地球概论,an introduction to earth
1)an introduction to earth地球概论
1.The Reform in the Curriculum of "an introduction to earth;“地球概论”课程改革刍议
2.In this paper,the necessity and stress of reform in course of "an introduction to earth" are studied according to the course s characteristics of the many contents,the big difficulty and fewer lesson hour etc.根据地球概论课程内容多、难度大和课时少等特点,对该课程如何适应时代要求,进一步深入改革的必要性和改革重点进行了分析和研究。

1.Study on《Introduction to Earth》of Higher Normal Colleges我国高等师范院校《地球概论》课程研究
2.The Theories and Practice of the Teaching Reform in Normal University Course of An Introduction to Earth;高师《地球概论》课程教学改革的理论与实践
3.The Research of Computer Assisted Instruction Geography Teaching in Normal University--Taking the course of An Introduction to Earth as an example;多媒体辅助高师地理教学的探索——以《地球概论》课程为例
4.Earth Generality Course of Geography Speciality in Higher Normal University--A New Method about the Laws of Phase;高师地理科学专业地球概论课程——月相变化规律新解
5.The application of the multimedia technology in the image teaching system in the normal university course of “the earth outline”;多媒体技术在高师《地球概论》图像教学系统中的应用
6.An Approach to Network Teaching Based on Campus LAN;基于校园网的网络教学实践探索——以《地球概论》为例
7.The Teaching Thinking for Introduction of Earth Science;关于“地球科学概论”的教学指导思想
8.Exploration on the Necessity of Offering the Optional Course "Introduction to Earth Science" in Colleges and Universities;高校开设“地球科学概论”公选课的必要性探讨
9.Practice and Exploration on Introduction to Earth Science as Public Optional Course in University高校开设“地球科学概论”公选课的实践与探索
10.The Auxiliary Teaching Picture Database System of Introduction of Earth Science“地球科学概论”辅助教学图片库系统的开发
11.Following the Teaching Rules and Practicing the Teaching Reformation--Reform and practice of the course“Introduction to Earth Science”;遵循教学规律 实践教学改革——“地球科学概论”课程教学改革与实践
12.As the ideas about expansion or contraction of the earth are still controversial, their influence on the heat balance of the earth is also highly hypothetical.由于地球膨胀或收缩的概念还有争论,它们对地球热平衡的影响也只能是高度假说性的。
13.Review of the Second Meeting of Asian Seismological Commission and Symposium on Earthquake Hazard Assessment and Earth′s Interior Related Topics亚洲地震委员会第二届会议暨地震危险性评估和地球内部相关论题讨论会概述
14.Globalization and Inequality:Issues of conceptualization and of explanatory全球化与不平等:概念化与解释的论题
15.Analysis on the Summaries and Theory Analysis of the Global Entrepreneurship in the Year of 2006;2006年全球创业概述与理论分析
16.An Analysis on the Basic Concept of Modern Basketball Fast-break Tactics;对现代篮球快攻战术概念的理论辨析
17.Globalism: Concept. Mechanism. Influence ──View of Systematic Theory;全球化:概念·机制·影响──系统论的观点
18.To Expound the Conception of Basketball Skill Actionand Basketball Skill and Their Conection;试论篮球技术动作与篮球技术的概念及关系

globosity conspectus地球概论
1.An analysis of the innovation and exploring of the globosity conspectus experimental curriculum,the reconstruction of the teaching system is required.根据高校实验课程改革精神,通过对地球概论实验课程的改革探索,提出实验课程建设的系统重构思想。
3)Introduction to Earth Science地球科学概论
1.Following the Teaching Rules and Practicing the Teaching Reformation——Reform and practice of the course“Introduction to Earth Science”;遵循教学规律 实践教学改革——“地球科学概论”课程教学改革与实践
4)Introduction to Map地图概论
5)Earth-centered perspective地球中心论
6)geoenergetic theory地球能量论

《病理概论及各论》《病理概论及各论》 《病理概论及各论》   病理著作。恽铁樵撰于1928年。此书概论部分以中医辨证论治为基础,从脏腑病变和经脉病变等方面阐明各类病证的病理和用药大法。各论部分阐述伤风、胃咳、肺痨等九种病证的病因病候、诊断与治法。于病理部分阐发尤详。全书引用了较多的西医病理知识,在当时汇通中西医学术上起一定作用,但也杂有牵强附会的观点。本书为《药盦医学丛书》的。