乡村地理学,Rural geography
1)Rural geography乡村地理学
1.In the first twenty years after Country-Foundation rural geography research have been simplified into the study of agriculture, till 1980s it just entered into the right path, which leading to acquire abundant research results and set up a steady basis for the subsequent work.首先系统地回顾了我国乡村地理学的发展历程,对建国之前、建国初期至1970年代末、改革开放以来三个阶段我国乡村地理学研究的背景、主要内容和特点进行了简略阐述与评价。
2.Rural Geography is a weak branch of Human Geography in China.本文首先分析了乡村地理学及其相邻学科 (乡村经济学、乡村社会学 )对乡村研究的基本内容 ,认为三者各有侧重 ,乡村地理学重点从地域空间的角度分析乡村的各种问题 ,乡村经济学主要关注乡村经济系统的组织与发展规律 ,乡村社会学则把重点放在乡村社会变迁上 ,但共同交叉之处甚多。
3.In terms of its natural function and task, rural geography has unique advantages to research rural hollowing.研究农村空心化是乡村地理学的天然职能,具有独特的学科优势。

2.The Research of the Developing and Making Use of Country Course Resources in Geography Teaching and Studying in Senior High School;高中地理教学中乡村课程资源的开发利用研究
3.Practical Study on the Instructional Method of Success in the Teaching of Geography among Rural Middle Schools;成功教育法在乡村中学地理教育中的应用研究
4.Study of Village Settlement Space in Northern Zhejiang Basis on Geography基于地理学视角的浙北乡村聚落空间研究
6.On the Role of Rural Undergraduate in Rural Communication;乡村传播中农村大学生的地位与作用
7.Rural Governance:The Retrospective and Prospective Study--Study on its Academic History of 30 years乡村治理:回顾与前瞻——农村改革三十年来乡村治理的学术史研究
8.The Leader of Yao System and Village Governance of Yao--The Example of Pingdi-Yao;瑶长制与瑶族乡村治理——以平地瑶为例
9.rural areas, scenes, smells, accents农村地区、 乡村风光、 乡土气息、 乡下口音
10.range the hills, countryside, etc漫游山地、 乡村等.
11.Political Science In-depth Analysis of Rural Area Conflict, Manage in the Rural Area and the Construction of Democratic Politics at the Basic Level;乡村冲突、乡村治理与基层民主政治建设的政治学探析
12.Rural Governance and Its Performance Evaluation:Academic Analysis Based on Case Study;乡村治理及其制度绩效评估:学理性案例分析
13.A New Voyage in Rural Literature:On Zhao Shuli s Literary Thoughts;重启文学的乡村之旅——兼谈赵树理的文学思想
14.China s Rural Dilemma and Its Solution After Casting off the Yoke of Land;挣脱土地束缚之后的乡村困境及应对——农村人口流动与乡村治理的一项相关性分析
15.Land Use System in the Rural Areas and Industrialized Operation of Agriculture--Bringing Science and Technology to the Countryside: Observed fr om an Anthropological Perspective乡村土地使用制度与农业产业化经营——科技下乡的人类学视野之二
16.in rural areas where the local economy is better-developed, central kindergartens can be found in every township and preschool classes in every village.在农村,经济发展情况较好的地区已做到乡乡有中心幼儿园,村村有学前班。
17.Research on Reformation of Rural Fathering Mechanism in Less-developed Areas in China;我国欠发达地区乡村治理机制改革研究
18.A Research on Coordination Expense for Towns and Villages in Land Exploitation and Consolidation;土地开发整理中乡(镇)村协调费问题研究

historical rural geography历史乡村地理学
1.A branch of histo-humanistic geography,historical rural geography studies spatial changes in economy,society,population,tribes,culture,use of resourses and environmental problems of rural areas in historical phases.历史乡村地理学既不是一般的部门历史地理学,也不是一般的区域历史地理学,而是一门区域性和综合性很强的历史人文地理学分支。
3)social rural geography乡村社会地理
1.Based on plentiful literature, this paper does a review on the progress,evolvement and the main contents during each phase of the researches of social rural geography home and abroad.从产业、农民、农村3方面讨论我国乡村社会地理的研究进展。
2.Based on plentiful literature,this paper has a review on the progress,evolvement and the main contents during each phases of social rural geography overseas,and the main trends in future are pointed out in the end.本文首先对国外乡村社会地理的研究进行阶段划分与总结,分析了九十年代以来新的研究进展,然后重点介绍了当前几个重点研究领域:乡村社区、城乡关系、乡村景观及乡村社会问题等,最后指出发展不足及今后的发展方向。
4)cemetery in the countryside乡村墓地
5)rural areas乡村地区
1.In this era of social development, the reform of the supply system for the public service in China’s rural areas is significant.现阶段,推进我国乡村地区公共服务的供给体制改革意义重大。
6)place names in rural areas乡村地名
