1.An Analysis on Tax Policies Promoting the Chinese Oil Enterprises Going Global;以税收手段促进中国石油企业海外发展
2.Analysis on overloaded tax burden of enterprise of coal industry and suggestions;煤炭企业税收负担过重的原因分析与建议

1.import levy进口税收、征收进口税
2.The Study on the Relationship of Tax Audit,Credit of Tax and Loss of Revenue;税务稽查、税收优惠与税收流失研究
3.Tax Propaganda and Tax Circumstances--Consideration to the Tax Awareness;税收环境与税收宣传——兼谈纳税意识
4.collector of customs and excise关税和货物税收集人
5.Foreign Taxation Bureau涉外税收管理局(外税局)
6.tax eligible on tax credit税收抵免的合格税种
7.credit for foreign death taxes外国遗产税的税收抵免
8.persons eligible on tax credit税收抵免的纳税人条件
9.minimum tax on tax preference税收优惠的最低税额
10.indexation of tax allowances and taxation课税减免指数化与税收
11.Strengthening Tax Management,Optimizing the Structure of Local Tax Revenue;加强税收管理 优化地方税收收入结构
12.Tax Analysis is a Basic Way in Strengthening Tax Levy;税收分析是强化税收征收管理的基石
13.internal trade, revenue, etc国内贸易、 税收等.
14.The revenue losses are equally acute.税收收入也急剧下降。
15.source jurisdiction收入来源税收管辖权
16.adjustment of tax to income distribution税收对收入分配调节
17.elasticity of tax to national income国民收入的税收弹性
18.Half was raised by taxation.收入的半数来自税收

1.The Inference of Electronic Commerce on Taxation and its Strategies Research;电子商务对税收的影响和对策研究
3)tax revenue税收
1.Discussion of microscopic tax revenue preparation of small and medium-sized enterprise;浅议中小企业微观税收筹划
2.The high increase in the tax revenue since the reform of the financial system of tax division is an important phenomenon in the national economic life of China.分税制财政体制改革以来的10年税收高增长,是我国经济生活中一个重要现象。
3.Existing tax polic y, tax system and tax revenue collecting, etc.加入WTO后 ,将不可避免地对我国现有的税收政策、税收制度和税收征收等方面产生重大的影响 ,这要求我国税收政策的制定、税制的设计以及税收的征收 ,不能违背WTO的基本原则。
1.Design and Realization of House Property Revenue Integration Management Software;房产税收一体化管理软件的设计与实现
2.The Investment and Distribution in Enterprises Modeled as a Differential Game Based on the Revenue;税收存在下的企业投资与分配的微分对策
1.A reinsurance model of maximization of dividend with taxes;带税收的红利最大化再保险模型研究
2.With the perfection of socialist market economy,we have established such a new levy and management mode which is based on taxes paying declaration and service perfection,relying on computer and internet technology,centralized Levying,focused checking.税收征管是整个税务工作的前沿阵地和关键环节。
3.The model has an optimal solution of the capital structure by joint effect of taxes and bankruptcy cost and may carry conveniently out empirical test, also. 在MM 原命题的基础上, 首先通过对Miller 的论文“负债与税收”的简单介绍, 分析了个人所得税对资本结构的影响, 在此基础上通过引入破产成本, 建立了一个统一的分析模型, 得出税收和破产成本的共同作用, 使得资本结构有一个最优解。
6)tax collection税收
1.Policies on development of railway tax collection;发展铁路的政策——对铁路税收问题的探讨
2.The principle of Tax Priority,introduced in the newly amended "the Tax Administration Law" for the first time,clarifies the debt clearing sequence when the state tax collection and other entities all claim rights to the debt.新修订的《税收征管法》首次提出了我国的税收优先原则,明确了国家征税权利与他种权利并存时清偿顺序。
3.In the control of tax according to the laws, governmental departments at various levels must know their responsibilities as the main bodies of controlling the tax according to the laws; they also need to strengthen the propaganda for tax collection in order that the tax payers know the tax laws and obey them well.依法治税 ,一是要求各级政府部门清醒地认识到自己作为依法治税主体应承担的责任 ;二是加强税收宣传力度 ,提高纳税人的税法意识和纳税水平 ;三是要求税务部门从严治税 ,增强执法刚性 ;四是加强税务稽查执法队伍建设 ,提高执法水
