1.Data Mining Analysis of Bidding Ability of Agricultural Products’Suppliers based upon Decision Tree;基于决策树的农产品供应商竞标能力的数据挖掘分析
2.Evolution and New Orientation of Franchise Bidding Theory;特许经营权竞标理论的演进及新进展:一个理论综述

1.The other bidders for the contract complained that it had not been a fair contest.其他竞标人抱怨说该合同的竞标不公平。
2.The Differences between the Successful Bid at Lowest Offer and the Competitive Bid at Lowest Price in the Tender of Highway Engineering;论公路招投标中最低标中标与低价竞标的区别
3.Improved Bi-objective(BO) Friedman Biding Model;改进的双目标Friedman竞标模型
4.On low bidding price in construction project bidding对建设工程招投标中低价竞标的探讨
5.The auctioneer pounded his gavel. "Going once, twice, SOLD for $10!"拍卖经纪人敲打着槌子:“一次竞标,两次竞标,十块得标!”
6.to see who could build the tallest building in the world.两个人竞标:向天空竞争,看谁能建最高的楼房。
7.Sealed-bid auctions are common and important types that are widely used in auctioning purchase/ construction contracts, financial goods, etc.秘密竞标协定是一种普遍且重要的竞标型态,广泛应用于采购/程合约、融商品等之竞标活动。
8.One pays the others to offer losing bids.一方向另一方付钱使其放弃竞标
9.Projects bidding complementing; agreements negotiating; contracts processing.项目竞标,合同谈判,及合同执行。
10.I'm(very / extremely)glad to hear he gave up the bid.听说他放弃了竞标,我非常高兴。
11.Study of Standard Competition and Standardization Strategy of Enterprises;标准竞争与企业的标准竞争战略研究
12.instant rental tendering现场竞出租金投标方式
13.Darrell carried away the garland.达雷尔在竞技中夺锦标。
14.Standard Competition Strategies Based on Core Competence;基于核心竞争力的标准竞争战略研究
15.Overcompetition or Collusion? -Discussing from Accompany Biding and Besieging Biding;过度竞争还是合谋——从陪标、围标谈起
16.The Glamour of Arena--A Keen Sight on Strength and Production of Olympics News Headlines;竞技场边竞风流——奥运新闻标题力度及生成观照
17.The Analysis and Reconstruction of the Distinction Standards of "Statutes Joinder of Offenses" and "Imaginative Joinder of Offenses"法条竞合与想象竞合区分标准之评析与重建
18.An Analysis on Faults of Men s 50km Race Walking in 2007 IAAF Race Walking Challenge and China National Race Walking Championships;2007国际田联竞走挑战赛暨全国竞走锦标赛男子50km竞走犯规分析

1.A Model of Grid Resource Management Based on Bid Mechanism;一种基于竞标机制的网格资源管理模型
2.Elaborates the best price bid is mainly to the competition of the price,explains its characteristics and problems,puts forward the risk and treatment measures of the best price bid.本文论述了实施最低价竞标主要是对价格的竞争,根据现状说明最低价竞标的特点及面临的问题,提出了最低价竞标的风险和采取的措施。
3.It is required in these models that the revenge of trust transactions must be greater than that from strategic bid in electricity market, and some constraints such as revenges of trust transaction participants, power limitations of transmission lines, power balance of the whole net, quantities of trust t.在这 2个模型中 ,要求委托交易的收益应大于在电力市场中策略性竞标的收益 ,同时考虑了委托交易公司收益、输电线路功率限制、整个电网的功率平衡和委托交易电量等因素的约束条件 ,给出了委托交易公司和受委托交易公司的成本函数。
3)competitive bidding竞标
1.Discussion on competitive bidding by the quoted price;以不低于成本报价竞标的浅论
2.Combined with the relative specification of expressway project bidding,the paper discussed the competitive bidding management of BOT construction model.结合《收费公路管理条例》和我省有关高速公路项目投资人招标的有关规定,对公路BOT投资建设模式中的特许经营竞标管理问题进行了探讨。
4)Competitive bid竞标
1.Research on the Game Strategy of Competitive Bid in Logistics Project;物流项目竞标博弈策略研究
5)yardstick competition标尺竞争
1.A hierarchical yardstick competition approach to assessing the operation performance of distribution utilities is proposed.提出一种衡量供电公司运营绩效的层次化标尺竞争模型和方法。
2.Through expounding the theories of price ceiling and yardstick competition of incentive regulation,this paper analyzes on the practice of the regulation for the electric power industries in the west developed countries,and probes into the enlightenment of incentive design to Chinese electric power industry.通过对激励性规制价格上限和标尺竞争理论的概述,分析了西方发达国家电力产业规制的实践,探讨了激励性设计对我国电力产业的启示。
6)bidding for engineering工程竞标
