李子金,Li Zijin
1)Li Zijin李子金
1.Li Zijin's Attitude Toward Western Mathematics and Astronomy李子金对西方历算学的反应
2.Three Chinese mathematicians,Li Zijin(李子金),Mei Wending(梅文鼎),and Yang Zuomei(杨作枚),studied Golden Section from different aspects.论述了前清中算家对《几何原本》中理分中末线的研究:李子金另辟蹊径,从西方传入的切割线定理出发找到了一种解释;梅文鼎以"几何即勾股"的信念彻底解决了理分中末线的相关问题;杨作枚以中国古代数学传统的面积割补解释了理分中末线的作法,居然与《几何原本》中的解释殊途同归。
3.This paper briefs Li Zijin s unique research achievements in the methods of making a trigonometric function table and the process of research from the following four aspects: Two sine cosine function empirical formulae; Two sine function interpolation calculating formulae ; Comparison of the accuracy of several calculating formulae and their improved process ; Analysis and remarks.该文从两个正余弦函数经验公式、两个正弦函数内插法计算公式、公式计算精度的比较和改进、分析与评价等4个方面介绍清初数学家李子金在三角函数选表法方面所做出的独特成果及研究过程。
1.Identification of Monilinia laxa from imported Chilean plum.;进口智利李子上核果褐腐病菌鉴定
2.The high benefit cultivation model of pear orchard intercropped with plums;梨园间作李子高效栽培模式

1.Ap- ples, pears, peaches, plums.苹果,梨,桃子,李子
2.Please prune plum trees promptly. The plum pickers plucked the plump plums.请迅速修剪李子树。摘李子的人摘下饱满了李子
3.a nut, a plum, a pear, a tadpole,核桃、李子、梨子、蝌蚪、
4.A variety of plum(Prunus domestica)having yellowish - green skin and sweet flesh.西洋李李子的一个变种(李属洋李),皮黄绿色、肉味美
5.Half of the plums are rotten.半数的李子腐烂了.
6.He's eaten a whole pound of plums!他吃了整整一磅李子.
7.an uncultivated plum tree or shrub.野生的李子树种或灌木。
8.Filled with plums.李子多的,葡萄干多的
9.wild plum of southern United States.美国南部的野生李子
10.Please pick plump plums.请采摘丰满的李子
11.Smelling or tasting of plums.李子味儿的尝起来或闻起来是李子味的
12.dark red plum-like fruit of Old World buckthorn trees.暗红色李子状的古老世界鼠李科树木的果实。
13.The plum trees bloom and brim over with prime plump plums.李树开了花,结满了上等的,圆滚滚的李子
14.Li Qing and Jane are climbing a ladder.李晴和简在爬梯子。
15.This luggage won't go in the car.车子放不下这行李。
16.An E-mail from Li Ming李明的一封电子邮件
17.It's an e-mail from Li Ming!李明的一封电子邮件。
18.Okay, Li Ming! You are a good boy.好吧,李明。你是个好孩子。

1.Identification of Monilinia laxa from imported Chilean plum.;进口智利李子上核果褐腐病菌鉴定
2.The high benefit cultivation model of pear orchard intercropped with plums;梨园间作李子高效栽培模式
1.The effects of low-temperature and temperature change on physiology characteristics of`“Hei Hu Po”plums were studied.研究了低温胁迫和变温处理对李子生理代谢的影响,揭示了李子冷害的生理特性和变温处理的影响机制,分析比较了间歇升温和逐步降温两种变温模式对控制李子冷害的效果。
2.The influence of four change- temperature treatments on storage quality and physiological changes of“Hei hupo”plums was investigated.5~ 0℃ ,连续重复 5次 ,能够延缓李子冷害发生 ,抑制还原糖、可滴定酸及多酚含量的下降 ,推迟多酚氧化酶 (PPO)和过氧化物酶 (POD)活性高峰的出现。
4)Prunus salicina Lindl李子
1.Study on Structure of Tannin in Prunus salicina Lindl.Fruits and Its Antioxidant Activity;李子果肉单宁结构及其抗氧化能力的研究
2.,Prunus salicina Lindl.、李子Prunus salicina Lindl。
5)Liba gold deposit李坝金矿
6)LI Jin-yao李金耀

李子建李子建 李子建   宋代医家。履贯欠详,以祖及父先后殁于伤寒,遂矢志习医,精勤不辍,读书八年,后有所悟,于伤寒之脉证用药,阴阳经络,均有心得。乃著书名《伤寒十劝》,未见行世。