1.Discussion on Decentralization of Forest Management;森林经营的分权制度探讨
2.Decentralization,Democracy and Reunification——On the Three Dimensions of Education Legislation of the United States;分权、民主与统一——论美国教育立法的三个思想维度
3.The Incentive Problem and Policy Recommendation for China Decentralization Reform-an Analysis from Contractual Perspective;中国分权式改革的激励难题及其政策选择——一种合约视角的分析

1.Restrictions and Separation of Power: Police Power in Criminal Justice;限权与分权:刑事法治视野中的警察权
2.decentralize and localize political authority.分散政治权力并实施地方分权
3.Characterized by the equal sharing of power among the bishops.分权的具有主教间平等分权的特性。
4.Financial Administration:An Economic Analysis of its Central and Decentral Authority;财务治理:集权与分权的经济学分析
5.An Analysis of the Management Cost about Centralization and Division of Power in University;高等学校集权与分权管理的成本分析
6.Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances: On American Horizontal Division of Powers分权与制衡:美国横向分权体制解析
7.Decentralized or Centralized;Evidence from Chinese Enterprises;分权还是集权?——中国企业授权与激励现状调查
8.separate ownership rights from management rights所有权和经营权分离
9.separation of proprietary rights from management rights所有权与经营权分离
10.Separation of ownership and management.所有权和管理权相分离。
12.Taxation is no part of the governing or legislative power.征税权不是统治权与立法权的一部分。
13.Underground and Ground Right: Study on Property Right Division of Mining Land;地下权和地上权:采矿土地的产权析分
14.The Sovereign Rights,Human Rights and Private Rights Analysis on Diversity of Cultural Expression;文化多样性的主权、人权与私权分析
15.On the Relationship of Human Rights, Citizen Rights and Administration Rights from Jurisprudence;人权 公民权与行政权关系的法理分析
16.separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers ((西方的)三权分立
17.Separating Control Right from Ownership:An Institutional Analysis for NBA Teams;所有权与控制权分离:NBA球队的产权制度分析
18.The Form of Dual Rights System about Real Rights and Creditor s Rights and the Distinguish between Them;物权与债权二元权利体系的形成以及物权和债权的区分

separation of powers分权
1.Constitutionalism is to make the operation of politics ideal,of which the basic elements include democracy,nomocracy,human rights,separation of powers.宪政是使政治运作法律化的理想状态,以民主、法治、人权、分权为其基本构成要素。
2.The first part is about the civil rights and separation of powers; part two deals with democracy and rule of law.本文探讨了启蒙思想家黄宗羲的民主法治思想主要包括两个方面 :一、民权与分权 ;二、民主与法治。
3.The thought of west decentralization has experienced an evolution from theancient to the modern, that is spirit of hybrid and checkes and balances to spirit ofseparation of powers.西方分权思想经历了从古代向现代演进的过程,即逐渐由早期的混合制衡演化为现代的分权制衡理论。
3)separation of power分权
1.theoretically and practically,had taken the lesson of power excessive concentration for a long period in China, have put forward ideas about properly separation of power restrict and supervise power with institution, appraised and distinguished Western separation of power correctly.邓小平从理论和实践上总结了我国长期权力过分集中、权力制约机制不健全的弊病和教训,提出了适当分权、用制度搞好权力制约和监督的思想,并正确评价和区分了西方的三权分立体制与三权鼎立现象。
2.After the present condition of police power in China is examined in detail, the separation of power can be realized by restriction to the police power and differing the administrative police from the judicial police.我国现有的警察权设置具有垄断、广泛、重大的特征 ,对此应通过分权实现对警察权的限制 ,将行政警察与司法警察分立 ,行政警察内部再根据职责分工进一步分立。
3.In the power structure with centralization as the core but with some extent of separation of power,it\'s a basic way to change the power allocation that the central government differently authorizes the local governments.在以集权为核心同时具有分权特征的权力结构下,中央向地方有差别的授权是权力配置变革的基本方式,这种差异化授权是适应授权方式变革的有益尝试,是调动地方积极性和满足地方权力需求的新机制。
4)degree of centralization集权分权
5)centralization and decentralization集权与分权
1.From the study about the relationship among the degree of power distribution and its effect factors in 1327 companies, we found the balance of centralization and decentralization, and offered an experience index to describe the power distribution.通过对国内1327家上市公司的集权度及其影响因素与企业绩效的关系进行研究,找出企业集权与分权平衡发展的状况,为集权与分权的研究提供一个经验指标——集权度,从影响企业集权度的各种因素的角度,指导企业对于组织结构与管理风格做出适应性调整。
2.From the study about the relationship among the degree of power distribution and its effect factors and performance in 1327 companies,we found the balance of centralization and decentralization,and offered an experience index to describe the power distribution.通过对国内1327家上市公司的集权度及其影响因素与企业绩效的关系进行研究,找出企业集权与分权平衡发展的状况,为集权与分权的研究提供一个经验指标——集权度,从影响企业集权度的各种因素的角度,指导企业对于组织结构与管理风格做出适应性调整。
3.This paper,based on a discussion on the austere challenges of management in multi-campus universities,analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of centralization and decentralization and opines that factors such as strategic objectives,organizational sizes and orientation of campus functions can directly affect the choice of management modes in multi-campus universities.文章在论述多校区大学管理面临着严峻挑战的基础上,认真分析了集权与分权管理的优劣势,并认为多校区大学的战略目标、组织规模、校区功能定位直接影响了多校区大学管理模式的抉择,进而提出多校区大学建立科学合理的管理模式应遵守"一个大学"的理念,遵循"集权有道、分权有序、授权有章、有权有度"的原则,遵循因时、因地制宜在动态中求平衡等建议,以期对我国多校区大学管理模式的实践有借鉴作用。
6)restraining and separating power限权与分权

分权分权decentralization  分权(deeentral飞zation)集权的反面。它放松了组织要素间的联系,扩宽了组织管理或组织控制的幅度,并减少了组织层级,使组织的最高层与最低层之间的沟通变得比较直接。分权的特色是组织结构以产品和服务于群体为中心,而不是以职能为中心。其好处是:(l)建立有计划的授权制度,有利于调动下属的积极性。(2)产销接近,以利于管理和沟通协调。(3)对环境改变能做出比较敏锐的反应。(4)能使更多管理人员有机会发挥潜能,并有助人才储备,但也易导致高位控制的松弛和政策、命令的分散。一般地说,大规模、多元化的和比较稳定的组织或公司较为适于采用分权制。 (孙俊山撰张交审)