1.Commercial Postharvest Storage of Canarium album Fruits at Room Temperature;橄榄果实商业性室温贮藏保鲜研究
2.On the Commercial and Non-commercial Features of Postal Operation;邮政经营的商业性和非商业性特征研究

1.Attribute of Service Commodity and its Value Entity;商业性服务的商品属性及其价值实体
2.Breeding station [commercial Breeding]育种站(商业性育种)
3.trade advertising商业性刊物上的广告
4.commercial security services商业性保安服务机构
5.On the Commercial and Non-commercial Features of Postal Operation;邮政经营的商业性和非商业性特征研究
6.Elle produit des bie et des services marchands.它生产商品或提供商业性的服务。
7.Commercial production and sale of goods.产业,工业商业性生产和货物的销售
8.A Successful Combination of "Non-profit-making Quality" and "Commerciality";“事业性”与“商业性”的成功链接
9.The Research on the Commercial Finance Development of Agricultural Policy Banks;农业政策性银行发展商业性金融研究
10.Not engaged in or involving trade or commerce.非商业性的不从事或牵涉到贸易或商业的
11.Thought about Agriculture Policy Bank Engaging Commercial Loan;农业政策性银行开办商业性贷款业务之思考
12.Transform state-owned specialized Banks into commercial ones国营专业银行向商业性银行转型
13.The Research on Legal System of Original Agricultural Insurance Organization for Commercial Purpose商业性农业原保险组织法律制度研究
14.Research on the regional character of the Small Scale Pedestrian Commercial Street of Quanzhou;泉州小商业步行商业街的地域性研究
15.Conference on Restrictive Business Practices限制性商业惯例会议
16.Groups of Experts on Restrictive Business Practices限制性商业惯例专家组
17.The Contradiction of the Commercial Actions of the Merchants in the Ming and the Qing Dynasties and the Principles of the Commodity Economy;明清商人的商业行为与商品经济的矛盾性
18.Commercial Behavior of Modern Caricature from the Angle of Commercial Painting;从商业绘画的角度看现代漫画的商业属性

1.The article has analyzed and criticized such popular culture phenomena as commerciality, recreation, adulation demonstrated by the modern mass media, and proposes some thinking on how to understand and integrate correctly modern.本文对现代大众传媒所表现出的商业性、娱乐性、媚俗性等大众文化现象予以解析和批判,并对如何整合现代传媒与大众文化提出几点思路。
2.This article analyzed non-government and commerciality of sports unit.本文对体育社团的非政府性与商业性进行了探析,旨在为促进体育社团的和谐、健康发展提供参考。
3.Zheng paid great attention to the unity of ideology, artistry and commerciality.他重视电影思想性、艺术性和商业性的统一 ,并通过自己的艺术实践在电影创作上取得了重大的成就。
1.The paper expounds characteristics and relation between public geology and business geology.文章阐述了公益性与商业性两类地质工作的特点与联系 ,提出地勘单位应当积极主动地适应新的形势 ,充分利用国家公益性地质工作成果 ,发展自身的商业性地质工
2.Advertising art is characterized by the business nature, added connotation, unity of technology and art and meaningful flat.广告艺术具有本质的商业性、意义的附加性、科技和艺术的统一性、意义的"平面感"等独有的艺术特征。
1.Only if the development of the sports industry is set up on the foundation of the perfect combination of commercialism and professionalism can we make money.体育产业的发展只有建立在商业性和专业性完美结合的基础上才会获得成功。
2.Through the inspection of the American journalism history, using the news productions as a center to show and study two characteristic roles of American media: pubic interest and commercialism.本文通过对美国新闻业演进的历史考察,以媒体的产品新闻为中心展示和研究美国媒体的两种角色特性:商业性和公共性。
5)commercial nature商业性
1.This article discusses the artistic and commercial nature of popular music through the analysis of its emergence, development and characteristic features.从通俗音乐的产生、发展、特点三个方面辩析了它的艺术性与商业性的客观存在 ,通俗音乐既不是新兴的艺术类型 ,更不是艺术拓展到大众 ,而是一种成为俗套生活的文化消费类型。
6)commercial catch per unit effort商业性CPUE
