专业术语,technical terms
1)technical terms专业术语
1.This paper, from aspects such as the correct use of prepositions and choice of technical terms, makes an analysis on main issues concerning the translation of titles for academic papers, and then proposes several ways to improve their quality in accordance with their accuracy, concision, transferability and vividness.文章从介词的使用、英汉差异、专业术语的选择和修辞手段的运用等四个方面,分析了学术期刊论文标题英语翻译中存在的一些主要问题,并从英译的准确性、标题的简洁性、译文的传意性、表达的生动性等角度探讨了提高期刊论文标题英译质量的途径。
2.As a section of formal language, technical terms are usually cited by experts in the technical domain, which are the means of technical communication.专业术语作为书面词语的一部分,经常被专业人士应用,是进行科学研究和学科讨论的工具。
3.Most of technical terms in computer English are formed by giving new meaning to common words, creating new lexis and adopting technical phrases including many initialisms and clipped words.计算机英语的专业术语主要通过旧词新义、新创词、缩略词等途径组成,同时采用了较多的专业词组。

1.Easily Confused Terms in English Lexicology;英语词汇学中易混淆的几个专业术语
2.The technical language of those involved in computer technology.计算机术语计算机技术中所用的专业术语
3.Terms in connection with fire alarm equipmentsGB/T4718-1996火灾报警设备专业术语
4.World Foundation for the Transnationalization of Special Terminology世界专业术语国际化基金会
5.Elton(1927)was the first to coin the phrase "food-chain."爱尔顿(1927)首创了“食物链”这个专业术语
6.Views On the Current State of Demographic Research from the Study of the Demographic terms;从专业术语看人口学研究的发展状况
7.A Study of Professional Terms in Financial Law and Securities Law in the Domain of English-Chinese Translation金融法与证券法专业术语的英汉翻译
8.Approaches to Interpretation-Training for Foreign Language Majors at Polytechnics;职业技术学院外语专业口译训练方法
9.ESP Curricular Development in Exemplificative Department of Optoelectronic Technology高职光电子技术专业《专业英语》课程开发探析
10.Academic Writing and English Language Program:A Survey of Graduation Thesis by English Majors;学术论文写作与英语专业教学——对英语专业本科生毕业论文的调查
11.(of a book,etc)requiring specialized knowledge;using technical terms(指书等)要求有专门知识的,使用术语的,专业的
12.specialized technical terminology characteristic of a particular subject.具有某一特定行业特征的专门术语。
13.The article uses rather specialized musical terminology.这篇文章用了相当专业的音乐术语。
14.Research into the Improvement of English Reading of Undergraduates Majoring in Art;提高艺术专业本科学生英语阅读能力
15.Assessment and Academic Competence Development of English Postgraduates;英语专业研究生评估与学术能力发展
16.Affective Factors and Colledge English Teaching for the Majors in Arts;情感因素与艺术类专业公外英语教学
17.The assisted teaching research for the professional Chinese language of the educational technology;《教育技术学专业汉语》辅助教学研究
18.A Probe into the Teaching of Specialized English on Telecommunications;关于电子技术专业英语的教学与思考

professional terms专业术语
1.In the C/E translation,therefore,we are supposed to attach much importance to professional terms,formal words,accurate diction and syntax application.因此,翻译法律条文时应特别注意专业术语、正式用语及准确选词,同时还应注意法律条文的句法运用。
2.This essay mainly discusses financial law,financial conglomerate,securities law and English translation and application involving the translating and usage of professional terms.探讨"金融法"、"金融集团"、"证券法",以及金融法律文件中专业术语的英汉翻译和应用问题。
3)special terms专业术语
1.This paper introduces various complicated signal alarming functions and special terms;It summarizes the principle of systems controlling and the structure of handware;It also presents various signal alarming program in which the PLC is applied.介绍多种复杂的信号报警功能及专业术语;简述了系统的控制原理及硬件结构;提供了运用PLC完成的各种信号报警程序。
4)technical term专业术语
1.In order to enable professional technicians and majors involved in IT field to master the formation and the functional significance of technical terms, which leads to proper application of technical terms in the study for Science and Technology.为了使信息、通讯业的科技工作者以及专业学生易于掌握专业术语的构词特点,充分理解其在科技交际中体现的功能意义,并在科技学习和应用中做到正确使用专业术语,作者采取定性统计法对IT领域的专业术语进行从词汇层面的文体分析。
5)professional technicality专业技术术语
6)Agricultural Professional English农业专业术语

《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》 INCOTERMS 2000

《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》 INCOTERMS 2000一、内容简介(1999年7月国际商会第六次修订,2000年1月1日生效)引言简介(中文)简介(英文) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------http://www.exporteam.com {date} 组别 术语缩写 术语英文名称 术语中文名称 E组发货 EXW EX works 工厂交货(%26hellip;%26hellip;指定地点) F组主要运费未付 FCA Free Carrier 交至承运人(%26hellip;%26hellip;指定地点) FAS Free Along Side 船边交货(%26hellip;%26hellip;指定装运港) FOB Free On Board 船上交货(%26hellip;%26hellip;指定装运港) C组主要运费已付 CFR Cost and Freight 成本加运费(%26hellip;%26hellip;指定目的港) CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight 成本、保险加运费付至(%26hellip;%26hellip;指定目的港) CPT Carriage Paid to 运费付至%26hellip;%26hellip;指定目的港) CIP Carriage and lnsurance Paid to 运费、保险费付至(%26hellip;%26hellip;指定目的地) D组货到 DAF Delivered at Frontier 边境交货(%26hellip;%26hellip;指定地点) DES Delivered EX Ship 目的港船上交货(%26hellip;%26hellip;指定目的港) DEQ Delivered EX Quay 目的港码头交货(%26hellip;%26hellip;指定目的港) DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid 未完税交货(%26hellip;%26hellip;指定目的地) DDP Delivered Duty Paid 完税后交货(%26hellip;%26hellip;指定目的地) 二、产生不同国家对贸易术语的多种解释引起的误解阻碍着国际贸易的发展,基于便利商人们使用,在进行涉外买卖合同所共同使用的贸易术语的不同国家,有一个准确的贸易术语解释出版物是很有必要的.有鉴于此,国际商会于1921年在伦敦举行的第一次大会时就授权搜集各国所理解的贸易术语的摘要。   准备摘要的工作是在一个叫作贸易术语委员会的主持下进行的,并且得到各国家委员会的积极协助,同时广泛征求了出口商、进口商 、代理人、船东、保险公司和银行等各行各业的意见,以便对主要的贸易术语作出合理的解释,使各方能够共同适用。摘要的第一版于1923年出版,内容包括问个国家对下列几种术语的定义:FOB,FAS,FOT或FOR,Free Delivered,CIF以及C&F。摘要的第二版于1929年出版,内容有了充实,摘录了35个国家对上述6种术语的解释,并予以整理.经过十几年的磋商和研讨,终于在1936年制定了具有历史性意义的贸易条件解释规则。定名为《INCOTERMS 1936》,副标题为International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms(国际贸易术语解释通则)。至于Incoterms一词系International Commercial(法语Commericial一词等于英语的trade)Terms的缩写。本规则将贸易术语分为11种,每一术语订明买卖双方应尽的义务,以供商人自由采用。