价值理念,value idea
1)value idea价值理念
1.Basic value idea of criminal law for copmetitive sports;竞技体育的刑法基础价值理念探析
2.The paper explains German successful experience on forest exploitation,protection and ecological protection,especially emphasizing on comparing legal targets and value ideas,administrative system,regulatory mechanism,governing strategy,implementation safeguard and so on between China and Germany.借鉴德国在利用法律手段规制森林的利用、保护、经营管理与生态保护上的成功经验,从中德两国森林法的立法目的与价值理念、管理体制、调控机制、经营管理战略和实施与保障机制等方面对两国的森林法进行了初步比较。
3.It can be said that the key of the new rural reconstruction is to mold farmer s modern value ideas of independent consciousness,equal consciousness,principal part consciousness,market and opening consciousness,right consciousness,legal consciousness and so on.可以说,新农村建设的关键是塑造农民的独立意识、平等意识、主体意识、市场和开放意识、权利意识以及法律意识等现代性的价值理念

1.Value Conflicts and Public Values in the Social Transition Period;论转型期的价值冲突与公共价值理念
2.The following subsections explore each of these values.下面对这4个价值理念分别进行探讨。
3.Explain the core values of the Weizhi Group.解释伟志集团的核心价值理念
4.Influence on Basic Values of Civil Law of Cyberspace试论网络环境对民法价值理念的影响
5.The Scientific View and the Renewal of the Idea of Economical Law;科学发展观与经济法价值理念的更新
6.Ecological Concept of Value and "Ecological Transformation" of Contemporary Outlook on Life;生态价值理念与当代人生观的“生态化”
7.Key Value Concepts that Contemporary China Earnestly Advocate;论当代中国亟待倡导的核心价值理念
8.Research on the Non-trade Value under the Framework of WTO;WTO体制下非贸易价值理念的研究
9.RE-BUILDING IN THE MORAL VALUE IDEA--From Hume to Kant;道德价值理念的重建——从休谟到康德
10."Management philosophy: "The Creation of New Value"经营理念: 「创造新的价值」
11.Value Management: A New Type of Business Management Principle with the Value Creation of the Core;价值管理(VM):基于价值创造的新型企业管理理念
12.The Idea of Beauty and Ultimate Value--The Aesthetic Axiology of Plato美的理念与终极价值——柏拉图的美学价值论
13.The Analysis of Value Theory and Assignment Problems Based on the Concept of Value;基于价值概念的价值理论与分配问题分析
14.The Theory System of Cash Value Added;现金价值增加CVA理论的理念体系
15.The stratrgy of building up new Concept system of value during the transitional period;转型期新价值观念体系建构之理念策略
16.Reconstituting the Conception of Interpretation of Criminal Law by the Value of Guarantee of Criminal Law;刑法保障价值对刑法解释理念的重塑
17.The Idea of University: the Values of Constructing Harmonious Campus;大学理念:构建“和谐校园”的价值之维
18.On Reflection the Idea and the Values of the Limitation of Evidence Production System;关于举证期限制度理念与价值的反思

1.There are some new ideas in values in Vietnam Civil Law although some of them are worth contending.《越南民法典》在价值理念的宣示上不乏创新,尽管其中可能存在一定的理论风险或值得争鸣之处,但是《越南民法典》在这一方面的创新及其包含的理论与立法勇气本身就是值得高度尊重的。
2.The article expounds the historical necessity of human-oriented values and how to perform it.阐述了以人为本的历史必然性及如何践行以人为本的价值理念
3.According to the analysis on current problems of social security system,the author sums up that the backward system construction and the misuse of values during the policy making are the chief reasons causing the unheal.从失地农民的社会保障体系中存在的问题着手分析,认为社会政策价值理念的错位及制度建设的滞后是导致社会保障体系不健全的主要原因。
3)value concept价值理念
1.The value concept of quality education;素质教育的价值理念论纲
2.To deepen the recognition of socialism,we should make in investigation by combining two layers-value concept of socialism and institutional arrangement.要深化对社会主义的认识,必须从社会主义的价值理念和制度安排两个层面相结合进行考察。
3.This paper,on the basis of expounding the value concept of new-born logistics enterprises at higher schools,is attempted respectively to bring forward the value concept that people should have in the process of managing and administrating the logistics enterprises at higher schools in view of the two aspects of economic and education attributes.本文对新生的高校后勤企业的价值理念进行了阐述,分别从经济属性和教育属性这两方面提出了高校后勤企业经营管理过程应持有的价值理念,重点对教育属性要求的价值理念进行了具体分析。
1.And also the system requires relative values to support it, social fairness, human orientation, rule of law and rights-center; without such ideas, system will fai.并且,和谐社会的制度构建还需要有相应的价值理念支撑,它体现为社会公正、以人为本、法治和权利本位。
5)value and idea价值理念
1.Putting the value and idea of social work into ideological and political work is an important approach to achieve innovation.将社会工作的价值理念及其方法运用于思想政治教育工作中,是使之实现创新的重要途径。
6)the principle value理念价值

善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of good  s卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。