1.The effects of the structure change between self-producing ore and purchasing ore on profit;自产矿与外购矿的结构变化对利润的影响
2.A Maximum Profit Model Considered the Marketing Factors of Petrochemical Production;面向市场的石化生产利润最大化模型
3.Analysis of accountant s manipulation of profit of reducing value of assets;浅析资产减值会计对利润的操纵

1.To make a gain or profit.创利润创造收入或利润
2.actual yield实际生息[利润]率
3.accumulated profit [accounting]累计利润 [会计]
4.the aggregate sum, amount, profit, etc总计、 总量、 总利润.
5.The profit from overseas is far higher than those of the home division.从外国得到利润比国内利润高得多。
6.The Profit and Profit Allocation Model of Green Supply Chain;绿色供应链利润利润分配模型研究
7.Accounting Elements of Profit Form-the Comparing Research on Revenue、Expense and Profit;利润表要素——收入、费用、利润的比较研究
8.On Challenge about Economic profit to Traditional Accountant Profit;略论经济利润对传统会计利润的挑战
9.Grasping the Rules of Profit Migration: An Attempt on Strategic Profit Management;把握利润转移规律——利润战略管理探索
10.yielding material gain or profit.产生物质利益和利润
11.Advance Loss Profits (ALOP)预期利润损失险,利损险
12.They divided the profits with the employees.他们兴员工分享利润
13.worldwide profit来自世界各地的利润
14.To bring in or yield as profit.作为利润带来或产生
15.increase profits by reducing costs降低成本以增加利润
16.The company has declared an increase in profits/increased profits.该公司宣布利润增加.
17.He managed to multiply his profits.他成功地增加了利润
18.special exemption of reinvested profits再投资利润的特殊免税

1.The analysis about profits quality deterioration of listed companies;上市公司利润质量恶化的分析
2.The differential analysis influnced by taxation of profits in enterprise;企业利润受税收影响的微分解析
3.Banking differentiation competition,profits and bank stabilities in China;中国银行业差异化竞争、利润与银行稳定
1.A Discussion on the Increasing Kate of Output Value and Benefit;论产值与利润的增长速度
2.Its purpose is to gain maximum benefit by optimizing source configuration, reducing investment and decreasing cost.其目的就是要优化资源配置,减少投资和降低成本,追求利润最大化和吸引资本。
3.In the market condition, an enterprise must take the benefit as its aim and realize max benefits for its living and development.在市场条件下,企业要生存与发展就必须以盈利为目的,实现利润的最大化。
1.In general, more advertising brings greater revenues and earnings for a company.广告做少了,达不到促销的效果,过份了又大量增加成本和开销,反而影响公司的利润
2.According to the hypothesis of weak form efficient market, the paper presents stock valuation model based on earnings.股息现值模型 (Gordon model)、税后利润再投资有限增长模型 (Gordon and Gordon m odel)以及简化后的税后利润再投资有限增长模型 (Morris m odel)都无法为亏损公司的股票定价。
