艾威林,Edwards Aveling
1)Edwards Aveling艾威林
2)Eleanor Marx-Aveling (1855~1898)马克思-艾威林,爱琳娜
1.Influence of Eisenhower s Conservative Ideas of Economy on American Diplomatic Policies;艾森豪威尔保守主义经济思想及其外交政策
2.On Eisenhower Administration s "New Look" Strategy;论艾森豪威尔政府的新面貌战略
3.On the international balance of payments dilemmas and the adjustment policy of late Eisenhower Administration;艾森豪威尔政府后期的国际收支困境与对策

1.Eisenhower; Turning the World Toward Peace艾森豪威尔:推动和平
2.He made no exception for Eisenhower whose aide was responsible for the record.这次和艾森豪威尔打赌也不例外。 艾森豪威尔的副官负责做了记录。
3.Eisenhower served at the top.艾森豪威尔作为高层领导,
4.Bet Between Montgomery and Eisenhover蒙哥马利与艾森豪威尔打赌
5.Then Eisenhower asked again,"How is your English going?".艾森豪威尔总统又问道:“进展如何?”
6.Eisenhower rejected the proposal.艾森豪威尔拒绝了这个建议。
7.Eisenhower was game and took up the bet immediately.艾森豪威尔兴致很高,立即允许。
8.Dwight Eisenhower served two terms during the 1950s.艾森豪威尔在50年代曾连任两届总统,
9.President Eisenhower asked him"How about Englush?"艾森豪威尔总统问他:“你英语怎么样?
10.The outgoing president, Dwight Eisenhower, was seventy years old.即将离职的艾森豪威尔总统70岁了。
11.Truman preceded Eisenhower as President.杜鲁门在艾森豪威尔之前任总统。
12.Policy of Eisenhower Administration Towards Yugoslavia;艾森豪威尔政府的南斯拉夫政策研究
13.Eisenhower Administration s Arms Control Policy (1953-1956);艾森豪威尔政府军备控制政策(1953-1956)
14.Study on Eisenhower Administration s Indochina Policy;艾森豪威尔政府的印度支那政策研究
15.The Eisenhower Government and 1954 Guatemala Coup艾森豪威尔政府与1954年危地马拉政变
16.Mr Howe, Senator Kennedy, my fellow Americans,豪先生(艾森豪威尔)、肯尼迪参议员、美国同胞们:
17.Eisenhower Administration s "China Threat Theory" and Its Policy to Southeast Asia;艾森豪威尔政府的“中国威胁论”与东南亚政策
18.And President Eisenhower will not be happy either, he will say it's no good.艾森豪威尔总统也不高兴,也要说它不好。

Eleanor Marx-Aveling (1855~1898)马克思-艾威林,爱琳娜
1.Influence of Eisenhower s Conservative Ideas of Economy on American Diplomatic Policies;艾森豪威尔保守主义经济思想及其外交政策
2.On Eisenhower Administration s "New Look" Strategy;论艾森豪威尔政府的新面貌战略
3.On the international balance of payments dilemmas and the adjustment policy of late Eisenhower Administration;艾森豪威尔政府后期的国际收支困境与对策
4)Amy Lowell艾米·洛威尔
1.Amy Lowell, the leader of the later Imagist Poetry after Ezra Pound, translated Chinese ancient poems with the help of Florence Ayscough and a Chinese scholar Nung Chu.艾米·洛威尔作为意象派后期的领军人物,继庞德之后,进行了汉诗英译的尝试和实践。
5)Erying equation艾林方程

马克思-艾威林,爱琳娜  英国和国际工人运动活动家,K.马克思的小女儿。1884年她同英国社会主义者E.艾威林(1851~1898)结婚后,积极参加英国工人运动,是英国社会主义组织"社会民主联盟"的参加者和"社会主义同盟"的组织者。    爱琳娜在宣传和捍卫马克思主义方面作出了积极贡献。她常协助马克思摘抄和整理材料,写过《我们要怎样组织起来?》(1892),《路约·布伦塔诺是怎样引证的》(1894~1895),《弗里德里希·恩格斯》(1890)等文章。F.恩格斯逝世后,爱琳娜出版了马克思的《工资、价格和利润》,把恩格斯在《纽约每日论坛报》上发表的文章汇集成册,题为《德国的革命和反革命》,并就《资本论》第三卷的俄译本问题同俄国经济学家Н.Ф.丹尼尔逊进行了很多次通信联系,交换意见。在出版《资本论》第一卷英译本时,爱琳娜进行了大量核对引文和资料的工作。