1.Research on the Current Merger & Acquisition(M&A) of Chinese Medicinal Industry;我国医药行业并购重组现状研究
2.The Choice of Chinese Banking Industries: M&A;并购重组:中国银行业发展的战略性选择

1.Legal Study on China s Securities Company M & A;我国证券公司并购重组法律问题研究
2.Research on Cultural Integration in Enterprises Reorganization by Merger and Acquisition in our Country;我国企业并购重组中的文化整合研究
3.The Selection Of Appraisal Method In Merger,Acquisition,And Reorganisation;企业并购重组中资产评估方法的选择
4.Experience of reorganization and mergers among multinational companies.;可资借鉴的国内外大企业的并购重组
5.Value Analysis of M & A in Transitional Economy;转轨经济中企业并购重组的价值分析
6.Experiences we can Learn from the Re-organization and Merger Practice in the International Insurance Industry;国际保险业的并购重组对我国的启示
7.Strategies Should be Taken by Baotou Steel in Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions包钢在企业并购重组中宜采取的战略
8.Discussion on Cultural Integration of M & A Enterprises in Shaanxi陕西并购重组企业文化整合路径探讨
9.On the Choice of Target Enterprises in Merge,Acquisition and Reconstruction并购重组中的目标企业选择问题研究
10.On Financial Risks During the Merger of SOEs国企并购重组中的财务风险及其防范
11.Developing Chinese PE to Promote Restructuring of National-owned Enterprises以发展中国PE推动国企并购重组改革
12.The fifth part introduce the concept and advantage of merging and recombination at first.第5部分介绍了并购重组的概念及作用。
13.Research on the Merger and Acquisition of Harbin Pharmacy Industry by the Economics of Scale Theory;规模经济下的哈尔滨医药行业并购重组研究
14.Synergy of Merger and Acquisitions on Chinese Automobile Industry;我国汽车行业并购重组的协同效应研究
15.Comparison and Research on the Industrial Performance of Mergers and Acquisitions by the Companies on Market in China;我国上市公司行业并购重组绩效比较研究
16.Research on the Impacts of M&A and Restructuring on Steel Industrial Competitiveness in China;并购重组对我国钢铁产业竞争力影响的研究
17.An Empirical Study on the Manner and Performance of Mergers and Acquisitions of Retail-Listed Corporation;零售上市公司并购重组方式与绩效的实证研究
18.A Empirical Analysis on Efficiency of Bank Merger and Restructuring in China;我国商业银行并购重组效率的实证研究

M & A并购重组
1.Value Analysis of M & A in Transitional Economy;转轨经济中企业并购重组的价值分析
2.Legal Study on China s Securities Company M & A;我国证券公司并购重组法律问题研究
3.In Market economy system, M & A and Green investment are both the basic ways of the firm’s expansion.在市场经济体制下,并购重组和新设投资是企业扩张的两大主要途径。
3)merger and acquisition并购重组
1.Study on the Merger and Acquisition for Agribusiness in China;我国农业企业并购重组研究
4)M&As and Restructuring并购重组
1.Empirical Research of the Effect of M&As and Restructuring in Stock Market on Enterprise's Performance of Operational Cash Flow Returns;我国证券市场并购重组对企业现金流量业绩影响的实证研究
5)Mergers & acquisitions并购重组
1.The Ways of Enterprises Mergers & Acquisitions and Cases Research;企业并购重组方式及案例研究
1.The Mechanism Research on Promoting NPA s Value by M&A;重组并购提升不良资产价值的机制研究
2.Chinese Banking M&A Research;中国银行业重组并购研究

诺德人体生长激素,基因重组人生长激素,健高买,重组人生长激素药物名称:重组人生长激素英文名:Somatropin别名:诺德人体生长激素,基因重组人生长激素,健高买,重组人生长激素外文名:Saizen, Norditropin, Genotropin, Norditropin, DNA-rhGH药理作用:为DNA重组技术生产的人体生长激素,是促进生长的机制之一,能刺激IGF-1和蛋白质合成,促进骨骼和体细胞的生长,利于脂肪分解和蛋白质合成,使肌肉增加,脂肪减少.适应症:用于内源性生长激素分泌不足或先天性性腺发育不全(特纳综合征)所引起的生长发育障碍,青春期前慢性肾功能不全所引起的生长发育障碍,成人生长激素不足的替代疗法(用于心功能不全等).注意点:1.配制药液时不可振荡,以免变性.2.每周剂量分7天皮下注射,注射部位应更换,如有一天漏注,则第二天不必倍量补注。3.糖尿病、妊娠、乳母慎用。4.恶性肿瘤术后,对本品过敏者,各种活动性恶性肿瘤禁用。5.不良反应可能会有甲状腺功能减退,液体潴留、伴周围水肿,曾有少数良性颅内高压病例的报告。用量用法:成人:生长激素不足:0.125iu/(kg.周) 。 先天性子宫发育不全: 1iu/(kg.周),以上剂量均分作7天皮下注射。规格:针剂:4iu, 10iu, 12iu, 16iu.类别:生殖系统药/促进子宫成熟药