1.Study on the Dependence of Random Variables from ARCH;ARCH过程的相依性研究
2.The dependence between random variables is based on the relationship between concordances of random variables,which only weighs under the condition that the covariance of two random variables is larger or equal to zero.在可靠性中,可以利用随机变量之间的相协关系来刻画随机变量之间的相依性,但相协的概念并不完善,针对这个问题,提出了负相协的定义,给出了负相协的性质,最后对负相协和负象限两种相依关系进行了研究。
3.The bank′s losses caused by operational risk present obvious fat tail and tail dependence.针对银行操作风险损失分布的厚尾性和损失事件之间的尾部相依性,首先用单变量极值理论建立了单个损失事件计量模型,然后用多变量极值的连接函数反映了损失事件之间的尾部相依性,避免了计量中对银行操作风险的低估和对监管资本要求高估。

1.Project Dependencies : Build dependencies on other projects.專案相依性:在其他專案上建置相依性
2.Study for the Dependence of Tail Dependence Random Variables According to Copula;基于Copula对尾相依随机变量相依性的研究
3.The phrase with Environmental Dependencies shall be appended to the label of Standard Programs that have environmental dependencies.措辞有环境相依性必须被加入到有环境相依性的标准程式名称中.
4.Applying Copula to Study the Dependence of Reliability;应用Copula探讨可靠性理论中的相依性
5.Analysis of Dependence in Non-stationary Time Series一种非平稳性时间序列的相依性分析
6.The dependence of exports on national income is more complex.出口对国民收入的相依性更为复杂。
7.Use the dependencies tab to change the build order.使用相依性索引標籤變更建置順序。
8.Insurance Portfolio Individual Dependent Risk Analysis;保险投资组合的个体风险相依性分析
9.Copula Model and Emperical Research on the Dependency of the Financial Markets金融市场相依性Copula模型及实证研究
10.The Correlation of the Stress and the Density of the EPS Compression CreepEPS压缩蠕变的应力与密度的相依性
11.A program that depends on the floating-point stack being larger than six items has an environmental dependency.一个依靠浮点堆叠大于六个元素的程式有一个环境相依性.
12.global interdependence全球性相互依存(关系)
13.Relationship between Teachers and Students: from being-with to being-for --Criticizing the Postmodernity;师生关系:从相处到相依——后现代性批判
14.Strong Consistency of M-Estimator in Linear Model for Dependent Samples;相依样本线性模型参数M估计的强相合性
15.The consistency of this kind of measurement rests on two experimental facts.这类测量的相容性依靠两个实验事实。
16.Some Properties of Lower Tail Dependence Copula;关于下尾相依Copula的若干性质
17.Empirical Likelihood Inference for Linear Models Based on Dependent Errors;相依误差下线性模型的经验似然推断
18.An Analysis of Games of Information Security Investment Based on Interdependent Security;基于相互依赖性的信息安全投资博弈

3)linear dependence线性相依
1.Canonical correlation coefficient and linear dependence;典型相关系数与线性相依性
2.it is studied that the relations between linear dependence and measures of multivariate association.研究了广义相关系数与线性相依的关系,并应用这些结果刻划了最佳线性无偏估计的稳健性。
4)Complying in properties with structures性构相依
5)knowledge dependence知识相依性
1.A composite decision mining method based on knowledge dependence is presented,which uses knowledge dependence algorithm to preprocess and reduce the process data,the process decision tree is established at the same time.为了能够准确有效地实现复合材料成型工艺决策知识的自动获取,通过对树脂基复合材料成型工艺决策数据的分析,建立了基于粗糙集理论的复合材料成型工艺决策知识挖掘模型,提出了一种基于知识相依性的复合材料成型工艺决策规则挖掘方法。
1.Based on the interdependence,which is an important characteristic of information security and the diversity of invasions,an investment game model is presented in this paper.相互依赖性是现阶段信息安全风险所具备的一个重要特征,网络中企业的信息安全决策会相互影响。
2.There are different characters in interdependence between members in marketing channel,which express total interdependence and asymmetry independence.渠道成员间的相互依赖性具有不同的性质,表现为相互依赖性总额和非对称性,它们分别作用于渠道成员间关系行为,产生不同的结果,但环境不确定性(即环境多样性和环境动态性)对上述关系具有调节作用。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-