自然恢复,Natural restoration
1)Natural restoration自然恢复
1.Characteristics of vegetation with natural restoration in removal lands in loess hilly-gully region and the relationship between the characteristics and soil environment;黄土丘陵沟壑区退耕地自然恢复植被特征及其与土壤环境的关系
2.SOC change of natural restoration for black soil farmland;黑土农田自然恢复土壤有机碳的演变
3.The natural restoration of degraded rangeland ecosystem in Heshan hill land;鹤山退化草坡生态系统的自然恢复

1.The Research on Riparian Naturalness Evaluation and Close to Nature Restoration河岸带自然度评价与近自然恢复模式研究
2.Study on Natural Restoration of Degraded Karst Vegetation in Southwest Guangxi桂西南退化喀斯特植被自然恢复研究
3.Investigation of Spontaneous Recovery Plant Resources in Side Slope of Wenzhou温州道路边坡自然恢复植物资源调查
4.The Characteristics of Natural Vegetation on the Escarpment of Abandoned Quarries in Early Restoration采石宕口石壁植被自然恢复初期特征
5.The Studies on the Ecological Restoration in Abandoned Quarry in Xishan Mountain in Beijing: Process, Characters and Mechanism of Natural Restoration;北京西山废弃采石场生态恢复研究:自然恢复的过程、特征与机制
6.Study on the Characteristics of Natural Restoration and Artifciail Ecological Restoration of Quarry in East China华东地区采石场自然恢复特征及人工生态恢复研究
7.The restoration of vegetation in the sand land should be mainly by nature.沙地植被以自然恢复为主,辅以人工措施。
8.Dynamics of Soil Nutrients during Natural Recovery Process of Abandoned Farmland in Huailai Basin,Hebei Province.怀来盆地弃耕地自然恢复过程中土壤养分动态
9.Ecological Characteristics of Shrub Stage in Natural Vegetation Recovery Process in the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River, Southwest China岷江上游植被自然恢复灌丛阶段群落生态特征
10.Study on the Vegetation of Ole-fields Naturally Restore in Southern Junggar Basin;准噶尔盆地南缘弃耕地植被自然恢复的研究
11.Study on the Natural Restoration Potentiality of Artificial Vegetation in Central Shanghai上海中心城区人工植被自然恢复潜力研究
12.The Evaluation of Index Systems of Karst Vegetation Natural Restoration in Guizhou贵州喀斯特植被自然恢复评价指标体系研究
13.Study on Process of Burned Areas Forest Natural Restoration in Daxinganling大兴安岭火烧迹地森林自然恢复过程的研究
14.self-restoring capacity of nature自然的自我恢复能力
15.Nature is exhilarative and restorative.大自然使人心神愉快并能恢复体力。
16.Building up Natural Beauty--the Ecological Way of Renewing Poetic Homes;营建自然美——恢复诗意家园的生态途径
17.The Restoration of Degraded Ecosytem in Hunshandak Sandland Through Natural Process;浑善达克退化生态系统恢复研究—自然力在沙地草地恢复中的应用
18.Nature has an exhilarative and restorative effect.大自然具有使人畅快并恢复体力的效果。

natural recovery自然恢复
1.The variations of the light yield and the transmittance, the natural recovery and the heat annealling recovery of the radiation damage are measured.3GeVe-束形成的电磁辐射场和60Coγ辐射场照射后的辐照损伤,测量了晶体光输出和透射率的变化,以及辐射损伤的自然恢复和加热恢复效应。
2.This paper explored the reason and natural recovery of saline alkaline spots in Aneurolepidium chinense grassland.对羊草草原盐碱斑的成因及其自然恢复过程进行了探讨。
3.In order to protect the ecology of Lake Honghu and study of aquatic vegetation restoration strategies, we have chosen a typical farming region to have the conventional survey of aquatic vegetation, water quality survey, zooplankton survey, seed bank survey, natural recovery test.为了保护洪湖水生态,研究水生植被恢复策略,选择了一个典型的养殖区域进行了水生植被常规调查、水质调查、浮游动物调查、种子库调查、自然恢复试验。
3)spontaneous recovery自然恢复
1.Objective:To prospectively study the relationships among spontaneous recovery, the lesion regions, and types of Chinese aphasia in patients after stroke.目的 :前瞻性研究脑卒中后汉语失语症类型与病变部位的关系及对其自然恢复的影响。
2.The results showed that the spontaneous recovery of the patients were excellent in the two weeks post-stroke and were slowness in the later 6 weeks post-stroke.结果:自然恢复是在中风后2周最快,6周后逐渐减慢。
4)close-to-nature restoration近自然恢复
6)restoring mature econogy恢复自然生态

自然恢复自然恢复spontaneous recovery 自然恢复(spontaneous reeovery)条件反应消退后,经过一段时间,不再给予强化,当条件刺激物再次出现时,仍可产生条件反应。这种未经强化而条件反应自动恢复的现象称作自然恢复。这一现象说明,消退不是条件反应的被动消失或遗忘,消退只是暂时不反应,条件反应的潜在趋势并没消失。之所以会发生自然恢复现象,各家解释不同。抑制论者认为,由于个体经过休息后,解除了对条件反应的抑制作用,故这一早先习得的反应得以脱绊而出。 (梁宝勇撰金志成审)