1.This paper carries out discussions the difficulty in employment of disadvantageous college graduates from the aspects of having a proper employment expectation suitable for themselves,scientifically choosing employment directions,and treating working posts reasonably,and provides specific guiding suggestions of employment for the disadvantageous college graduates.针对处于弱势的大学毕业生就业难的问题,从正确定位就业期望、科学选择就业去向、理智对待就业岗位等方面进行了探讨,向处于弱势的大学毕业生提出了具体的就业指导性意见。
2.Based on the systematically analysis of the concept of rural tourism, this paper uses SWOT analytical method to appraise the development of Lanzhou and peripheral area and elaborate advantage, disadvantage, opportunity, challange of Lanzhou rural tourism in detail.该文在系统分析乡村旅游概念的基础上,对兰州市及其周边发展乡村旅游进行SWOT分析,详细阐述兰州市及其周边所面临的优势、弱势、机遇和挑战。
3.The article surveys the causes for graduates disadvantages increasingly prominent in their job-seeking in the society of fierce competition,with imperfect rules and practices of employment,therefore seeking countermeasures to solve the problem.激烈的市场竞争和还不完善的就业政策和制度,都使大学生在和用人单位双向选择的过程中处于弱势的地位。

1.Research on Weak Enterprise s Competitive Advantage Among Strong Industry;强势产业中的弱势企业竞争优势研究
2.Sam's team was losing ground.山姆的球队正处于弱势
3.Vulnerable Individual Protection Services VIPS弱势使用者保护服务
4.Legal Reflection of Education Bond Protecting Weak Group & Education;教育券保护弱势群体与弱势教育的法理思考
5.The protection to the vulnerable groups and disadvantaged groups;我国弱势与劣势群体人权的法理思考
7.Definition of Vulnerable Groups:Differences Between Social Security System and Protection System for Vulnerable Groups;论弱势群体的界定——兼论弱势群体保护制度与社会保障制度的区别
8.The Advantage,Disadvantage,Uses and Abuses of Comparative Education--Viewpoints from Harold J.Noah;比较教育的优势、弱势、功用及滥用——H·诺亚的见解
9.On Clash between Strong Culture and Weak Culture in Translation Studies;浅谈翻译研究中强势文化与弱势文化的撞击
10.A Game Analysis and Its Inspirations of (Dis) Advantaged Firm′s Alliance;强势企业与弱势企业联盟的博弈分析及其启示
11.Inquiry on Disadvantaged Roles Polite Speech Features in Power Relationships;权势关系中弱势角色的礼貌语言特点初探
12.Reflections on Taking Advantage of "Rule of Virtue" to Raise Concern for the Vulnerable Groups;关于发挥"德治"优势 关注"弱势"群体的几点思考
13.Reflections on Taking Advantage of “Rule of Virtue” to Raise Concern for the Vulnerable Groups;关于发挥“德治”优势关注“弱势”群体的几点思考
14.The Cultivation of Legal Consciousness for College Students in Their Vulnerability to Employment弱势地位情势下大学生就业法律意识的培养
15.Circumstances are the ruler of the weak, instrument of the wise.智者用势,弱者用于势。
16.The wind went down and the sea became quite calm.风势减弱,海面十分平静。
17.An attempt to defang the opposition.削弱反对派势力的企图
18.There is a tendency for unstressed vowels to disappear.弱母音有消失的趋势。

1.Viewing the Weakness of Japanese Banks through the Advantage of Japanese Economy透过日本经济强势看日本银行弱势
2.Changing the weakness and disadvantage into the strong tendency and advantage,we must strengthen the team construction of the journals,insist the standard and strict check,develop the sourc.区域性高校学报的基础条件在诸方面上均不能与后者相比,尚普遍处于弱势、劣势地位,变弱势劣势为强势优势,必须在学报团队建设、坚持标准严格把关、积极开拓稿源,突出地方特色等方面下一番工夫,通过相应的科学路径和办法,做出大的变革。
1.With the development of society, there are more and more students from weak families enrolled in the schools located in Rural-Urban Continuum.随着社会的发展,城乡结合部学校里的弱势家庭的孩子越来越多,其中以单亲离异、贫困、流动和下岗失业家庭最为普遍。
2.The poorer students are comparatively weak in the employment competition.贫困大学生是大学生就业竞争中的弱势群体,他们的就业问题由于家庭经济、社会关系、自身素质等因素变得尤为突出。
4)vulnerability and vulnerable group弱势与弱势群体
1.They studied and analyzed information on the concepts of "vulnerability and vulnerable group" and "disadvantage and disadvantaged group" from sources at home and abroad, worked out the theory of "physically vulnerable group" in accordance with the characteristics of PE teaching, and expatiated on the important role this theory would play in PE teaching.研究分析了国内外关于“弱势弱势群体”和“劣势与劣势群体”概念的认识,并根据体育教学的特点,提出了“体质弱势群体”的理论及其对未来体育课程教学改革的重要作用。
5)dominant/less dominant language强势/弱势语
6)Strong & Weak强势与弱势
