1.The Self-discipline of Professional Association:The Security and Protection Industry Association in China;行业协会的自律机制——以中国安全防范产品行业协会为个案研究对象
2.A Study of the Youth Mao Zedong s Thought of Self-discipline Based on His Comments on the Ethics Principles;从《伦理学原理》批语看青年毛泽东的自律思想

1.On the Independent Politicization after the disaggregation of Literature Self-discipline;自律外的自律——论文学自律解体后的独立政治性
2.Self-Discipline of the Law and Self-disciplined Law--The self-Internalization System of the Law;法的自律自律的法——法律的自我内化机制
3.On Heteronomy,Autonomy and Observation of Teacher Professional Disciplines;试论教师职业纪律的他律、自律与遵守
4.Re-recognition of Life Aesthetics--aesthetic self-discipline;生命美学再认识:美学自律与审美自律
5.Moral and legal collision--Conformity of Scientists’ Autonomy and Heteronomy;道德与法律的碰撞——科学家自律与他律的整合
6.Strengthens the self-restraint, the restrain mutually and the society supervises.加强自律、互律和社会监督机制的建设。
7.The Reconstruction of the Self-Discipline Managing in the Lawyer Management System;中国律师管理体制之自律管理的重构
8.Seek the Combination of "the Autonomy" Theory and "the Heteronomy" Theory;寻求“自律”论与“他律”论的结合
9.Self-discipline & Heteronomy-Practice of Rationality in Moral Building;自律与他律:公民道德建设的实践品性
10."Literature Is Ideology" from Self-Discipline and Heteronomy;从“自律”、“他律”看“文学是意识形态”及其他
11.Moral Self-discipline and Legal Discipline in the Study and Application of Biological Technology;生物技术研究和运用中的自律与他律
12.Self-discipline and Hetero-discipline-Roles of Literature in Social Culture;自律与他律——文学在社会文化中的地位
13.Autonomy and Heteronomy in Welfare-based Third Sector Development;福利性第三部门发展中的自律与他律
14.On the Construction of Honesty Education on University Student;大学生诚信品德养成中的自律与他律
15.On the OHS Legal Model of Self-regulation in Australia澳大利亚OHS自律型法律模式探析
16.training to improve strength or self-control.提高力量或自律的培训。
17.Brief Discussion on Dialectical Relations between the Laws of Nature and Society;略论自然规律与社会规律的辩证关系
18.Researches on Self-Regulation of Lawyers New Lawyer Law in Perspective新律师法视角下的律师行业自治研究

1.Art s autonomy and Study s Selfenclosure___Thoughts on Study of Calligraphy History;艺术的自律和研究的自蔽——关于书法史研究的思考
2.Research of Morals Autonomy in Network;网络道德建设中的自律问题研究
3.Towards the Autonomy-Moral Narration of an Education Researcher;走向自律—一位教育研究者的道德叙事
1.Therefore,during a process of china s clean and honest administrative construction,it is pressing for the improvement of self-regulation of public power body.在新时期我国廉政建设的推进过程中,公共权力主体的自律能力提升就显得尤为迫切。
2.The standardized development of security market should not only rely on government regulation,but also attach importance to the self-regulation of the market and the advocation of the spirit and the culture of self-regulation.规范证券市场不能只依靠政府监管,重视市场自律,弘扬自律文化与自治精神是证券市场规范运作的重要支撑。
3.To establish an effective mechanism of self-regulation of banking association is a key and difficult issue in the banking-regulation reform in China.如何建立有效运作的银行业协会自律机制是我国银行监管改革的重点和难点,本文即是对此进行的理论探讨。
4)Self discipline自律
1.The debate between self discipline and heteronomy of music hasnt reached a conclusion so far,which is due to the incorrectly traditional thinking method of dualism.音乐的自律与他律问题是音乐理论上极重要而又长期争论、悬久未决的问题。
2.The Original Confucianists, which represents by Confucious and Mencius, extends the primal self discipline spirit from the pre historical and the early historical period to every scope related to human and human activities.以孔孟为代表的原儒将史前、史初时期的原始自律精神扩展至与人以及人的活动相关的各个领域 ,主张由“人”向宗教和宗法之“天”的皈依 ,于是在确定主体性的同时便消解了主体性 ;其大力提倡的“自律”最终也就不可避免地转向为“律人”或曰“它律”。
3.The basis of abiding by law lies in a kind of self discipline.法治所依据的法律是良法 ,它的生发点在于道德 ;法律的施行过程需要道德的支撑 ;广大人民遵守法律的落脚点在于一种道德自律
1.In view of the shortages, young editors should enhance occupation moral self-control.加强学术道德建设要做好多方面的工作:加强思想教育;加大执法力度;彻底根除学术腐败;加强科研人员的职业道德自律;报刊出版界严格把关。
6)self-discipline to discipline others自律律人

议院的自律权议院的自律权:宪法赋予代议机关的一种自决权,代议机关内部的组织结构和议事规则等由其独立决定,不受行政机关,司法机关及其他国家机关干涉的权力,例如,议长对议员的任免权,议院对其内部议会规则和组织规则的制定权,议院对议员资格的裁决等。――――《法学辞典》 主编 邹喻,顾明 第378页 中国政法大学出版社,