1.Analysis and solution of reclosure exiting automatically of RCS-9612A Ⅱ line microprocessor-based protection device;RCS-9612AⅡ线路微机保护装置重合闸自行退出的分析及解决办法
2.Systematic definition and analysis of the venture capital exit;风险投资“退出”内涵的系统界定与分析

1.make a breakaway from...脱离 [退出] …
2.Exit from MP3 CD Maker.退出MP3 CD Maker
3.Netscape Exit ConfirmationNetscape退出确认
4.Process Exit: %s.过程退出: %s.
5.A recession from a church.退场从教堂里退出
6.-Pull up -No, I'm alright...-退出!-不!我没事
7.(of a ship) withdrawn from active service.(指舰)退出现役的。
8.To withdraw from a game in defeat.退出比赛因失利而退出游戏
9.To exit the Microsoft Office Upgrade Wizard, click Finish or Exit.单击“完成”或“退出”按钮可退出向导。
10.An unconditional remove forces the AP out of service.无条件退出服务将强制 AP 退出服务。
11.One who has withdrawn from a given social group or environment.退出退出某一社会团体环境的人
12.To withdraw from participation, as in a game, club, or school.退出参加从比赛、俱乐部或学校退出
13.Retreat or go away, esp to somewhere quiet or private退下,退出,离开(尤指到僻静处)
14.He surrendered his insurance policy.他退出保险,获得一笔退保金。
15.To withdraw(a ship, for example) from active service.使退役使(军舰)退出现行的公共事务
16.Smith bowed out of the race for governor.史密斯退出了州长竞
17.To end an affiliation.退出,脱离使结束联合
18.withdraw from an organization or communion.从组织或团体中退出

1.Discussions on equity market and venture investment withdrawal;论产权市场与风险投资退出
2.The Study on Investment and Withdrawal of Venture Capital in China at The Present Time;我国现阶段创业投资的投入与退出探讨
3.The China venture investment already marches into the high speed development stage,the venture capital financing channel is opening up,investment main body also to multiplex development;however,relative venture capital withdrawal mechanism was still not actually perfect.然而,与此相对的风险投资退出机制却仍不健全。
1.On the VC Withdrawn Approaches from the Capital Market论资本市场风险投资退出机制之路径选择
2.The country couldn t withdraw the contract,which makes it can t do a deeply revolution of household registration system.由于国家不能自由退出这一契约使得中国户籍制度改革不能深入。
3.Owing to various reasons,the private-run colleges and universities often withdraw from school-running field.随着私立高等教育的发展,竞争变得日趋激烈,私立大学因为各种原因退出办学领域现象时有发生。
1.The exiting timing thus becomes closely related to the level of the ventur e enterprise s equity value.风险资本的特殊性决定了其是在通过对高风险企业创业项目的投资中追求高回报的,这种回报不像传统投资一样从投资项目获利中得到,而是依赖于在不断进入退出中实现的自身价值增值。
2.This paper mainly focuses on the analysis of China s venture capital exiting.本论文旨在通过分析中国风险投资退出的方式和时机的选择。
3.The article focus on the factors which affect Industry path selection largely,include market share,innovation ability,market segmentation,Industry foundation,innovation level,innovation feasibility and cost,market gross,in order to construct a model concern Industry innovation entry and exiting.本文探讨与创新路径选择有重要关系的因素,如市场份额、创新能力、市场分割、原有基础,创新层次,创新难度和成本,产业市场容量,从而构建了一个决定创新投入进入或者退出的模型。
1.Research on Theory & Demonstration of Chinese State-owned Asset Retreating Mechanism;国有资产退出机制理论与实证研究
2.Based on the theory of market structure in the economics, the paper shows the necessity and way of which state-owned geological prospecting economy should retreat from some industries.本文以经济学的市场结构理论为基础 ,分析了国有地勘经济应该从某些行业退出的必要性以及退出的途径 ;阐述了国有地勘经济应该进入的行业和措施。
1.To propel the reform of cadre system and establish cadres rank with high quality,we should perfect the supersession mechanism from cultivation,selection,exchanging and quit.大力推进干部制度改革,建设高素质干部队伍,应从培育、选拔、交流到退出等环节完善党政领导干部代谢机制。

退出1.离开某种场合;脱离组织或活动。 2.把已经取得的东西交出来。