在险价值,Value at Risk
1)Value at Risk在险价值
1.Then it is used to estimate value at risk(VaR)of financial products.介绍了利用极值理论研究随机变量尾部性质的方法,并将其应用于金融产品在险价值(VaR)的计算。
2.Value at Risk is one of the most popular tools used to estimate the exposure to market risks,and it measures the worst expected loss at a given confidence level.在险价值是目前市场风险估值的主流理论 ,被用来估计市场风险暴露在给定置信度下的最坏的预期损失 。
3.As a kind of tool that financial profession measures the risk of market,value at risk has already been accepted extensively.在险价值作为金融行业计量市场风险的一种工具,已经被广泛接受。

1.Comparative Research on Measurements to Value-at-Risk (VaR);在险价值(VaR)计量方法的解析与研究
2.The Impact of "Leverage Effect"on the Calculation of Value at Risk in Shanghai Stock Market“杠杆效应”对计算沪市在险价值的影响
3.Application of VAR Analysis in the Design of FOF Product在险价值(VAR)分析在FOF产品设计中的应用
4.The Application of Measuring the Financial Market Risk by Value at Risk in China;在险价值(VaR)方法在中国金融市场风险度量中的应用
5.Calculation of Portfolio s Value-at-Risk (VaR) by Using Copulas;应用连接函数计算投资组合的在险价值
6.insurance value保险价值保险额保险值
7.The Application of VaR in Risk Management of Life Insurance Company;风险价值方法(VaR)在寿险公司风险管理中的应用
8.agreed (insured) value约定保险价值,约定价值
9.stipulated loss value约定损失价值,保险价值
10.The Application of VaR Model in the Risk Management in China Stock Market;风险价值法在我国证券市场风险管理中的应用
11.The Application of Value-at-Risk in Risk Management of Securities Investment Fund;风险价值在证券投资基金风险管理中的应用
12.The Application of the Risk Value Method in the Investment Bank s Market Risk Management;风险价值法在投资银行市场风险管理中的应用
13.Application of statistics of extremes of flood hazard risk evaluation极值统计学在洪灾风险评价中的应用
14.An application of Copula Function to the Measurement of Value-at-Risk;Copula函数在风险价值度量中的应用
15.VAR Method and Its Application in Securities Investment;风险价值法及其在证券投资中的应用
16.Estimation on the VaR Based on ARCH Models;ARCH类模型在风险价值测度中的应用
17.Applicaton of Mean Variance Change-point Model to Value-at-Risk;均值方差变点参数模型在风险价值VaR中的应用
18.Studies on VaR and CVaR for High Frequency Data Based on Extreme Value Theory;极值理论在高频数据中的VaR和CVaR风险价值研究

1.A Study on Optimal Strategies and VaR with Stochastic Interest Rate;随机利率下最优投资策略及其在险价值研究
2.In this paper, two optimization criteria are developed including Value-at–risk (VaR) and Conditional-tail-expectation (CTE) to consider the optimal stop-loss reinsurance retentions for two dependent risks from the insurance point.本文采用最小化在险价值(VaR)和尾部条件期望(CTE)的标准,从保险人的角度考虑了双复合泊松分布风险模型的最优停止损失再保险。
3.And the paper also trys to improve and explore other supply chain management methods and ideas through bringing in financial quantitative algorithms—VaR and CVaR.全文以风险管理理论为线索;以模拟实验、线性规划为基本工具;以在险价值和条件在险价值在供应链风险管理领域的应用思路为指导,研究金融风险管理定量化分析方法(VaR和CVaR)在供应链管理采购模型、存储模型和风险评估模型中的应用。
1.And the paper also trys to improve and explore other supply chain management methods and ideas through bringing in financial quantitative algorithms—VaR and CVaR.全文以风险管理理论为线索;以模拟实验、线性规划为基本工具;以在险价值和条件在险价值在供应链风险管理领域的应用思路为指导,研究金融风险管理定量化分析方法(VaR和CVaR)在供应链管理采购模型、存储模型和风险评估模型中的应用。

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分