梭梭沟,Suosuo Vale
1)Suosuo Vale梭梭沟
1.Type and distribution of geomorphology of aeolian sediment at region of Suosuo Vale of Kumtag Desert库姆塔格沙漠梭梭沟区域(92°E)的风积地貌类型及分布

1.Type and distribution of geomorphology of aeolian sediment at region of Suosuo Vale of Kumtag Desert库姆塔格沙漠梭梭沟区域(92°E)的风积地貌类型及分布
2.Shen Congwen and Rousseau s Views on Sense of Aesthetics;沈从文与卢梭—一种美学观念上的沟通
3.plural-box shuttle-changing loom多梭箱自动换梭织机
4.The projectile loom uses a small projectile to carry the filling yarn through the shed.片梭织机利用一只小片梭携带纬纱穿过梭口
5.To move the shuttle box up and down in order to bring the right shuttle to the picking level, a box motion is used.梭箱机构可将梭箱上下移动,将需要的梭子移动到投梭位置。
6.hook for crochet machines (without shuttle)钩编机针钩(无梭)
7.shuttle diplomatph.1. 穿梭外交官
8.La a note to fol-low sew,“拉”是音符跟着“梭”,
9.Sew a nee-dle pul-ling thread,“梭”是穿针又引线,
10.and Beth-zur and Soco and adullam伯夙,梭哥,亚杜兰,
11.Effect of NaCI on Salt Resistance of Suaeda physophora,Haloxylon ammodendron and Haloxylon persicum during Their Seed Germination and Young Seedling StagesNaCl对囊果碱蓬、梭梭和白梭梭种子及初期幼苗的影响
12.Discussion on the Recovery and Development of Haloxylon spp.Accoding to the Soil Conditions从梭梭的土壤条件谈它的恢复和发展
13.Study on Expression and Regulation of Drought-Induced Genes in Haloxylon Ammodendron;梭梭干旱诱导表达基因及其调控研究
14.Thoreau and Nature. Reflections on Thoreau s Walden Pond;梭罗与自然——读梭罗的《沃尔顿湖》
15.Study on Seed Bank of Artifical Haloxylon ammodendron in Minqin Oasis External Forests民勤绿洲外围人工梭梭林种子库研究
16.Fractal Features of Soil Particle Size Distribution in the 'Fertile Island' of Populus euphratica and Haloxylon ammodendron胡杨、梭梭“肥岛”土壤颗粒分形特征
17.Inter-simple sequence repeats analysis of Haloxylon ammodendron from seeds carried back by "Shenzhou No.4" spaceship“神舟”四号飞船搭载的梭梭ISSR分析
18.The result is that usually the warp shed must be larger than that for a shuttle loom.纬纱会弯曲,这就要求喷气织机的梭口应大于有梭织机的梭口。

4)Fusobacterium alocis龈沟梭杆菌
5)Haloxylon ammodendron梭梭
1.Water consumption and transpiration of Haloxylon ammodendron in hinterland of Taklimakan desert;塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)蒸腾耗水规律
2.Influence of Dehydration on Characteristics of Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Detached Leaves in Haloxylon ammodendron and Populus euphratica;脱水胁迫对梭梭和胡杨苗叶绿素荧光特性的影响
3.Effect of Topography on Ground Condition with Haloxylon ammodendron I: Slope;地形对梭梭立地条件的影响I:坡位
1.The Physiological Metabolism Reaction of Haloxylon Paratized by Cistanche deserticola;梭梭被肉苁蓉寄生后的生理代谢反应
2.Role of winged perianth in germination of Haloxylon (Chenopodiaceae) seeds;果翅对梭梭属(Haloxylon)种子萌发行为的调控
3.Progress in the Study of Psammophyte- Haloxylon;沙生植物——梭梭研究进展

水沟槽水沟槽  家具面板与边抹攒合时,面板与边抹间形成一周约l厘米左右的凹槽,以免面板伸缩开裂。凹槽俗称“水沟槽”。现在硬木家具的桌面、炕几面等大多采用水沟槽做法。