1.On the Functions of the Bills of Lading in the Bankers Documentary Credits ——pledge and Possession of Trust;浅论跟单信用证支付条件下海运提单的作用——质押与信托占有
2.Analysis and Perfection of Pledge System on Accounts Receivable;应收账款质押制度分析与完善
3.Speculations on Lawful Issue of Commercial Banks Initiating the Pledge of Charging Rights;对商业银行开办收费权质押法律问题的思考

1.The contract by which such delivery is made.质押契约使质押品交付的协议
2.Assessing the Pledged Ratio of Stock - based Loans by VaR Method;股票质押贷款质押率评定的VaR方法
3.Actio pigneraticia质押之诉,质物请求之诉
4.A bill may be pledged; when the bill is pledged, the endorsement shall contain the term “value in pledge”。汇票可以设定质押质押时应当以背书记载“质押”字样。
5.Research On Loan-to-value Ratio of Inventory Financing under Randomly-fluctuant Price;价格随机波动下存货质押融资业务质押率研究
6.The Distinction between Mortgage and Pawn;抵押与质押之区分及中国物权法的选择
7.On the Attributions of Pignus and the Confirmation of its Validity;论质权的特征及质押担保效力的认定
8.Research on the Protection on Benefits of Pledgee of Patent论专利质押中质权人的利益保护问题
9.An Analysis of Pledge of Accounts Receivable and Related Problems:Improving Measures for the Registration of Pledge Receivables;应收账款质押相关问题辨析——兼论《应收账款质押登记办法》之完善
10.a loan that required a pledge of property.需要用财产作质押品的贷款
11.He left a jewel as pledge for the borrowed horse.他留下一块宝石当作借马的质押
12.The pledge contract shall become effective upon the delivery of the document of title.质押合同自权利凭证交付之日起生效。
13.(11) any pledge and preservation of the patent right and their discharge;(十一)专利权的质押、保全及其解除;
14.(3) any pledge and preservation of the patent right and their discharge;(三)专利权的质押、保全及其解除;
15.his saxophone was in pledge.他把自己的萨克斯管作为质押
16.Risks of stock collateral loan for commercial banks and its countermeasures商业银行股票质押贷款的风险及防范
17.The third part analyzes the pledgible of life insurance policy.第三部分分析人身保险单的可质押性。
18.Depot Bill Pledge--a New Value-added Service Mode一种新型增值服务模式——仓单质押

1.In this paper,we analyzed the current situation of mortgage credit for knowledge property right and the oper-ating way of hypothecation credit.分析了我国目前知识产权质押的发展现状和质押贷款的运作方式,阐明了知识产权质押贷款融资的制约因素问题,提出了知识产权质押的思路和对策。
2.Though people have been attaching more and more importance onto intellectual property today, banks in China seldom accept intellectual property mortgage.本文通过对知识产权质押贷款的个案分析,发现知识产权质押本身存在的问题,提出应建立完善的知识产权评估制度,准许出质人利用出质的知识产权,限制出质人影响知识产权价值下降的权利,审查质押知识产权设定行为,及时处置已设质的知识产权,进行知识产权信贷担保资产的证券化,以及要求行业协会以担保人的身份介入知识产权质押等措施,以推动知识产权质押贷款业务的逐步开展。
3.In practice the realization of the right of guarantee is influenced by the no-efficiency of credit mortgage and the exercise of the right of exception in bankruptcy procedure.实践中债权质押中的无效率与破产程序中别除权的行使均影响担保权利的实现。
3)impawning supervision质押监管
1.First,the paper analyzes present status of impawning supervision business for domestic enterprises.首先分析了目前我国物流企业的质押监管业务的现状。
2.First, this article analyzes the origination and definition of impawning supervision business.本文从物流企业的角度分析物流融资,即质押监管业务。
4)pledge of obligation债权质押
1.This paper, by analysis, confirms that commercial house mortgaging is amore flexible and effective form developed by combining pledge of obligation and feature of real estates industry.本文通过分析认为,商品房按揭是债权质押结合房地产业的特点发展而成的一种更为灵活和更为有效的实现形式。
5)B/L impawn提单质押
6)stock document mortgage仓单质押
1.The retailers finance their inventory by stock document mortgage and face the newsvendor′s problem.以报童模型为原型,讨论了企业存在道德风险的情况下,以仓单质押方式融资的企业的库存管理决策。

质押质押 [质押1质押是指债务人或者第三人将其财产移交债权人占有,以该财产作为债权的担保,在债务人不履行债务时,债权人有权以该财产卖得价款优先受偿。一般来说,质押包括动产质押和权利质押两种方式。 我国1986年通过的《民法通则》对于物的担保方式未作抵押与质押的区分,而统称为抵押。抵押和质押的主要区别在于是否转移占有。在提供担保时,抵押物不转移占有,而出质的财产则要转移为债权人占有。我国于1995年施行的《担保法》根据我国经济体制改革和市场经济发展的需要,并借鉴国外的经验,将抵抑与质押分开,分别作了专门的规定。 质押一般是以动产作为质物。我国《担保法》在规定动产质押的同时,根据实际需要,借鉴外国的作法,规定了某些权利也可以作为质押的标的物。《担保法》规定下列权利可以设定质押:1.汇票、支票、本票、债券、存款单、仓单、提单;2.依法可以转让的股份、股票;3.依法可以转让的商标专用权、专利权、著作权中的财产权。