1.The Prediction Model and Strategy Study of Mortgage Prepayment;住房抵押贷款提前还款预测模型及对策研究
2.The Study of Prepayment s Impact on Mortgage-Backed Security Pricing;提前还款对住房抵押贷款支持证券定价影响的研究
3.It is found that if the bank doesn t take action,borrower s behaviors of prepayment and default will be indulged.首先引入一次性还本付息抵押贷款,然后研究了等额本息偿还抵押贷款方式的博弈过程,发现如果商业银行不对借款人的提前还款或者违约行为采取惩罚措施就是纵容该行为。

1.anticipation right借款人可提前还款的权利
2.The Analysis of Advance Repay for Chinese Housing Mortgage Loan;我国住房抵押贷款借款人提前还款行为分析
3.refundable interest因提前还款而退还的预收利息
4.The Prediction Model and Strategy Study of Mortgage Prepayment;住房抵押贷款提前还款预测模型及对策研究
5.The Analysis of Prepayment Influencing Factors for Chinese Mortgage-backed Securities;我国住房抵押贷款提前还款影响因素分析
6.Empirical Study on Prepayment Risk Factors of Individual Housing Mortgage Loan;个人住房抵押贷款提前还款风险因素实证研究
7.A Game Analysis of Prepayment of Mortgage and the Methods to Impose Penalty;我国住房抵押贷款提前还款的博弈分析
8.Law Analysis of the Feature of Paying off loan ahead of Schedule;按揭借款人提前还款行为性质及法律分析
9.The Valuation of Residential Mortgages with Embedded Heterogeneity Prepayment Risk异质提前还款因素下住房抵押贷款定价研究
10.Can shift to an earlier date in contract of accumulation fund loan reimbursement, so far not collection penalty due to breach of contract.在公积金贷款合同中可以提前还款,到目前为止不收取违约金。
11.The Study of Prepayment s Impact on Mortgage-Backed Security Pricing;提前还款对住房抵押贷款支持证券定价影响的研究
12.Research on the Factors of Mortgage Repayment in Advance and Forecast;住房抵押贷款提前还款的影响因素及其预测研究
13.Economic Analysis of the Advance Repayment of Loan inBanking Business --On Implied Option of Mortgage Loan;银行业务中提前还款的经济学分析——谈抵押贷款的隐含性选择权
14.Empirical Study for Prepay and Default Risk of Our Country's House Mortgage Loan through Duration Data Analysis基于持续期数据的我国住房抵押贷款违约和提前还款风险分析
15.We paid back the loans seven years earlier.我们提前七年还清了贷款。
16.Loan sales, loss of interest owing on the loan?贷款买房,提前还贷损失利息吗?
17.Research on Risk Management of Prepayment of Housing Mortgaged Loan;住房抵押贷款提前还贷风险管理研究
18.A Research on Prepayment Behavior in Home Mortgage loans in China;我国住房抵押贷款提前还贷行为研究

3)prepayment risk提前还款风险
1.Based on the micro-data of the individual housing mortgage loan,the paper employs a proportional hazard model to explore the prepayment risk factors.以个人住房抵押贷款的微观数据为基础,运用比例风险模型,探讨影响个人住房抵押贷款提前还款风险的显著因素。
4)Prepayment Predict Model提前还款模型
5)repayment with penalty提前还款加罚金
6)total prepayment model全部提前还款率模型
1.We bring forward the partial prepayment model and total prepayment model,and use LOGISTIC regression to simulate the prepayment model.对抵押贷款证券化产品(MBS)定价的关键性因素——提前偿付率的基本理论、定价模型框架进行了系统性分析,提出了更符合国内实际情况的部分提前还款率模型和全部提前还款率模型,使用季节性、贷款信息、借款人信息等多个变量,设定LOGISTIC回归对提前偿付率模型进行了有益探讨。
