1.Therefore, we should abolish death penalty on economic crimes through the measures such as changing conceptions,enhancing management, and improving systems.然而在经济犯罪领域设置死刑不符合前述三个层面的目的,因此可考虑废止我国经济犯罪中的死刑。
2.Now, Our country is being in the transitional period of abolishing the death penalty.死刑走向废止是历史发展的必然,但是,从我国现实情况看,我国现行刑罚阶梯仍需保留死刑。
3.Because of history and reality, it s not realistic to utterly abolish death penalty in our country.限制并废止死刑是当今世界的趋势。

1.To cancel or to remove(a law or a rule)废止或废除法律或规定
2.Abolish is the act of canceling or removing a law or a rule.废除、撤回(废止或废除法律或规定)
3.the abolition of control统制的废止 [解除控制]
4.He lapsed his policy.他废止了他的政策。
5.I at once revoked the order.我立刻废止此项规定。
6.In 1976, the Pickett Act was repealed.1976年,《皮克特法案》被废止
7.The word has fallen into disuse该字现已废止不用。
8.That law has fallen into disuse.那项法律已经废止了。
9.The newspapers denounced the new taxes.报纸通知废止新的税务。
10.The government denounced the treaty.政府通知废止该项条约。
11.In the meeting, he abolished or abrogated some laws.会议中,他废止或废除了一些法律。
12.annul by recalling or rescinding.通过取消、撤回或废弃而使之无效或废止
13.Convention(No. 105)concerning the Abolition of Forced Labour关于废止强迫劳动的公约(第105号公约)(废止强迫劳动公约)
14.Laws barring foreigners from taking over airlines should go.禁止外商收购航空企业的法律应被废止
15.With three months' notice the contract can be annulled.经三个月的公告,合约便可废止
16.Manganese-copper-nickel alloy stripsGB/T2070-1980锰白铜带(1994-03-01废止
17.Ordinary copper-nickel alloy stripsGB/T2068-1980普通白铜带(1994-03-01废止
18.Belinda: Duh. Unless you want to be stuck with the same car till it 4)croaks!贝琳达:废话。除非你想开到它报废为止!

1.It concludes that the abolition of death penalty is justifiable.关于死刑废止问题古今中外刑法学者们从多角度对其正当性进行了探讨。
2.Basing on the policy,legislation and jurisdiction of the death penalty,it should be abolished way-by-way,surpassing the symbol function of the death penalty, limitations and regulation defections of the death penalty,surpassing the unreason of the popular will,through the leadership concern,the objective of the currenct limitation and the future abolition can be reached.中国死刑背负着沉重的历史包袱和现实压力,因此其限制乃至废止绝不能一蹴而就,必须遵循循序渐进原则,通过政策、立法和司法,超越死刑的符号功能及其困惑局限和制度性缺陷,超越死刑的感性冲动和民意桎梏,从制度环境与非制度环境的统一与协调角度,借助于政治家的关怀,达于死刑的近期限制及远期废止目标,最终实现目的理性。
3.Being ethical and cultural assembly, the retention or abolition of capital punishment should not be discussed separating from the concrete and timely circumstances of some country.当代中国之死刑需要在理性与感性的互动过程中渐入现代化之路 ,绝不能人为地强行废止 ;现实的妥当举措乃顺沿一般之强化、限制再到废止之轨迹 ,通过立法与司法双重限制之机制 ,达于最终废止之目的。
1.On the Trend of Death Penalty From Restriction to Abolishment——Beginning with death sentence for yield to the public voice;死刑限制而废止的程序之维——兼论“不杀不足以平民愤”
2.Under the foundation of this determination,the author Utilizes the literature search method in combing out the political and social consequences caused by the abolishment of the Imperial Civil Examination System that have been figured out by the predecessors.在此判定的基础上运用文献检索的方法,对前人有关科举制废止后所产生的政治社会后果的研究作一番梳理。
1.It is disputing so far on the theory circle that under what conditions,the legal effective administrative behavior,can be cancelled?altered or abrogated .关于已经发生法律效力的行政行为,在什么条件下可以被撤销、变更或被废止,理论界至今争论不止,本文试就这一问题谈谈自己的一孔之见。
1.The abolishing of the death penalty must be put on the agenda.总体而言,对经济犯罪适用死刑不具备伦理否定的基础,同时,废止死刑这一刑种在我国具有现实性和急迫性,废止经济犯罪的死刑适用必须提上日程。
