薛凤祚,Xue Fengzuo
1)Xue Fengzuo薛凤祚
1.Xue Fengzuo s Reconstruction of Mechanical Knowledge from Yuanxi Qiqi Tushuo Luzui;薛凤祚对《远西奇器图说录最》所述力学知识的重构
2.The Academic and Cultural Background of Xue Fengzuo Era薛凤祚时代的学术文化背景
3.This essay mainly made research on how Chinese and western sciences integrates and on how its features and thoughts are like in Lixuehuitong authored by Xue fengzuo.本文主要研究薛凤祚在其著作《历学会通》中是如何对中西科学进行融合会通的,以及在此过程中所体现出的会通特点和思想。

1.Xue Fengzuo s Reconstruction of Mechanical Knowledge from Yuanxi Qiqi Tushuo Luzui;薛凤祚对《远西奇器图说录最》所述力学知识的重构
2."Let's leave the question of Yao Chin-feng and Hsueh Pao-chu out of it for the moment.“姚金凤和薛宝珠的事,往后再谈。
3.When I say to him that Yao Chin-feng should be fired and Hsueh Pao-chu promoted, he just nods his head, and what I say goes."我说,姚金凤要开除,薛宝珠该升,三先生点了头,就算了
4."I would suggest, Mr. Wu, that you put up a notice announcing three things: double pay for the day of the Dragon-boat Festival; the discharge of Yao Chin-feng and the promotion of Hsueh Pao-chu to the rank of supervisor,"“请三先生出布告,端阳节赏工一天,姚金凤开除,薛宝珠升稽查。”
5.Why Xue Baochai Did not Talk to Wang Xifeng in A Dream of Red Mansions;一座休眠的活火山——《红楼梦》中薛宝钗与王熙凤不说话原因探索
6.A pair of utter egoists--A comparison of Xue Baochai and Wang Xifeng in A Dream of Red Mansions一对彻底的利己主义者——《红楼梦》薛宝钗、王熙凤比较谈
7.Now off you go, Ah Chen, and tell Yao Chin-feng what's got to be done. Get around among the women and stir them up against Chien Pao-sheng, Hsueh Pao-chu, and Chou Erh-chieh.去! 阿珍! 你去关照姚金凤,也跟着工人们起哄罢! 反对钱葆生,薛宝珠,周二姐!
8."Now, Mr. Wu has ordered three things: double pay on the day of the festival, the dismissal of Yao Chin-feng, and the promotion of Hsueh Pao-chu to the rank of supervisor."“现在三先生吩咐了三件事:端阳节赏工一天,姚金凤开除,薛宝珠升稽查。”
9.The Formation and Expansion of Pu Xuefeng s "Five Elements in Polities and Its Significance in Modern China s Political Science;浦薛凤“政治五因素”论的形成与展开——兼论其在中国现代政治学史上的意义
10.On Xu Fuzuo s Thoughts of Opera Theory--Take A Text of Money as a Case Study;徐复祚曲论思想琐谈——以《一文钱》为例
11.Inquiry into the Studies of Mei Ding-zuo s Kunlunnu in Ming Dynasty;梅鼎祚《昆仑奴》杂剧明人评论之检讨
12."A Heartbreaker's Sad Words"--On Xiang Hongzuo's Ci“伤心人之伤心语”——评项鸿祚之词
13.On the Story of Gift Ghost by Meidingzuo;梅鼎祚《才鬼记》研究——以文本生成考察为中心
14.Examining and Commenting on Chen Zuoming s Outings and His Intention of Compiling The Selective Ancient Poems Written in the Cai Shu House;陈祚明交游及《采菽堂古诗选》编选意图考论
15.Xu-Fu zhuo s Theories of Traditional Opera and His Practices in His Literary and Artistic Creation;徐复祚的戏曲理论及其在创作中的体现
16.Survey of Han poems of the past dynasties in Vietnam(1)国祚如藤络,南天理太平——越南历代汉诗概说(1)
17."Ming-feng, who are the guests?"“鸣凤,什么客?”
18.Investigation in Zhejiang Shes Phoenix Coronet,Veins-of-Phoenix and Phoenix Cultural;浙江畲族凤冠凤纹及其凤凰文化探讨

Pu Xuefeng浦薛凤
1.The Formation and Expansion of Pu Xuefeng s "Five Elements in Polities and Its Significance in Modern China s Political Science;浦薛凤“政治五因素”论的形成与展开——兼论其在中国现代政治学史上的意义
3)Xue Fengxiang薛凤翔
1.Xue Fengxiang was an outstanding gardener of the peony garden in the Ming Dynasty.薛凤翔为我国明代杰出的牡丹园艺学家。
4)Xu Fengxiang and Peony薛凤翔与牡丹
6)[Formal] the throne帝祚

薛凤祚(1600~1680)  中国明末清初的数学家、天文学家。字仪甫,山东淄川人。生于明万历二十八年。少时随魏文魁学习中国历算。后于清顺治三年(公元1646年)在南京结识波兰传教士穆尼阁,随他学习西方自然科学。康熙三年(公元1664年)编成《历学会通》一书。康熙十九年卒。《历学会通》有正集十二卷,考验二十八卷,致用十六卷。内容涉及天文、数学、医药、物理、水利、火器等。主要是介绍天文学和数学。天文部分有太阳太阴诸行法原,木星、火星、土星经行法原,交食法原,历年甲子,求岁实,五星高行,交食表,经星中星,西域回回术,西域表,今西法选要,今法表等。书中既翻译介绍了欧洲天文学和阿拉伯天文学,也有中国传统的方法,力求将中西回各法融会贯通。他是继《崇祯历书》之后最先系统介绍按第谷体系计算太阳、月亮、行星、交食等方法的天文学家。在计算中首次引进了对数、三角函数对数。将西方的六十进位制改成十进位制,重新编制三角函数对数表,还介绍了一至二万的常用对数表。