宇宙法则,universe law
1)universe law宇宙法则
1.As an original concept, it sometimes indicates the world origin, and sometimes indicates universe law.作为本体论概念,有时指宇宙本体,有时指宇宙法则

1.The principle of the cosmic mind or soul responsible for the rational order of the cosmos.宇宙法则宇宙心灵或灵魂的法则,对宇宙的理性秩序负责
2.Physics is governed by cosmic laws.物理学受宇宙法则的制约.
3.God is not subjected to paramount immutable laws of the cosmos.上帝并不受制于至上的,永恒的宇宙法则
4.Mass eating of meat of these animals is bad breaking of one of cosmic rules (rule of pure love) - cannibalism.大多数食用这些动物的肉类是不健康的,破坏了宇宙法则(纯洁爱的法则)-自相残杀。
5.It is a law of creation.这是一条宇宙万物的法则。
6.(Taoism) the ultimate principle of the universe.(道教)宇宙的根本原则。
7.The law of karma holds throughout the universe. It operates at all levels, ensuring justice, harmony, and balance.羯摩法则适用于整个宇宙。它在所有层次运作,以确保公正、谐和平衡。
8.This cosmology of Aristotle's, together with the associated laws of motion, was enormously appealing.亚里士多德的宇宙论以及相关的运动法则极富吸引力。
9.It therefore seems equally reasonable to suppose that there are also laws governing the initial state.因此,假定在宇宙初始状态也有制约它的法则,看起来同样是合理的。
10.Procedure: an Essential Movement Rule in the Universe;程序:宇宙间一项不可或缺的运动守则
11.They realized that even though you may get away with breaking the government's laws for a while, you can never get away with breaking the laws of the universe.他们相信如果你违背了官府的法令,可能暂时逃得掉,但是违背了宇宙的法则,你永远也逃不掉。
12.But the old equations had their say,and after so long they were together again.但是宇宙的运行规则是无法改变的。 很长一段时间之后,它们又遇到了一起。
13.There is something in the universe -- I don't know, some spirit, some principle -- that you will never overcome.'宇宙之中反正有什么东西——我不知道是精神,还是原则——是你们所无法胜过的。”
14.Here the subject constitutes an unsolvable challenge to the blind world that surrounds him.主体的反讽,或反讽的主体化,巧妙地地证明了我们的宇宙处处都是法则与欲望的禁锢。
15.And beyond all that we might hear in it an echo of the law and order that holds our universe in safe balance.除此之外,我们从这句话里面还可以聆听到使宇宙保持平衡状态的法则与秩序的回声。
16.In pre - Socratic philosophy, the principle governing the cosmos, the source of this principle, or human reasoning about the cosmos.逻各斯在苏格拉底之前的哲学中,支配宇宙的原则、这种原则的来源或人类关于宇宙的推理
17.This thought, in my opinion, is the moral foundation of the universe;依我之见,这种想法是宇宙的道德基础;
18.Analysis of the Art of Taoism Stamps;方寸之间、宇宙开化:道教法印艺术考析

3)reflection cosmic neutron method反射宇宙中子法
1.he reflection cosmic neutron method is a new technique of engineering geophysical exploration.反射宇宙中子法是一种工程物探新方法。
4)the dialectical world outlook辩证法的宇宙观
1.Self-similarity model of nonsingular perfect gas universe;非奇异宇宙的理想气体自相似模型
2.A Study on Hardy s Philosophy and Attitude Toward Universe and War in the Dynasts;《群王》中哈代哲理及对宇宙和战争的态度
1.Fractal dimension structure of Cosmos and its mathematical foundations;宇宙分维构造及其数学基础
2.It is pointed out that the "cosmos" described by the theory of Big Bang is different from the infinite universe (cosmos).指出"大爆炸"理论所描写的我们所在的这个"宇宙"与无限的宇宙是不同的。
3.This context re-explained the meaning of cosmos.从元哲学维度看,宇宙是以大宇宙和小宇宙的统一作为具体存在形式的、在时空中按规律运动着的物质世界。
