1.Evolution and New Orientation of Franchise Bidding Theory;特许经营权竞标理论的演进及新进展:一个理论综述
2.Chain operation can be divided into three models—regular chain, franchise chain and voluntary chain.对于特许经营权会计处理,文中认为特许权在总部虽属自创无形资产,但其价值在整个连锁体系中实现,在规模经营中。

1.clock advertising concessio时钟广告特许经营权
2.airport advertising concession机场广告特许经营权
3.automatic teller machine concessio自动柜员机特许经营权
4.retail shop concession零售商铺特许经营权
5.duty-free liquor and tobacco concession免税烟酒特许经营权
6.airport money changer concession机场货币兑换特许经营权
7.airport retail shop concession机场零售商店特许经营权
8.On Franchising and Its Accounting Issues;我国特许经营权的会计处理问题探讨
9.The Mechanism Design for Franchise Bidding in Traffic BOT Project交通BOT项目特许经营权竞标机制设计
10.Franchisee is the natural person or legal person who receives the franchising license from a franchisor to conduct business under the franchisor's trademark or trade name.受许人是指从特许人处获得特许经营权,并且以特许人的商标或商号从事经营的自然人或法人。
11.Some investors in school franchises have no experience in running an English training school.一些有学校特许经营权的投资者并没有经营英语培训学校的经验。
12.The Concessionary Management Issued by the Municipal Administration Has Contained Two Kinds of Legal Relations;市政特许经营中的双重法律关系——兼论市政特许经营权的准物权性质
13.The diving school has acquired a franchise for scuba equipment.潜水学校获得潜水用水肺的特许经营权
14.TV franchises will be auctioned to the highest bidder.电视特许经营权将拍卖给出价最高的投标人。
15.Thinking about the franchise right bidding of waste disposal project;垃圾处理项目特许经营权招投标的思考
16.The Evolvement of Research on Incentive Contract in the Auction of Franchise;特许经营权拍卖中的激励性合约研究的进展
17.An Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages on the Part of Franchisees in a Franchise;特许经营中特许权接受者的利弊分析
18.To Study on Authorization Pattern of Franchising Business under the Visual Angle of Authority;权力视角下的特许经营授权模式研究

franchise right特许经营权
1.Thinking about the franchise right bidding of waste disposal project;垃圾处理项目特许经营权招投标的思考
2.There are some popular ideas,in which the franchise right is regarded as a new type of in- tellectual property right.一些流行的观点将特许经营权界定为一类新型的知识产权。
1.This analysis and research on the legal nature of the licensing chain operations,as well as the legal relationship of the objects franchising legal identity.特许连锁经营是以特许经营权的转让为核心的一种经营方式。
4)right of franchise特许经营权
1.The right of franchise is becoming a important form of the system of intangible property right.特许经营权已日益成为无形财产权体系中的一项重要类型 ,明确特许经营的概念 ,进而明确了特许经营权的概念 ,特许经营权的客体可界定为一种“资格或能力”。
5)concessionary management特许经营权
1.The conferring of so-called "specially permitted management" with concessionary management as its fundamental legal relation, is an administrative legal relation ; namely, it is a so-called "administrative contract", and that a large number of contract legal relations, as its exterior legal relation, must be made clear that they are the civil legal relation with its special main body.市政特许经营包含有多种法律关系 ,作为其基础法律关系的所谓“特许经营权”的授予是行政法律关系 ,即所谓的“行政合同” ;而作为其外部法律关系的大量的合同关系 ,说到底 ,是主体特殊的民事法律关系 ,故“特许经营权”应是一种财产权利 ,即新型的准物权。
2.Centered on the new kind of right named “concessionary management rightof public facility”, this paper starts with its conception as well as itsrationality and inevitability, and brings forward the necessity to researchit from the level of civil law.围绕公共基础设施特许经营权这一新型的权利类型,文章从特许经营制度的概念及其合理性与必然性入手,引出从私法的角度对其予以研究的必要性。
1.On the basis of concession concept,this paper analyzes the applicability and potential difficulties of the main concession model in urban rail transit,and argues that UMT construction policies shall incline towards this management model.在阐述特许权经营内涵的基础上 ,分析特许权经营主要模式在城市轨道交通建设领域的适用程度及面临的问题 ,提出了发展轨道交通项目特许权经营模式的政策建
