1.The Sangganhe River gorge with high mountains and deep valleys is very complicatedin geological structure.大秦铁路西段大洋河河谷有煤矿采空区,风沙等不良地质,且有京包铁路通过;桑干河峡谷山高谷深,地处燕山沉降带中,地质构造非常复杂,个良地质发育,并有煤矿采空区。
2.This is a special conglomerate landform which is widely dispersed over the foreland of the Longmen Range and characterized by giant precipice,pass,gorge,mountain,peak cluster which consist of conglomerate.剑门地貌见于四川盆地北部的剑阁县剑门关一带,是一种特定的砾岩地貌,以发育砾岩悬崖绝壁、砾岩关隘、砾岩峡谷、砾岩山峦、砾岩峰丛等为特征,规模宏大,气势如虹。
3.The Sangganhe rivergorge with high montains and deep valleys is very complicated in geological structure.大秦铁路桑干河峡谷山高谷深,地处燕山沉降带中,地质构造非常复杂,不良地质发育,并有煤矿采空区,桑干河峡谷段成为大秦铁路能否顺直的关键。

1.The Three Gorges themselves, not including the waterway that connects one with the other, are in all 90 km long.三峡峡谷长达90千米。
2.The Wu Gorge is about 40 km long.巫峡是三峡中最长的一段峡谷
3.A deep mountainside gorge or gully, especially in the Swiss Alps.峡谷深的山谷或溪谷,尤指瑞士阿尔卑斯山的峡谷
4.The echo was returned By the canyon wall.回声是峡谷壁传回来的
5.They are looking for fossils in the valley.他们在峡谷中寻找化石。
6.The main road goes through the mountain gap.那条大路穿过峡谷
7.The canyon is famous for producing echoes.这个峡谷以回声而闻名。
8."It's surrounded by the mountains on three sides, and by the canyon on the other side"它三面环山,一现峡谷
9.a bridge was extended over the canyon峡谷上架起了一座桥。
10.The valley goes from east to west.这个峡谷从东向西延伸。
11.The gorge narrows to 350 feet,峡谷狭窄处只有350英尺,
12.The canyon walls echoed back the shot.峡谷的岩壁于枪声回响。
13.Colorado River through the Grand Canyon.科罗拉多河穿越大峡谷
14.It had spread across the high valley.冷空气穿过大峡谷
15.The Grand Canyon is far away.大峡谷离这里还很远呢。
16.Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA美国亚利桑那州大峡谷
17.chasms wider than the Grand Canyon,比大峡谷还宽的裂缝,
18.The water funnelled through the gorge and out onto the plain.水穿过峡谷流到平原.

1.The exploitation of canyon tourism has a great potential prosperity.我国的峡谷拥有丰富、独特的旅游资源 。
2.The definition, classification and cause of formation of canyons are discussed in this paper.峡谷可以按照峡谷的自然地理特征 ,即峡谷所处的河段、形态、形成时的地质营力、两岸岩石性质等进行分类。
3.The tourist resources mainly include volcanic rock s canyon,multistage waterfall-pool combination,mountain flying waterfall,Huangcheng Lake,caldera,basalt tableland,ecological tourist resources,industrial tourist resources,humane historical sites, and religion temples etc.浙江磐安尖山地区旅游资源丰富,有待开发的旅游资源主要包括火山岩峡谷、多级瀑潭组合、高山飞瀑、皇城湖、破火山口、玄武岩台地、生态旅游资源,工业旅游资源、人文史迹和宗教寺庙等10个方面。
4)street canyon街道峡谷
1.Air pollution diffusion model in urban street canyons;城市街道峡谷内大气污染扩散模式
2.To Research for Street Geometry Structure Planning Based on Polluting Mechanism in Street Canyon;基于街道峡谷污染机理的城市街道几何结构规划研究
3.Modelling of pollutant dispersion in double-lane street canyons;双车道街道峡谷内污染物扩散的模拟
5)brink canyon湖缘峡谷
1.Base on the delicate 3D seismic interpretation in Shahejie Formation for Guojuzi Sag of Chenzhen Depression,two main brink canyons were found according to the structural attitude of the basin.对车镇凹陷郭局子洼陷沙河街组进行了精细的三维地震解释,从盆地的构造形态入手,识别出存在于盆地内的2个主要湖缘峡谷,并详细分析了这2条峡谷的形态和沉积充填特征。
6)valley region峡谷区域
