1.Capital in the Information Age:Enlightenment from Criticism and Deconstruction of Information Fetishism信息时代的资本论——关于《信息拜物教批判与解构》的阅读启示
2.The article is concerned with Slavoj Zizek s fetishism theory which is one of important parts of his special cynical ideology critics.齐泽克的拜物教理论是马克思的商品拜物教与拉康的欲望理论相结合的产物,是齐泽克进行意识形态批判的切入点。
3.With fetishism mentality in their mind,they only consider the present profit without future prediction and the consciousness of overall planning,as well as long term foresight of sustained development which leads to the destruction of the nature.这有其深刻的心理原因:拜物教心理是其核心;对未来的不可预期感,促其收益于眼前;圈子心态使其整个思维受制于内群体利益,从而缺乏整体意识与长远眼光,于是引发生态破坏。

1.Worship of or belief in magical fetishes.拜物教,物神崇拜崇拜或相信有魔力的物神
2.Although money worship and commodity fetishism, currency fetishism are the same in some respects, they are different form each other.拜金主义虽与商品拜物教和货币拜物教相通,但却又不相同。
3.Modem Advertisement in the West: the Missionary of Commodity Worship;西方现代广告:商品拜物教的传教士
4.From Alienation to Merchandize Fetishism--Rereading Marx s Theory of Merchandize Fetishism;从异化到商品拜物教——重读马克思的商品拜物教理论
5.Simple Analysis on Ideology Root of Capitalism Fetishism析资本主义拜物教的意识形态根源
6.On Marx’s Criticism of Capitalist Fetishism论马克思对资本主义拜物教的批判
7.Digital Superstition: a Kind of Modern Symbol Fetishism数字化迷信:一种现代的符号拜物教
8.Advertisement,Medium:the External Motive of Symbolic Fetishism;广告、媒介:符号拜物教的外在动因
9.As wrong ideas, commodity fetishism and currency fetishism is of cognitive ability instead of morality.商品拜物教、货币拜物教是一种错误的观念,属认识水平问题,与道德无关。
10.A Second Discussion about Commodity Fetishism in Chinese Market Economy--Inspiration from the Theory of Marx Commodity Fetishism;我国市场经济中的商品拜物教问题再探——马克思商品拜物教理论的启示
11.The Conditions for Contemporary Chinese Currency Fetishism to Come into Being and the Reasons to Exist当代中国货币拜物教产生的条件和存在的原因
12.Digital Superstition is the main form of modern symbol fetishism.数字化迷信是现代符号拜物教的主导形式。
13.Symbol fetishism is a kind of dissimilation in symbol world.符号拜物教是符号世界的一种异化现象。
14.Semantic Direction of the Good-bad Partially-directed Compound Word and Language Fetishism;古汉语好恶偏义复词的语义指向与语言拜物教
15.Hegel s Master-Slave Dialectics and the Emergence of Commodity Fetishism;黑格尔的主-奴辩证法与商品拜物教的呈现
16.Study on the Fetishism of Science-technological Commodity in theModern Society of Commodity Economy;现代商品经济社会中的科技商品拜物教研究
17.On Marx's Fetishism Theory Against Consumerism消费主义题域中马克思的“拜物教”理论研究
18.Lacanized Interpretation of Marxist Commodity Fetishism from Zizek:No object,No subject;无“物”的拜物,无“主体”的迷恋——齐泽克对马克思商品拜物教理论的拉康化解读

fetishism; fetishist拜物教;拜物教徒
3)commodity fetishism商品拜物教
1.Jean Baudrillard’s theory of sign consumption inherits from Marx’s commodity fetishism and the western Marxist’s theory of consumer alienation.鲍德里亚的符号消费理论是与马克思的商品拜物教和西方马克思主义者的消费异化是一脉相承的。
2.The main manifestation of commodity fetishism along with its concept in our society are the adoration for commodit,the inundation of relationship between commodity and currency,and money worship.商品拜物教及其观念在我国社会现实存在的主要表现是:物质崇拜;商品货币关系的泛化;拜金主义。
3.The commodity fetishism is the verge of modern society detected by Hegel s Master-Slave dialectics.商品拜物教世界是黑格尔主人-奴隶辩证法所探测到的现代社会的边界。
4)Signifier Fetishism能指拜物教
1.Signifier Fetishism:Criticisms on Consumer Social Mechanism:An Interpretation of For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign by Baudrillard;能指拜物教:消费社会机制的批判——鲍德里亚《符号政治经济学批判》解读
5)the theory of fetishism拜物教理论
6)fetishism of capital资本拜物教
1.They are fetishism of commidity, fetishism of money and fetishism of capital.通过对商品拜物教、货币拜物教、资本拜物教的发展形式以及商品拜物教的内涵和本质的分析,得知商品拜物教和拜金主义在来源、性质以及和商品经济的关系三个方面存在不同,从而得出“商品拜物教≠拜金主义”的结论。
