1.Kumārajīva and Dirersity of Qiuci Buddhism Grotto Art;鸠摩罗什与龟兹佛教石窟艺术多样化表现
2.Qiuci,as a region of vast territory and long history,has a significant culture.龟兹幅员辽阔、历史悠久,蕴涵着丰富的文化宝藏,如今其文化重镇库车承袭古龟兹乐舞遗风,民歌旋律优美,体现了诗乐舞“三位一体”的存在状态。

1.the "Qiuci Yue", the most popular dance in the Tang Dynasty, was from the ancient Qiuci Kingdom in today's Kuqa of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous Region;《龟兹乐》来自古龟兹国,在今新疆库车一带,是唐代最盛行的舞种之一。
2."Bamboo from the southern hills was used to make this pipe. And its music, that was introduced from Persia first of all,"南山截竹为觱篥, 此乐本自龟兹出。
3.These Figs provide the viewers a glimpse of the Qiuci music and dance that had once enchanted the entire county.使我们得以重睹当年风靡中原的龟兹乐舞风采。
4.The Chinese Buddhist Texts in Otani Collection and Chinese-style Murals in Kucha;日本大谷探险队所获汉文佛典与龟兹汉风壁画
5.Kumārajīva and Dirersity of Qiuci Buddhism Grotto Art;鸠摩罗什与龟兹佛教石窟艺术多样化表现
6.Thoughts of Legislation in Protection of Intangible Culture Heritage of Ancient Qiuci in Xinjiang;新疆古龟兹非物质文化遗产保护的立法思路
7.A Preliminary Study of Kuci Buddhism during the Early Period of the Tang Dynasty Basedon the Book Travelling Notes to the West by Yuanchwang;玄奘视野中的龟兹佛国——《大唐西域记·屈支国》析读
8.A Discussion on the Image of Buddha Dipamkara in Vyakarana and Related Issues;龟兹燃灯佛授记造像及相关问题的探讨
9.The Blending of the Cultures of Qiuci and Central China in Jin and Tang Dynasty in the Western Region;论晋唐时期西域龟兹文化与中原文化的交融
10.An Exploration of the Scale of Quzi during the Tang Dynasty;龟兹乐调理论探析——唐代二十八调理论体系研究
11.The Intercourse of Buddhist Art between Shule and Qiuci in the Light of Archaeological Discovery从考古发现看疏勒与龟兹佛教艺术之交流
12.The Kezir Grottoes of the ancient Qiuci Grottoes in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous Region are the biggest in scale and most intact in preservation.新疆古龟兹石窟群中规模最大、保存较好的克孜尔石窟,
13.At the same time, the central government stationed garrisons in Qiuci, Yutian, Shule and Suiye (or Suyab, formerly Yanqi), which were known as the "four garrison commands of Anxi.同时,还在龟兹、于阗、疏勒、碎叶(一度是焉耆)设军事建制,史称“安西四镇”。
14.The Historical Function and Modern Value of Religion and Culture--Decoding the Painting in Qiuci Caves;宗教文化的历史功能和现代价值——龟兹石窟壁画意义解读
15.A Comparative Study of The Lay-Out of Sculptures in The Central Pillat Grotto and A Huge Image Grotto to The Brush Work of Mural at The Kucha Grottoes;龟兹石窟中心柱窟和大像窟塑像布局与壁画风格类型的比较
16.Cultural Interpretation of the Folk Songs of Kuche City;库车民歌的文化学阐释——兼论龟兹歌舞与多浪歌舞的差异互补
17.A Discussion on LI Bai s “Exile in Tiaozhi”;李白先世“谪居条支”别探——条支即龟兹,兼及月氏、屈支、库车、金陵等地名
18.On the investigation of Donor's portrait in Kucha关于龟兹供养人像的考察(下)——以克孜尔供养人像为中心展开

1.A Preliminary Study of Kuci Buddhism during the Early Period of the Tang Dynasty Basedon the Book Travelling Notes to the West by Yuanchwang;玄奘视野中的龟兹佛国——《大唐西域记·屈支国》析读
1.On the Issue of the Cultural Transformation of Kucha──from Tokharian to Turkish and from Buddhism to Islam;唐宋之际龟兹地区的文化转型问题
2.Ancient Kucha has been traditionally considered as a Hinayana country .龟兹传统上是以小乘佛教占优的国家 ,但是在公元 4世纪左右 ,其佛教状况却极其复杂。
4)Kucha art龟兹艺术
5)Qiuci in the western region西域龟兹
6)Qiuci Buddhism龟兹佛教
