1.On the Rise of Modern Chinese Outlook of Value Management and its Reason;当代中国价值观管理兴起及其原因探析
2.A Tentative Study of the Rise of A Shatuo Regime——the Later Tang Dynasty;试论沙陀政权后唐的兴起

1."Poetry Can Flourish": the Ideological Extension Route from the Rise of Arts;“诗可以兴”:由艺术兴起的思想延伸路线
2.capable of arousing enthusiasm or excitement.能唤起热情或引起兴奋。
3.a topic that arouses, provokes, stimulates, etc a lot of interest能引起、 激起、 唤起...很大兴趣的话题
4.arousing no interest or attention or curiosity or excitement.不能引起兴趣、注意、好奇心或兴奋的。
5.the audience joined in, with joy;听众高高兴兴地一起唱着;
6.On "Xing" --Discuss on the Basic Meanings of "Xing";“兴”意综述——从“兴”的本义谈起
7.She pursed her lips with dislike.她不高兴地噘起嘴唇。
8.He was a little keyed up because of her.他为了她有些兴奋起来。
9.capable of arousing interest or curiosity.能引起兴趣或好奇心的。
10.The lecture aroused my interest.报告引起了我的兴趣。
11.Politics have never interested me.政治从未引起我的兴趣。
12.This aroused no interest in them.这没有引起他们的兴趣。
13.He jumped up with joy.他高兴的跳起来了。
14.Villefort started with joy.维尔福则高兴地跳起来。
15.A little wine would warm you up.喝点酒会使你兴奋起来。
16.His business is looking up now.他的生意现在兴旺起来。
17.(of drugs e.g.) able to excite or stimulate.(药)能刺激或引起兴奋的。
18.At first Whopper was very pleased.起先华勃非常高兴。

1.Rising and Development of the Energy Plant;能源植物的兴起与发展前景
2.Sociological analysis of rising of privately owned Wushu schools in China;我国民办武术学校兴起的社会学原因探微
3.On the Rising and Development of Strategical Management Accounting;试论战略管理会计兴起与发展
4)Song poem emerging宋诗兴起
5)emerging of industry and mining实业兴起
6)religion rising宗教兴起

兴起1.因感动而奋起。 2.犹兴建。 3.起来。 4.起立。