1.Prospect of Dollarization in Latin America;从纯技术的角度看拉丁美洲美元化的前景
2.A Feasible Analysis on Cause, Path and Feasibility of Dollarization of Latin Currencies;拉美货币美元化的动因、路径和可行性简析
3.Research on Dollarization in Latin America;拉美国家美元化问题研究

1.Latin American Dollarization:Predictions in Game Theory;从博弈论视角看拉美的“美元化”前景
3.A Comment on the Historical Development and Its Practical Reasons of the Dollarization in Latin America拉美国家美元化的历程及现实原因探析
4.Research on Latin s Dollarization Pattern of International Monetary Cooperation;国际区域货币合作的拉美美元化模式研究
5.Financial Dollarization、Currency Mismatch and Financial Crisis in Latin America;金融美元化、货币错配与拉美的金融危机
6.Prospect of Dollarization in Latin America;从纯技术的角度看拉丁美洲美元化的前景
7.A Feasible Analysis on Cause, Path and Feasibility of Dollarization of Latin Currencies;拉美货币美元化的动因、路径和可行性简析
8.The successes of Euros and the "dollarisation" of Latin American countries are the obvious trends of the regional currency cooperation.欧元的成功启动和拉美国家的“美元化”是这种趋势的具体表现。
9.I got through $ 200 on holiday.节日里我化了200美元。
10.An Analysis of the Pluralistic Process of American Society during "the Pre-Pluralistic Stages";“前多元时代”美国社会的多元化进程
11.The Rate of Exchange between Japanese Yen and U.S. Dollar: Changes and Causes;日元对美元汇率的变化及其原因分析
12.The US Oil Diversification Policies and the Sino-US Oil Relationship;美国石油多元化政策与中美石油关系
13.Cultural Community and Diversification of Contemporary Aesthetic Culture;文化群落与当代中国审美文化多元化
14.Multiculturalism,Multicultural Education and AmericanLiterature Teaching in the United States多元文化主义、多元文化教育和美国的文学教学
15.The Discrimination of the Plural Culture, Cultural Pluralism and Multiculturalism;多元文化、文化多元主义、多元文化主义辨析——以美国为例
16.America and Canada Cultural Differences and Canadian Multicultural Research;美加文化差异及加拿大多元文化研究
17.Currency Internationalization and Its Determinants: A Comparison of the Euro and the US Dollar货币国际化及其决定因素——欧元与美元的比较
18.Failure of Cultural Assimiliation and Rise of Multiculture -An Analysis of the American Multicultural Education Movement;文化同化的失败与多元文化的兴起──美国多元文化教育运动分析

Latin American dollarization拉美美元化
3)economic dollarization经济美元化
1.Having explained the meaning of economic dollarization, this paper focuses its analysis on the reasons leading to the economic dollarization in Latin America and probes into the influence of economic dollarization upon Latin American nations.就经济美元化的基本涵义进行阐释 ,并着重分析拉美国家美元化形成的原因和探讨经济美元化对其的现实影响。
4)East Asian Dollarization东亚美元化
5)American dollar tendency美元化趋势
6)Full dollarization完全美元化
1.Full dollarization is the case when a country completely abandons the use of its national currency and adopts the dollar as a unit of account, means of payments, or store of value, i.完全美元化是指完全放弃本币 ,使用外币 (美元 )作为记账单位、支付手段或价值储藏 ,具有无限法偿能力 ,其实质是完全而不可逆转的固定汇率制度。
2.Since half a century ago,out of the reform and development of the international monetary system has there been emerging the tendency of full dollarization.半个多世纪以来 ,国际货币体系的改革和发展渐渐显现出完全美元化趋势 ,本文主要论述了完全美元化趋势对建立东亚货币区的启示 ,探讨了亚元出现的可能性 ,另外 ,还对人民币成为国际区域货币的前景作了分
3.The essay mainly analyzed the benefits and costs of full dollarization.本文主要分析了完全美元化的利弊 ,认为完全美元化并非是一种解决根深蒂固的经济问题的无代价的“灵丹妙药” ,任何国家在考虑采用这一汇率制度时都须权衡利弊。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理