1.The capital supervision of reg- ulatory authority may lead to more serious procyclicality,and to magnify economic shocks.银行资本自身具有顺周期变化的特点,监管当局的资本监管一般会导致信贷供给更为严重的顺周期性,并放大经济冲击,因此在经济高涨期,必须高度关注信贷快速扩张的潜在后果。
2.On one hand,measures should be taken to mitigate the procyclicality of the BaselⅡrisk-based capital requirements,loan loss provisioning and fair value accounting rules.本文认为,现阶段实施宏观审慎监管的一项重要任务,就是要针对金融体系的顺周期性,特别是对资本监管、贷款损失准备计提和公允价值会计准则等外部规则强化金融体系顺周期性的机理进行研究,一方面对这些规则进行修改完善,降低其顺周期效应;另一方面引入逆周期政策工具,如逆周期资本要求、杠杆率指标和前瞻性的拨备计提规则等,在金融体系中建立适当的逆周期机制,从而通过降低信贷活动、资产价格以及整个经济的周期性波动来减小金融失衡,缓解系统性风险,最终达到维护金融稳定的目标。
3.This paper studies the procyclicality of commercial banks\' credit activities from the angle of factors affectingcredit examination and approval.本文从影响信贷审查与决策的因素入手研究信贷活动的顺周期性,首先回顾了相关信贷周期理论,在此基础上结合信贷业务实践,从信用评级、风险计量模型、遵循的国际会计准则、资本充足率要求及抵押品价值五个重要的信贷审查与决策的参考因素系统阐述了信贷周期的成因。

1.Procylicality of Capital Based Supervision and its Remedy资本监管制度的顺周期性及其补救方法
2.Procyclicality in the Financial System:Do We Need a New Macrofinancial Stabilization Framework;金融体系中的顺周期性:我们是否需要一个新的宏观金融稳定框架
3.Research on Relation between Procyclicality and Financial Crisis’s Evolution金融体系顺周期性与金融危机的发展演变关系研究
4.Competition Level of Banking Industry in China and Its Procyclicality:Reconsideration Based on Lerner Index中国银行业市场竞争程度及其顺周期性——以勒纳指数为衡量指标的重新考察
5.Prospective Clinical Study Comparing Standard Radiotherapy with or without Low Dose Cisplatin Used Concurrently Twice a Week in Treatment of Locoregionally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma局部晚期鼻咽癌每周两次小剂量顺铂同期放化疗前瞻性随机研究
6.Randomized Trial of Radiotherapy Versus Radiotherapy Concurrently with Weekly Cisplatin for Treatment of Locally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma单纯放疗及放疗联合每周顺铂治疗局部晚期鼻咽癌的前瞻性研究
7.arrangement in which things follow in logical order or a recurrent pattern.以事物的逻辑顺序或周期为序的排列。
8.The Study on Pro-cyclical Effects of IRB Banks in China我国银行内部评级的顺周期效应研究
9.intermediate overhaul [tram]周期性大修〔电车〕
10.the order of an element in Mendeleyev's table of the elements; equal to the number of protons in the nucleus or electrons in the neutral state of an atom of an element.门捷列夫的元素周期表的顺序;等于核内质子数或中性状态下元素的一个原子的电子数。
11.periodic protein周期性蛋白[含有周期性重复序列]
12.Empirical Analysis on Procyclicality Effect of Default Probabilities of Chinese Listed Companies--Evaluation on the Procyclicality Effect of Basel Accord Ⅱ中国上市公司违约率的顺周期效应实证研究——评估巴塞尔协议Ⅱ顺周期效应的初步尝试
13.By the way, I'd like to invite you to dinner this Friday.顺便说一下,这周星期五我想邀你共进晚餐。
14.The Effects of Cisplatin Ahd Etoposide on the Cell Cycle of Human Ovarian Carcinoma Cell Line;顺铂和足叶乙甙合用对卵巢癌细胞周期的影响
15.An Empirical Analysis on the Cyclical Fluctuations of Trade Surplus in China:from 1978 to 2005;我国对外贸易顺差周期波动的实证分析:1978-2005年
16.Pro-cyclical Fiscal Policy in Latin America:Gains and Lessons拉美国家的“顺周期”财政政策:经验教训及启示
17.Weekly Dose Cisplatin Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy in the Treatment of Locally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma顺铂每周方案同步放化疗治疗局部晚期鼻咽癌
18.To move in or as if in a cycle.周期地或者好象周期性地运动.

1.It is found that TFP growth rate increases by degrees generally but fluctuates markedly and shows the procyclical characteristic.结果发现,我国全要素生产率总体上是递增的,但波动剧烈且呈现顺周期的特征。
3)Procyclical Fiscal Policy顺周期性财政政策
4)weekly period周周期性
5)least right submultiple period最小顺向周期
6)periodicity[英][,pi?ri?'disiti][美][,p?r??'d?s?t?]①周期性 ②周波

低血钾性周期性麻痹低血钾性周期性麻痹hypokalemic periodic paralysis 家族性周期性麻痹中的一种类型。为常染色体显性遗传。在我国大多数病例为散发而无家族史。发作多在夜间或清晨醒来时,病儿发觉不能移动自己的肢体,但说话和呼吸正常,重症四肢完全不能活动,不能抬头。发作时肌肉呈弛缓性麻痹,腱反射消失,感觉正常。麻痹持续数小时至2天。发作频度不等,一般不多于每月1次。发作时血清钾减低,为2.5~3.5mmol/L,心电图有低血钾表现。治疗发作时给一次氯化钾口服;重者可静脉滴注氯化钾,同时心电监护以防高钾血症。预防发作可于每晚睡前服氯化钾一次。