垂直地带性,vertical zonality
1)vertical zonality垂直地带性
1.Because the vertical zonality of many natural factors which cause mountain hazards,water in particular,as a main dynamic factor when the height outweigh a certain elevation will change from liquid state to solidity,which induce the vertical zonality of mountain hazards.由于形成山地灾害的多种自然因素具有垂直地带性,尤其作为主要动力因素的水,超过一定高度后由液态成为固态,从而造成了山地灾害的垂直地带性
2.of which,the results showed these 4 factors had obvious law of change with vertical zonality on the whole.通过对江西省14个毛竹主产县的34个样地毛竹立竹度、平均胸径、林分高度和立竹整齐度等4个林分因子的调查资料进行分析,结果表明:4个竹林结构因子在垂直地带性变化上均有明显的变化规律,其中立竹度总体随海拔升高而增大,林分胸径、高度和整齐度则与之相反,即随海拔的升高而减小。

1.Preliminary Study to Anticlinal Zonobiome at the belt on the Banks of the Chang Jiang River;长江滨带植被的垂直地带性分布初探
2.The Heritage Value of Mountain Vertical Zonation in Temperate Desert Region of China中国温带荒漠山地垂直地带性的遗产价值
3.Characteristics of the Form Distribution of Fe and Mn in Altai Mountains Soils and Its Genetic Significance.阿尔泰山垂直地带性土壤中铁和锰的形态特征及发生学意义
4.Study on Diversity of Rangeland Type on Different Vertical Belt in Zhaosu Horse Farm;昭苏马场不同垂直带草地类型多样性的研究
5.The Research on the East Slope of Middle Region of Daxing an Mountains Vertical Zone;大兴安岭中部地区东坡垂直带谱研究
6.Design and Development of Mountain Altitudinal Belt Information System of China中国山地垂直带信息系统的设计与开发
7.Pattern analysis of mountain altitudinal belts in the Upper Yangtze River长江上游山地垂直带谱及其空间分布模式
8.Vertical Deformation Characteristic of Longmenshan Fault Zone before Wenchuan M_S8.0 Earthquake汶川8.0级地震前龙门山断裂带的垂直变化特征
9.Study on the biomass of rangelands located on different vertical band spectrums in Zhaosu Horse Farm昭苏马场不同垂直带草地类型生物量的研究
10.Analysi on Physical and Chemical properties and Factors of Soil from Different Vertical Bands in Wuyi Mountain武夷山土壤垂直带理化性质及成土因素分析
11.In a vertical or perpendicular line.垂直地在一条垂直线或竖直线上
12.vertical belt variety sander垂直砂带多用砂光机
13.Laparoscopic Rectopexy with Peritoneal Strips for Complete Rectal Prolapse in Children腹腔镜辅助下盆底腹膜带直肠悬吊术治疗儿童完全性直肠脱垂
14.Influence of Vertical Earth on Electricity Performance of Grounding System垂直接地极对接地系统电气性能的影响
15.The Characteristics of Grevitational/geomagnetic Field and Vertical Deformation Field and It's Relations with Earthquake in the Middle Segment of Shaowu-Heyuan Fault邵武-河源断裂带中段重磁、垂直形变场特征及其与地震的关系
16.Analyses of the Vertical Bearing Behavior of Group Pile Foundations under Complicated Geological Conditions;复杂地质条件下群桩基础垂直承载性状分析
17.Research on Longitudinal Mechanical Characteristics of Pipelines Buried in Soft Soil under Vertical Loads;垂直荷载作用下埋地管道的纵向力学性状分析
18.Studies on Performance of Vertical U-tube Underground Heat Exchanger with Outlet Tube Insulated垂直U型地埋管回水保温换热性能研究

Vertical geomorphologic zoning地貌垂直地带性
1.Vertical geomorphologic zoningin the Northwest Sichuan Plateau is obvious and elevations for different geomorphologic zones are:fluvial zone,<3800 m;glacial margin zone,3 800~4 200 m;glacial zone,>4 200 m.川西北高原地貌垂直地带性明显:流水地貌带,<3 800 m;冰缘地貌带,3800~4200 m;冰川地貌带,>4200 m;相应的主导地貌过程分别是流水侵蚀,冻融侵蚀和冰川侵蚀。
3)distribution of vertical zonality垂直地带性分布
4)soil vertical zonality土壤垂直地带性
5)vertical zonal soil垂直地带性土壤
6)horizontal and vertical zonality水平与垂直地带性
