城市自然地貌,natural landform of city
1)natural landform of city城市自然地貌
2)urban landform城市地貌
1.Effects of urban landforms of Yinchuan on urban districts and urban development;银川市城市地貌对城市住区及城市发展的影响

1.Survey of Urban Geomorphical Environment Research Based on Urban Planning and Land-use;基于城市规划和土地利用的城市地貌环境研究综述
2.High Pressure of Human Activities and the Evolution of Urban Geomorphic Environment in Shanghai;上海高强度人类活动与城市地貌环境演化
3.A Study on the Urban Landform Evolution and Its Effects on Urban Flood-Prevention in Jinan City;济南市城市地貌演变及其对排水防洪的影响研究
4.The Research of Dalian CaseUrban Man-Made Landscape;城市人工地貌研究——以大连市为例
5.The city was proud to display its new images.这座城市骄傲地展现它的新面貌。
6.Urban planning survey measured at hilly topography area城市规划测量在丘陵地貌测区的应用
7.Theory and Practice of The Mountain City Style Design--Take Chongqing City Style Design As The Example;山地城市风貌设计的理论与实践——以重庆城镇风貌设计为例
8.Study on the Horizontally Spatial Expansion of the Urban Man-made Landscape (UML);城市人工地貌水平空间扩张研究——以大连市为例
9.A Study of Comprehensive Evaluation of Geomorphical Environment Quality Based on Mountainous Urban Planning;基于山地城市规划的地貌环境质量综合评价
10.Response of Urban Man-made Landscape to urbanization:the case of Dalian;城市人工地貌过程对城市化的响应——以大连市为例
11.Regional City Character Creation:A Case Study of Guigang Cityscape Planning塑造地域性的城市特色——以贵港市城市风貌规划为例
12.The Comparison of Driving Mechanism of Rural-urban Land Conversion in Different Physiognomies of Hubei Province湖北省不同地貌类型城市农地城市流转驱动机制比较研究
13.Quantitative Research of Urban Man-made Geomorphology Based on Dynamic Grid System;基于动态网格系统的城市人工地貌的定量研究
14.Development and Operation of Commercial Real Estate in City Centre District;城市中心风貌区商业地产的开发运作模式研究
16.The city has taken on a new look.这座城市有了新面貌。
17.The new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the city poor.新市长有礼貌地前来访问城市贫民,获得了他们的一些好感。
18.Research of Urban Manmade Landscape of Centrial District Evovlement--In Case of Dalian;城市中心区人工地貌垂直发育模式研究——以大连市为例

urban landform城市地貌
1.Effects of urban landforms of Yinchuan on urban districts and urban development;银川市城市地貌对城市住区及城市发展的影响
3)urban landforms城市地貌
1.The urban landforms are analysed on the basis of gradient of slopes, degree of surface fragmentation, surface substance in the city.从地面坡度、地面破碎程度和组成物质等方面分析了涪陵城市地貌特点,并从人类造貌营力影响角度分类论述了低山河谷城市地貌对城市交通的影响。
2.The paper, based on some eco-environmental problem turn up in the cities of karst area,analysed the eco-environment, especially the climate system, the hydrologic system and the geologic calamity , which influenced by karst urban landforms.人类活动已成为城市地貌及生态环境的演变重要因素。
4)urban geomorphology城市地貌
1.From an interdisciplinary point of view of urban geomorphology,this paper discusses the land deformation process(LDP) of the urban area of central Shanghai,the controlling role to the sedimentation of river system,and relations to the flood prevention wall as well as the problems faced and countermeasures at present time.从城市地貌学角度分析了上海城市地貌形变的阶段性、致灾性,探讨了防汛墙与地貌形变的相互关系、工程特点及存在问题,提出了阶段性地貌形变对市区河流沉积控制的概念模式。
5)physical physiognomy自然地貌
6)urban remnant natural area城市自然遗留地
1.Study on Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Urban Remnant Natural Area and Case Applicition;城市自然遗留地综合评价方法及实例研究
2.This essay has given the concept on the urban remnant natural area,conducted an analysis on the engender of urban remnant natural area,pointed out that the connotation of urban remnant natural area includes four parts: taking the urbanization as the basic characteristic;owning a certain area and borderline;having va.城市自然遗留地(Urban Remnant Natural Area)是城市化的产物,是伴随城市化的进程在城市规划区内遗留下来的区域,存在着一定规模和质量的自然资源。
3.Urban remnant natural area is a kind of natural or near-natural and historical habitat in city,the special ecological values of urban remnant natural area,such as the values of ecology,biodiversity,natural landscape,natural history and landscape education cannot be replaced by others in city.城市自然遗留地(Urban Remnant Natural Area)是城市中具有特殊生态价值的自然或近自然的历史遗留生境,其生态价值、生物多样性价值、自然景观价值、自然历史价值和生态教育价值在城市中具有不可替代性。

为什么在城市规划区内进行改变地形地貌的活动必须经过批准 在城市建设发展过程中,一些建设工程需要大量的填工、弃土,建材生产需要大量的挖取砂石、土方,并且城市经常有大量的房碴土,工业废碴,生活垃圾等需要堆弃,也有的是进行营利性质的挖取砂石、土方的活动。这些改变地形地貌的活动在城市规划区内进行,必须要破坏城市地形地貌,甚至破坏河道、防洪道、园林绿化、文物古迹市政工程设施,地下管线设施以及人防设施,影响城市环境和安全以及城市居民的生产与生活,影响城市规划的顺利实施。为了保护城市环境,避免超成经济损失,城市,规划区凡是改变地形地貌的活动必须按照城市规划进行管理。《城市规划法》第三十六条规定。“在城市规划区内进行挖取砂石、土地等活动,必须经有关部门批准,不得破坏城市环境,影响城市规划的实施”。这就要求,任何单位或者个人进行改变地地形地貌的活动必须经符合城市规划要求,按照,规划管理的有关规定办理,经过批准后,方能进行。