1.Study on the Benefit Share Mechanism of Hydroelectric Development;水电开发效益分享机理研究
2.Personnel Retired Early from Institutes How to share Interests of Social Development事业单位较早退休人员如何分享社会发展成果——以上海为例
3.Financial transfer payment is an inter-government allocation of public financial resources whose main aim is to equalize public services, which means equal share of public materials and services so as to encourage coordination of regional, rural and urban economies.均等化目标意味着公共物品和公共服务的公平分享,也有助于区域经济、城乡经济协调发展。

1.To divide or share something with others.分享同其他人分享或分担某物
2.Divide between在(二者间)分配,分享,分担
3.Divide among在……中分配,分享,分担
4.the result of parcelling out or sharing.分成数份或分享的结果。
5.Share your ideas in small groups.分小组分享你们的观点。
6.They divided the profits with the employees.他们兴员工分享利润。
7.I got the joy, the sharing, the love.我明白了欢乐、分享和爱。
8.Try to get some more,we'll share them.再弄一些,咱俩分享吧。
9.We shared in his joy.我们分享了他的喜悦。
10.They partook of our triumph.他们分享我们的胜利。
11.We partake in the general rejoicing.我们分享共同的欢乐。
12.They partook our triumph.他们分享了我们的胜利。
13.selfishly unwilling to share with others.自私地不愿与他人分享
14.unselfishly willing to share with others.无私的愿与他人分享的。
15.They divided their profits equally between themselves.他们平均分享利润。
16.partake of the Eucharist, in a Christian church.在基督教堂分享圣餐。
17.limited income ownership participation限制收益所有的分享
18.generous enough to be glad in another one's happiness,大度的分享他人的快乐,

1.The sharing of platform and cooperation,even the incorporation the two kinds of media will conduce effectively to the flourishing of journals.新旧媒体的有机融合,有效地促进了期刊出版业的繁荣与发展,将分享平台,合作互动,实现共赢。
2.But closely related to that is the establishment and the perfection of the intellectual property rights gains and sharings machinery.而与之密切相关的是生物资源获取和惠益分享机制的建立与完善问题。
3.Civil jurisdiction is not enjoyed by judge in charge of the case alone but sharing by members of collegial panel,different members and organizations inside people s court in the judicial practice.实践中,民事审判权并非由承办案件的法官所独享,而是由合议庭成员、人民法院内部不同的成员和机构所分享
1.State-owned urban land calls for economical realization,but abuse brought by present way of land income participation threatens ultimate aim of land market allocation.城市土地国有要求得到经济上的实现,但现行中央政府对土地收益分享制度安排引发种种弊端,进而威胁到土地市场化的终极改革目标。
4)secret sharing秘密分享
1.Dynamic(t,n) threshold multi-secret sharing scheme;动态的(t,n)门限多秘密分享方案
2.Efficient threshold multi-secret sharing scheme;一种高效的门限多重秘密分享方案
3.Efficient On-line Secret Sharing Scheme to Identify Cheaters;一种高效的防欺诈在线秘密分享方案
5)sharing beliefs分享观念
1.The research on childrens sharing, including sharing beliefs, behaviors, and its influencing factors, doing after 1970s by Western and Chinese psychologists is reviewed.综述了20世纪70年代以后西方研究者和我国学者对儿童分享观念和分享行为的研究,包括(1)儿童分享观念发展;(2)分享行为发展,分享行为与分享观念的关系;(3)分享行为的影响因素,如认知因素中的角色采择能力、对社会规范的认知及自我概念等因素;情绪因素和榜样影响等。
6)sharing behavior分享行为
1.Three issues are concentrated: (1) development of sharing beliefs in children; (2) development of sharing behaviors, and the relationship between sharing beliefs and behaviors; (3) influencing factors included cognitive, emotional, and modeling observation.综述了20世纪70年代以后西方研究者和我国学者对儿童分享观念和分享行为的研究,包括(1)儿童分享观念发展;(2)分享行为发展,分享行为与分享观念的关系;(3)分享行为的影响因素,如认知因素中的角色采择能力、对社会规范的认知及自我概念等因素;情绪因素和榜样影响等。
2.This is a study on the effects of implicit attitude and priming attitude on sharing behaviors among undergraduates through two experiments.通过两个实验研究了内隐态度和启动态度对大学生分享行为表现的影响。
