1.A Cultural Interpretation of SHAO Yi-fu s Donation to the Chinese Cultural and Educational Career;邵逸夫捐赠文教事业行为解读
2.Why Donates Nankai University?——A discussion on the factors leading to the donation actions of the donators during the private-owned Nankai University;为何捐助南开?——南开大学私立时期捐赠者行动诱发因素的探讨
3.Contrastive Analysis of the Medical Charity Donations for the Patients at Home and Abroad in West China Hospital;华西医院病人接受境内外医疗慈善捐赠的对比分析

1.Characterized by, constituting, or subject to donation.捐赠捐赠性的、构成捐赠的或受捐赠
2.donation:The act of giving to a fund or cause.捐赠:对某一基金或事业的捐赠.
3.The act of giving to a fund or cause.捐赠对某一基金或事业的捐赠
4.Bok s Views on Donation and theirs Enlightenment;面向捐赠本身:博克的捐赠观及启示
5.a letter of intent furnished by the donor indicating his/her willingness to make the donation (including the amount of the donation and its intended uses);捐赠人提供的自愿捐赠的意愿书(内容包括捐赠金额及用途);
6.United Nations Peace Endowment Fund联合国和平捐赠基金
7.Disaster Prevention Award Endowment Fund预防灾害奖捐赠基金
8.donation in kind实物抵付形式的捐赠
9.International Bull Semen Donation Scheme国际牛精液捐赠计划
10.unasked-for contributions to the fund为筹集基金的主动捐赠.
11.Advance Return of Donations接受捐赠预先申报书
12.Endowment Fund of the United Nations University联合国大学捐赠基金
13.Finances are aided by rummage sales.以义卖捐赠来补助经费。
14.shell out a large sum as requested按照请求捐赠大笔款子
15.She made many charitable benefactions.她作过很多慈善捐赠.
16.He gave generously to the hospital.他慷慨地捐赠给医院。
17.donate large sums to relief organizations向救济组织捐赠巨款.
18.Please give generously to famine relief .请为饥荒账款慷慨捐赠

1.A Study of Commons Contribution Level Based on Preference Heterogeneity基于偏好异质性的共享资源捐赠水平研究
2.Querying the company′s social responsibility litigation system——Taking company′s contribution as visual angle公司社会责任诉讼机制之质疑——以公司捐赠为视角
3.Communal solicit contribution refers to a special donation conducted for the interest of a specific natural person and realized through the contract between collector and donator.社会募捐指为特定的自然人的利益而发起,并通过募集人与捐赠人之间的募捐合同实现的捐助行为。
1.Confidence, Endowment and Information Opening of NPO;信任、捐赠与非营利组织的信息披露
2.Endowment and Strategy Study in Building a World-class University;一流大学建设中的捐赠及其对策研究
3.It is a long history for the foundations endowment to American higher education,which has played a very important role in its development and maturing.基金会捐赠美国高等教育的历史由来已久,贯穿了美国高等教育的发展史,对美国高等教育的产生、发展和成熟起到了至关重要的作用。
1.Studies on the Donations of Overseas Chinese to the Development of Education in Guangdong Since 1978;改革开放以来海外乡亲对广东教育事业捐赠活动研究
