峰丛,peak cluster
1)peak cluster峰丛
1.According to analysis of the types and essential characteristics of karst landform, it is considered that the broad plateau, deep gorge, peak forest, peak cluster, and waterfalls and caves as well are the principal karst features in Guizhou plateau, thus form the magnifi.本文通过贵州喀斯特旅游景观类型、特点及优势分析 ,提出高原、峡谷、峰林、峰丛、瀑布、溶洞是贵州最有代表性的喀斯特景观 ,它们在空间结上层次丰富的组合 ,即构成贵州高原绚丽多姿的喀斯特旅游形象 ,从而展示出贵州喀斯特旅游资源开发的巨大潜力和良好前景。
2.The composition and ecological characteristics of bryophyte communities were investigated from three peak clusters of karst rock desertification in Zhenfeng county,Guizhou province.调查和分析了贵州贞丰县喀斯特石漠地区的3座典型峰丛、3个山段上苔藓植物群落的种类组成及其生态特征。

2.Physiological Characters of Kuding Tea in Karst Mountain Area;岩溶峰丛山区苦丁茶的生理特性分析
3.Since cenozoic era, the low mountains of hoodoos and peak clusters have been formed with continuous uplift and strong dissolve.新生代以来是一个长期上升、强烈溶蚀的喀斯特峰林、峰丛低山山地。
4.Fengcong,fenglin,cone karst and tower karst关于“峰丛”、“峰林”与“锥状喀斯特”及“塔状喀斯特”涵义的比较与认识(英文)
5.Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Restoration Succession Plant Communities in Subtropical Peak-Cluster Depression--A Case Study of Peak-Cluster Depression in Nongla,Mashan,Guangxi亚热带峰丛洼地恢复演替植物群落的数量分类和排序——以广西马山弄拉峰丛洼地为例
6.Water Infiltration in Soils Containing Rock Fragments in Karst Peak-cluster Depression Area of Northwest Guangxi;桂西北喀斯特峰丛洼地石质土壤入渗试验研究
7.The Study of Exploitation and Protection of Drinking Water for People and Live-stock in Karst Areas;喀斯特峰丛山区饮用水开发及其水质保护
8.A Land Settlement Pattern in Karst Peak Cluster-Depression Rock Mountain Area;岩溶峰丛洼地石山区土地整理模式研究
9.Investigation on population carrying capacity of the cultivated land in the Huajiang karst fengcong gorge of Guizhou;贵州花江喀斯特峰丛峡谷耕地承载力研究
10.An exploratory analysis of both landscape pattern and land use model in peak cluster-depressions rocky desertification areas峰丛洼地石漠化景观演化与土地利用模式
11.Eco-environmental effects and deterioration of karst peak-cluster depression in Southwest China西南喀斯特峰丛洼地生态环境效应及其危害
12.Estimating Sediment Deposition Rates by the Cs-137 Technique in Karst Depression of Chongtou,Puding County,Guizhou Province普定冲头峰丛洼地泥沙沉积速率的~(137)Cs法测定
13.Study of Fragile Ecosystem Reconstruction Technology in the Karst Peak-cluster Mountain岩溶峰丛山地脆弱生态系统重建技术研究
14.Typical Study on Karst Processes and Elemental Migration in Ecological Environments in Fengcong Stone Mountains;峰丛石山的岩溶作用及生态环境元素迁移典型研究
15.Karst Peak Clump Depression Ecological Environment Characteristic and Herb Productivity;喀斯特峰丛洼地主要生态环境特征及其与牧草生产力关系的研究
16.Soil Moisture Dynamic under Different Land Uses in the Typical Karst Peak-cluster Depression Area, Northwest Guangxi Autonomous Region;桂西北典型峰丛洼地不同利用方式下的土壤水分动态研究
17.Study on Character of Nutririons Enrich and Synthesize Evaluation of Fodder Plants in Karst Fengcong Depression in Guohua Town, Pingguo County;平果果化岩溶峰丛洼地饲料植物营养富集特征及综合评价
18.Plant Community Succession Research of Resuming Ecosystem in Peak Cluster Depression;峰丛洼地生态系统恢复演替过程中植物群落研究

peak grouped relief峰丛地貌
3)mountain peak valley峰丛谷地
4)Peak-cluster depression峰丛洼地
1.Distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in peak-cluster depression landuse of karst region;喀斯特峰丛洼地不同土地利用类型土壤有机碳和氮素分布特征
2.A Preliminary research on the construction and effect of eco-orchard in the peak-cluster depression of Karst area in Guangxi Province;广西岩溶峰丛洼地生态果园的建设及其效应
3.Spatial variations of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in peak-cluster depression areas of Karst Region喀斯特峰丛洼地土壤有机碳和氮素空间变异特征
5)peak-cluster depression area峰丛洼地
1.Study on high yield of quality fruits of peach growing in karst peak-cluster depression area;三只羊岩溶峰丛洼地桃树优质高产栽培技术研究
2.By time series analysis, the relationships between soil water potential and precipitation dynamic change on hillslope in the typical peak-cluster depression area of Huanjiang county in Guangxi Autonomous region have been analyzedfrom May to September in 2004, and the soil water potential was collected from 10 and 20 cm depths of the six kinds of land covers.采用时间序列分析方法,分析了2004年5~9月广西环江典型峰丛洼地坡面上6种土地覆被类型10,20cm土壤水势与降水动态变化的相关关系。
6)Peak-cluster area峰丛区
