1.The Application of Duration Model in Interest Rate Risk Measurement of Commercial Banks;久期模型在商业银行利率风险度量中的应用
2.The Study of Interest Rate Risk Management of Commercial Bank Based on Duration Theory;基于久期理论的商业银行利率风险管理研究
3.Research on Interest Rate Risk Management of Commercial Bank Based on Duration;基于久期模型的商业银行利率风险管理研究

1.secular equation久期方程;久期方程式;久期方程式;长期方程;特征方程
2.I longed for the day She'd turn and see me standing there.我久久期待着她能回眸看见我在此守候。
3.A Long Long Expectation --the Historical Enlightenmnemt on Macao s Return;久久的期盼——谈澳门回归的历史启示
4.persistently ask for overdue payment.持久地寻找逾期贷款。
5.impermanent memory非永久记忆,短期记忆
6.How long is the ticket valid?这车票有效期多久?
7.How much longer are your papers good for?你的证件还有多久到期?
8.Continuing indefinitely or for a long period of time.持久的,不断的无期限持续或长期的
9.Yes, but it was a little longer than I expected.还好,不过比我预期的还要久一些。
10.Hang up one's hat in another's house在别人家里久留不去,长期居住
11.I shall soon pay the last instalment of my debt.不久我将付我债务的最后一期款项。
12.So, soon after, she named the day.因此,不久以后,她就决定了婚期。
13.Not very long. I started school last week.不太久,我上星期开始上学的。
14.The crops died during the drought.久旱无雨期间,庄稼都枯死了。
15.We're expecting a new arrival (ie a new baby) in the family soon.我们期待着家中不久将添一个新生儿。
16.We're expecting a new arrival in the family soon.我们期待着家中不久将添一个新生儿.
17.Please settle this long outstanding account without further delay.请结付这笔长期拖久的帐目,勿再拖延。
18.Accompanied by an adult whose license expired... 45 years ago.乘客驾照也已逾期45年之久。

secular equation久期方程
1.Then the corresponding secular equation can be solved more easily and the polarization vector can be determined.由化简后D(k)的矩阵形式,能较为容易地解久期方程及确定偏振矢量。
2.According to the degenerate perturbation theory and the secular equation of n=1,2,3 energy level,Stark s effect of n=4 energy level for hydrogen atom is studied and calculated and the stark s effect for hydrogen atom at(n)th energy level have also been deduced.根据简并情况下的微扰理论和n=1,2,3对应能级的久期方程,推出n=4状态下氢原子的斯塔克效应中的久期方程,并算出该状态下氢原子在电场中的能级分裂情况。
3.According to the perturbation theory, a distribution law of matrix element in secular equation is discovered in degenerate state and wave function property of the hydrogen atom.根据简并态微扰理论和氢原子波函数的性质,得到久期方程中微扰矩阵元的分布规律。
3)effective duration有效久期
1.Based on the technics of duration and convexity,the study probes into the effective duration and convexity with embedded options and OAS,as well as the application of interest rate risk management for the commercial banks in China.从衡量利率风险的久期与凸度技术出发,重点探讨了基于隐含期权及期权调整利差的有效久期和有效凸度模型,并研究了其在我国商业银行利率风险管理中的具体应用。
2.One is the concrete aspect,including gap (management),effective duration,financial engineering techniques and so on;the other is the general aspect(including) VaR and scenario stress test.然后从具体层面和总揽层面综述了商业银行的利率风险管理技术,其中具体层面主要包括缺口分析、缺口管理、久期、有效久期、金融工程技术等;总揽层面包括VaR方法、情景压力测试法。
4)modified duration修正久期
5)Spread Duration利差久期
6)Index Duration利率久期
