1.Analytical results show that the bounded rationality of the fundamental analysts creates a tendency for prices to underreact to private information in the short run and this underreaction in turn means that momentum traders can make money by trend-chasin.模型分析表明,基本分析者的有限理性在短期会产生反应不足,动量交易者的交易策略在长期导致反应过度。
2.It will cause overreaction and underreaction.本文介绍了投资者过度自信理论,说明了导致投资者过度自信的原因,分析投资者过度自信对金融市场交易量、市场效率、波动性和投资者预期效用的影响,指出了由于投资者的过度自信特征导致了市场的反应过度和反应不足
3.Overreaction and underreaction are two abnormal investment behaviors in stock markets.过度反应与反应不足是股市投资中的两个异常行为,本文认为除了"输家———赢家效应"、"市盈率异常"以外,"井喷现象"也是过度反应的典型表现;反应不足则主要表现为"魅力股"或"价值股"等。

1.Experimental Analysis of the Short Time Overreact and Underreact of A Shares in Stock Market of China;中国A股市场短期过度反应与反应不足实证研究
2.Research on Asset Under-reaction and Over-reaction from Categorical Thinking Angle;从类型思维角度探讨资产过度反应与反应不足
3.Empirical Study on Overreaction and Underreaction of Shanghai Stock Exchange s A Shares;沪市A股过度反应和反应不足的实证研究
4.Who Overreacts and Who Underreacts? Analysis on the Relationship between the Investor s Heterogeneity and Return Time-series Predictability;谁反应过度,谁反应不足——投资者异质性与收益时间可预测性分析
5.Prospect Theory,Overreaction and Underreaction;基于展望理论的证券市场反应过度和反应不足研究
6.Analysis of Overreaction and Reaction-insufficiency in the Stock Market;我国股市中的过度反应和反应不足现象实证分析
7.Anomalies in Chinese Stock Market Empirical Research of Overreaction and Underreaction中国股票市场异象:过度反应和反应不足的实证分析
8."Overreaction" and "Underreaction": An Empirical Research on the Chinese Stock Market“反应过度”与“反应不足”及其在中国市场的表现和成因研究
9.The response he evoked was a little more hectic and a little less profound.他所激起的反应狂热有余而深挚不足。
10.The Responses of Term Fetuses to Different Acoustic Stimulations;足月胎儿对不同声音刺激反应的研究
11.Yet the response he evoked was a little more hectic and a little less profound.然而,他所激起的反应狂热有余而深挚不足。
12.Nurses' perceptions and responses to understaffed situation临床护理人员面对人员配备不足的感受和反应
13.It shall initiate the specified reaction plan when the process becomes unstable or not statistically capable.当过程变得不稳定或统计能力不足时,应采取规定的反应计划.
14.in short supply供应不足,缺乏的,
15.By deficiency syndrome is meant a syndrome caused by inadequate of vital qi, or a pathological reaction with the deficiency of vital qi as the dominant factor of the contradiction.虚证指的是由正气不足引起的证候,或是以正气不足的病理反应为矛盾的主要方面。
16.People who are prevented from sleeping begin to suffer obvious effects after a few days -一个人如果有几天睡眠不足便会产生明显的反应?
17.By reflecting deficiencies of traditional curriculum design backward design was developed and being used.在反思传统课程设计不足的基础上,逆向设计应运而生。
18.It is not surprising to find that the observed order in monomer for the polymerization exceeds unity.在聚合中发现单体的反应极数大于1是不足为奇的。

1.An Overview of Under-reaction and Over-reaction;反应不足与反应过度研究综述
2.The result admits the under-reaction in the behavioral finance.构造了零套利投资组合,即买入赢者组合,卖出输者组合,发现持有期3个月以上,都可以获得显著的差额收益,同时验证了行为金融学提出的“反应不足模式”。
3.Suppose that investors can be defined with three kinds: informed trader, under-reaction trader and over-reaction trader; all traders use Bayesian principle to modify their prior distributions.研究了一类信息不对称结构下的资本资产定价模型及投资策略问题,并假设金融市场只存在3类投资者:知情交易者、反应不足交易者和反应过度交易者,对每类投资者运用贝叶斯法则修正先验概率。
1.Empirical Study on Overreaction and Underreaction of Shanghai Stock Exchange s A Shares;沪市A股过度反应和反应不足的实证研究
2.Experimental Analysis of the Short Time Overreact and Underreact of A Shares in Stock Market of China;中国A股市场短期过度反应与反应不足实证研究
5)Overreaction and underreaction反应过度与不足
6)lack of contrast反差不足

反应素性变态反应反应素性变态反应 见"I型变态反应"。