塌陷漏斗,Collapse doline
1)Collapse doline塌陷漏斗
1.Under the same name a collapse doline was included.如在Cvijic′的DasKarstp¨hanomen(岩溶现象)一书中,其漏斗(dolines)的概念可谓无所不包,除岩溶干谷和坡立谷以外,所有洼地都称为漏斗,不仅包括溶蚀漏斗和塌陷漏斗,也包括竖井、落水洞、天窗,甚至某些岩溶泉和洞穴洞口。
2)collapse funnel covering塌陷漏斗覆盖
3)falling percolation塌陷渗漏
4)funnel excavition漏斗陷
5)Karst leakage and collapse喀斯特渗漏、塌陷
1.Vacuum heattreatment of operation appliance forging die of 3Cr2W8V steel was suitable carried out,compared to salt bath heattreatment,the die has upper hardness and excellent toughness,the wear resisatnce of die surfance was enhanced,the defect of sink and stick was overcame,the life of die was improved.3Cr2 W8 V钢制手术器械锻压成型模采用适当的真空热处理工艺 ,与盐浴处理相比 ,可获得较高的硬度和良好的韧性 ,增强模具表面的耐磨性 ,克服模膛塌陷、粘模等缺陷 ,提高了模具寿

1.The plane shapes of ground collapse hazard mostly appear as round, ellipse, rectangle and irregular shape etc.其中人为塌陷包括抽排水塌陷及采空区塌陷
2.A place where a cave-in has occurred.坍陷处出现塌陷的地方
3.A collapse, as of a tunnel or structure.坍陷坍陷,如隧道或建筑的塌陷
4.bash sth in/down; cause sth to collapse inwards by striking it violently猛击某物使之向内塌陷
5.The shed had fallen in,and the wood was rotting away.小屋塌陷,木料朽坏了。
6.The cheekbones felt sharp, the nose flattened.颧骨高耸,鼻子塌陷
7.The house lapsed into ruin.那房屋塌陷成一堆废墟。
8.crestal collapse fracture背斜顶部的塌陷裂缝
9.The sides of the trench fell in.壕沟的两边塌陷了。
10.The roof of the tunnel caved in.隧道的顶部塌陷了。
11.The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow.屋顶在积雪重压下塌陷
12.The weight of the snow collapsed the roof.积雪的重压使屋顶塌陷
13.All the old graves were sunken in,所有的旧坟都塌陷下去,
14.To turn(a tubular organ or part) inward upon itself.使向内陷使(管状器官或部位)向内塌陷
15.Research on the Utiliaztion of Subsidence in Area of Huaibei Coal Mining--With illustration of the Subsidence in Luling Coal Mining;淮北地区采煤塌陷区利用研究——以芦岭煤矿塌陷区为例
16.Kailuan coal mine collapse,as well as the causes of stagnant water in time and space to monitor the role of research利用塌陷积水对采煤塌陷区进行监测——以开滦煤矿为例
17.The sides of the pit fell in and buried two man矿坑的侧壁塌陷了,埋进去了两个人。
18.The ground over there is soft and givey.那边的土壤松软而易塌陷

collapse funnel covering塌陷漏斗覆盖
3)falling percolation塌陷渗漏
4)funnel excavition漏斗陷
5)Karst leakage and collapse喀斯特渗漏、塌陷
1.Vacuum heattreatment of operation appliance forging die of 3Cr2W8V steel was suitable carried out,compared to salt bath heattreatment,the die has upper hardness and excellent toughness,the wear resisatnce of die surfance was enhanced,the defect of sink and stick was overcame,the life of die was improved.3Cr2 W8 V钢制手术器械锻压成型模采用适当的真空热处理工艺 ,与盐浴处理相比 ,可获得较高的硬度和良好的韧性 ,增强模具表面的耐磨性 ,克服模膛塌陷、粘模等缺陷 ,提高了模具寿

地表塌陷  由隐伏的溶洞或表土层中潜蚀土洞突然垮塌引起的地面变形。广泛分布于喀斯特发育区,是喀斯特区的主要工程地质问题之一。20世纪50年代以前,这类塌陷大多是在自然因素作用下形成的,对它们的研究也只限于定性描述。其后,随着喀斯特区经济建设的发展,人为因素诱发了大量地表塌陷,造成了严重的经济损失。如广东凡口铅锌矿,1965年矿井开始疏干排水,至1979年地表开裂塌陷,产生大小陷坑达1600多个,使7万平方米建筑物和近千亩农田受损,4000米铁路和1500米公路遭到破坏。    裸露型喀斯特区内的地表塌陷是浅埋隐伏溶洞垮塌的结果。在这类地区进行建设,应先查明隐伏溶洞的发育状况及其顶板的稳定性。覆盖型喀斯特区内的塌陷则是表土层中因潜蚀和大气的负压或正压作用而形成的土洞突然垮塌所造成的。浅部喀斯特发育,能为上覆土层的潜蚀提供渗流出口,上层结构利于潜蚀,表层潜水可在天然或人为条件下向下层渗流,且有足够大的渗流梯度等是这类塌陷产生的前提条件。当喀斯特含水层中的水位经常大幅度升降,因而常在浅部溶洞中产生真空吸蚀或正压冲击时,更易于促进这类塌陷的发展。在天然喀斯特水位接近或高于表层潜水位的地区,塌陷的发生只能与抽(排)水引起的喀斯特水位降低相联系。故在这类地区进行建设时,为防止地表塌陷的危害,应避免在建筑区附近人为地降低喀斯特水位。