1.Empirical Study on Underpricing of China s IPO;我国上市公司首次公开发行抑价实证研究
2.Empirical Study on the Underpricing of IPOs in China s A-shares Market;中国A股市场新股抑价现象的实证研究
3.A Study on Underpricing and Long-run Underperformance of New Stock in Chinese Securities Market;我国证券市场新股抑价与长期弱势研究

1.Optimal auction strategy and net underpricing in IPO book-building systemIPO询价中的最优报价策略与净抑价
2.A Study on High IPO Underpricing and Bookbuilding Mechanism in China;我国IPO高抑价和询价发行机制研究
3.Research on IPO s Pricing and Underpricing in China Stock Market;我国A股市场IPO定价及抑价问题的研究
4.Study on Excess Return of IPO under Enquiry System;询价制下A股IPO抑价的实证研究
5.Analysis of IPO Pricing,Underpricing & Long-run Performance in China Stock Market;我国IPO定价、抑价及长期表现分析
6.IPOs Pricing and Underpricing of the Stated-Owned-Holding Company;国有控股公司IPOs定价及抑价模型
7.The Research of the Correlation between Pre-IPO Earnings Management and Underpricing;IPO前盈余管理与抑价的相关性研究
8.IPOs Underpricing under Investor s Behavior Decision-making;投资者行为决策对IPOs抑价的影响
9.Empirical Analysis of the IPO Under-pricing Issue Existing in A-Share Stock Market in China;我国现行A股IPO抑价问题的实证分析
10.An Study on the Initial Public Offering Underpricing in China SME Stock Market;我国中小企业板IPO抑价问题研究
11.An Empirical Study on Institutional Influence of IPO Underpricing in China s Share Security Market;中国股市IPO抑价制度影响实证分析
12.Research on Chinese Securities Market Institutions and IPO Under-pricing;我国证券市场制度与IPO抑价研究
13.An Empirical Study on the IPO Underpricing in Chinese Stock Market;中国股市IPO抑价现象的实证研究
14.An Investigation of Underpricing in Chinese IPOs;中国股票市场新股发行抑价问题研究
15.The Effect of the Issuing System on the Initial Public Offering Under-pricing;新股发行制度变迁对IPO抑价的影响
16.multivalent allosteric inhibition多价变构象抑制作用
17.inexorable price rises无法抑制的物价上涨
18.The Role of Proton Pump-inhibitor in Patients with Non-erosive Reflux Disease (NERD);质子泵抑制剂对NERD治疗价值的评价

1.An Empirical Study on IPO Under-pricing Based on the Theory of Information Asymmetry;基于信息不对称理论的IPO抑价实证检验
2.The Study of Theory of IPO Under-Pricing and Empirical Test of Shanghai and Shenzhen IPO Market;IPO抑价的相关理论与国内实证研究
3.This paper reviews the literature on IPO s abnormal initial return(AIR) from the perspective of under-pricing in the primary market and overvaluation in the secondary market and gives a different explanation about China s IPO s AIR.从一级市场抑价和二级市场溢价两个角度对IPO首日超额收益的相关研究进行了综述,并为我国IPO首日超额收益提供了新的解释。
3)underpricing equilibriums抑价均衡
4)IPO underpricingIPO抑价
1.Social Capital,Law Protection of Minority Investors and IPO Underpricing;社会资本、法律对中小投资者的保护和IPO抑价
2.Empirical Analysis on the Relationships between the Reputation of Investment Banks and IPO Underpricing:Based on Chinese Stock Market;投行声誉和IPO抑价:中国股票发行市场的实证分析
3.Empirical research into IPO underpricing in the entire circulation age;全流通时期IPO抑价实证研究
5)IPO under-pricingIPO抑价
1.Research on Chinese Securities Market Institutions and IPO Under-pricing;我国证券市场制度与IPO抑价研究
2.The problem of IPO under-pricing exists in global new stock markets universally.IPO抑价问题普遍存在于全球新股发行市场,到目前为止,IPO抑价仍然是困扰金融学界的难题,国内外许多学者从不同的理论和实证角度对这一现象进行了解释。
3.By taking the stock samples of full circulation IPO from both Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Market, using the heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent covariances developed by Newey and West, this paper makes an empirical study of the IPO under-pricing after the full circulation in China.文章以实行全流通发行并上市的国内股票为样本,使用Newey—West提出的异方差和自相关一致协方差回归方法,对影响IPO抑价的因素进行实证分析,并提出了降低中国IPO抑价的建议。
6)noise underpricing噪声抑价
1.Meanwhile,recurring to exchange rate and BSI,the authors draw the conclusion that there exists high noise on initial day,and the noise drives up the market closing pricing on initial day,then forms into noise underpricing to cause Chinese high underpricing.通过引入行为金融学的噪声交易模型(DSSW)对中国IPOs抑价现象进行分析,并对2000~2003沪市A股的IPOs样本数据进行统计分析,借助于换手率和看涨指标,我们发现新股上市首日存在相当高的噪声,噪声拉高首日收盘价,形成噪声抑价,造成中国股市IPOs高抑价

扬抑抑格如果一个音步中有两个音节,前者为轻,后者为重,则这种音步叫抑扬格音步,其专业术语是(iamb, iambic.)。轻读是“抑”,重读是“扬”,一轻一重,故称抑扬格。重——轻——轻是扬抑抑格,专门术语是:dactyl, dactylic.例词:happily, merciful, eloquent, messenger, merrily, properly, accident, quantity.例句:dragging the │corn by her │golden hair.davies: the villain.