哲学的批判;这一批判的真正成果不是对基督教或一般宗教之本质和起源问题的具体解决,而是贯穿于宗教批判始终并作为宗教批判根据的“感性对象性原则”的形成和运用。
2.Critique of religion,as the prerequisite of the other critiques,is of significant influence among Marx s theory,although critique of religion is not the core of Marx s philosophy.宗教批判作为其他一切批判的前提,在马克思思想中有着令人瞩目的影响力,尽管宗教批判不是马克思哲学的中心。
6)critical Buddhism批判佛教
1.The two most radical representatives are Lücheng in ZhiNaNeiXueYuan in China and the Japanese critical Buddhism.20世纪以来,针对中国佛教如来藏、本觉思想的批判已经形成一股风潮,其中,内学院吕与日本“批判佛教”是批判最为彻底的两个代表。
2.On the Japanese side,it began with an examination of the texts of Da Cheng Qi Xin Lun and Leng Yan Jing,and finally reached its pinnacle as "critical Buddhism"in 1990 s.中国方面的主力先是支那内学院的欧阳竟无和吕,其后是印顺法师;日本方面,一开始主要围绕着《大乘起信论》以及《楞严经》的真伪展开,在二十世纪九十年代则有“批判佛教”思潮集其大成。

判教【判教】 (术语)判释释迦一代之教相也。如天台之五时八教,华严之五教是也。大乘之诸宗,各有教相之判释。法华玄义十曰:“圣人布教各有归从,然诸家判教非一。”