庐山地貌,geomorphic features of Lushan
1)geomorphic features of Lushan庐山地貌
1.Though he was an officialdom in feudal China,he made much contribution to understanding and utilizing Nature,for example,discovering and exploiting coal in Xuzhou,recognizing geomorphic features of Lushan,night exploring the mystery of bell sounds spreaded from Shizhongshan(a mountain consisted of a group of bell-like karst caves),reasonable utilizing water resources and so on.如发现开发徐州煤炭,对庐山地貌特征的认识,夜探石钟山钟声之谜和合理利用水利资源等。
2)Physiognomy of Lushan Mountains庐山地貌新思考
3)Lushan region庐山地区
1.Studies on geologic-geomorphologic tourism resources exploitation in Lushan region;庐山地区地质地貌旅游资源开发研究
2.Based on the hydrometeorological data, this paper analyzed the climatic characteristics and hydrologic characteristics of Lushan region.根据水文气象资料,系统分析了庐山地区的气候特征和水文特征,为开发利用庐山自然旅游资源提供可靠依据。

1.Studies on geologic-geomorphologic tourism resources exploitation in Lushan region;庐山地区地质地貌旅游资源开发研究
2.The Volcanic Activity and Rock Character of New Proterozoic Era Marine Facies in Lushan Area庐山地区新元古代海相火山活动及岩石特征
3.The Status of Wild Ornamental Bush Resources in Lushan and their Application to Gardening庐山地区野生观赏灌木资源现状与园林应用
4.A Study on the Environmental Evaluation and Countermeasure Analysis of Resources Exploitation in Lushan Area;庐山地区资源开发的环境评价及对策分析
5.A simple measuring and reporting system applied in hydrological forecasting in the Lushan Region简易测报系统在庐山地区水文测报中的应用
6.The Research on Renovation of Kuling Street Block in Lushan after Migrating of the Inhabitant;庐山居民下迁后牯岭街地区更新改造研究
7.A Study on the All-around Effect Evaluation & Countermeasure Analysis of Minerals' Exploitation in Xingzi Region on the South of Lushan Mountain;庐山山南星子地区矿产资源开发的综合效应评价及对策
8.Geological landscapes in world geopark of Lushan mountain庐山世界地质公园及其周边地区的主要地质景观
10.An Evaluation of Sustainable Use of Land Resources--A Case Study of Lushan District,Jiangxi Province;土地资源可持续利用评价研究——以江西省庐山区为例
11.Built-up Area Expansion in Hilly Area of Western Zhejiang Province-A Case Study in Tonglu County;浙西低山丘陵区城镇用地扩展研究——以桐庐县为例
12.The Genetical Analysis and The Programming Feature of the Modern Villa Architecture in Mountain Lushan;庐山牯岭地区近代别墅建筑的成因及规划特征分析
13.Structure of Liujiang terrain and implications for displacement of Tanlu fault system.燕山东部柳江地区构造属性新解与郯庐断裂系活动
14."And so I am singing a song of Lu Mountain, A song that is Born of the Breath of Lu Mountain."好为庐山谣, 兴因庐山发。
15.A Study of Forest Fire Danger District Division in Lushan Mountain Based on RS and GIS基于RS和GIS的庐山森林火险区划研究
16.Mt Lushan is now a world-renowned summer resort.庐山是一个驰名中外的游览避暑胜地。
17.The Deep Tectonics and Metallogenesis in Lu-Zong Volcanic Basin, Anhui, China庐—枞火山岩盆地深部构造作用与成矿
18.Xingzi hot spring and basic features of geothermal field,Lushan,Jiangxi province庐山星子温泉及其地热田的基本特征

Physiognomy of Lushan Mountains庐山地貌新思考
3)Lushan region庐山地区
1.Studies on geologic-geomorphologic tourism resources exploitation in Lushan region;庐山地区地质地貌旅游资源开发研究
2.Based on the hydrometeorological data, this paper analyzed the climatic characteristics and hydrologic characteristics of Lushan region.根据水文气象资料,系统分析了庐山地区的气候特征和水文特征,为开发利用庐山自然旅游资源提供可靠依据。
4)Lushan area庐山地区
1.This article analyzes the reasons for jiujiang earthquake from the angle of geological conditions in lushan area and the possbility of strong shock in Huangshi in future.本文从庐山地区地质条件的角度分析了九江地震的原因,并对黄石地区今后发生强烈地震的可能性进行了分析。
2.He peiyuan (1989) drew a conclusion that there were four glacial stages in the Lushan area in the Quaternary based on his tests on Fe2O3 and FeO.本文认为用Fe~(3+)/Fe~(2+)值推算庐山地区第四纪古温度是可行的,但认为在推算方法上必须严谨合理。
5)the Lushan Massif庐山地块
6)Xingzi-Lustian region星子-庐山地区

【药物名称】庐山厚朴 【别名】凹叶厚朴 【科属】木兰科 【植物形态】植物形态:落叶乔木,高达9米。树皮灰白色,小枝黄绿色或淡绿色,枝上叶痕大而显著,皮孔圆形或椭圆形。叶互生,在新枝上为丛生状,革质,椭圆状倒卵形,长20~45厘米,宽12~24厘米,基部楔形至圆形,先端凹陷,成2圆裂,裂口深2~5厘米,全圆或微波状,表面深绿色,背面淡绿色,主脉在下面隆起,表面主脉基部有沟形下陷,羽状脉12~24对,于近叶缘处互相连接,网脉隆起,叶柄圆柱状,长3~5厘米,基部稍膨大。花白色,大形,有香味,单生于枝顶,与叶同时开放,花被9~12片,或更多,雄蕊多数,螺旋状排列于伸长的花托上,雄蕊多数,螺旋状排列于花托顶端。骨突果穗卵状长椭圆形,熟后木质。 生态分布:产江西、浙江,安徽,福建,广西等省。 药用部分:同厚朴。 用途:同厚朴。