1)discount[英]['diskaunt][美]['d?s,ka?nt, d?s'ka?nt]折价率
1.Under the managerial performance hypothesis,discounts are attributed to investors rational ex- pectation of the inferior managerial ability and investment skills of fund managers.本文使用了多种基金绩效度量模型,分别采用引入时间哑变量和除去时间均值混合OLS回归方法以及Fama-Macbeth横截面回归方法,验证了折价率和未来管理绩效之间的关系。
2.Through research on the relationship between the discount rate and the date of maturing,the authors find that the maturing date had more and more influence on the discount rate,and conclude that investing the maturing funds could get abnormal return.本文运用实证研究方法,通过对基金契约到期时间与基金折价率关系的考察,发现在基金陆续到期情况下,到期时间对折价率的影响越来越大,从而推导出购买到期日近的基金组合不仅可以获得超额收益率,而且较到期日远的基金回报更高。
3.To explore the mean-reversion property of closed-end fund discount in China,this article conducts co-integration analysis of the price and net value of closed-end fund and carries out a mean-reversion test.为了探讨我国封闭式基金折价率的均值回归性质对基金投资者投资策略的影响,本文通过对封闭式基金价格与净值的协整分析,以及折价率均值回归检验,证实了我国封闭式基金价格与净值的变动之间不存在长期稳定关系;进一步,我国封闭式基金折价率不具有均值回归性质,而呈现明显的持续性特征。

1.Value of Callable Rights and Closed-end Fund Discount;赎回权的价值与封闭式基金折价率研究——兼论“封转开”方案设计
2.depreciation method of fixed percentage of diminishing value递减价值定率折旧法
3.Amortize bond discount and premium by the effective-interest method.用实际利率法摊销债券的折价和溢价。
4.Image Evaluation of the Optical Transmission Through Inhomogeneous Medium;变折射率介质中的光传输及像质评价
5.Probe into the Practical Rate Amortization in Bond s Premium Price and Conversion into Money;债券溢折价实际利率摊销法的再探讨
6.Determination of Discount Rate in Income Method for Equity Valuation收益法评估股权价值中折现率的确定
7.A bond with a contract rate below the market rate sells at a discount.债券的约定利率低于市场利率则折价销售。
8.Comparative Analysis of Pricing of Dividing up Demand Interval Equally and Pricing of Fixed Discount Ratio;等分需求区间定价与折扣率定价的比较
9.conversion factor"兑换率,折算率"
10.parity of exchange汇兑行情的平衡价格,官方所订的外币折合率
11.Your unit price seems fair enough, but we're hoping for a higher discount rate.单价似乎合理,但我们希望给予更高的折扣率。
12.Economic Ordering Quantity Models for Items with Fuzzy Imperfect Rate and Price Discount;含价格折扣和模糊缺陷率的EOQ模型研究
13.On Discount Rate and Risk Adjustment of Enterprise Itemized Evaluation;谈企业项目评价中的折现率及风险调整
14.The real interest rate of the overflow and discount sales of the long-term bond;谈长期债券投资溢、折价摊销的实际利率
15.Simple discussion on how to decide discount rate in financial evaluation for investment project;浅谈投资项目财务评价中折现率的确定
16.On the Method of Computing the Discount Rate in the Evaluation of Hi-tech Enterprises高新技术企业价值评估中折现率确定方法研究
17.Performance Evaluation of Total Entropy Increase Flower Baffle Heat Exchanger and Single Segmental Baffle Heat Exchanger花板换热器及折流板换热器总熵增率性能评价
18.A two-warehouse system with quantity discounts and a stock-dependent demand rate需求率基于库存的带有价格折扣的两货栈系统

discount rate折价率
1.Using the closed-end funds of our country as samples,the author makes a model of Chinese closed-end funds with panel data,considering comprehensively the mutual relationship between discount rate of funds and fund performance index.笔者以我国的封闭式基金为样本,利用面板数据建模,综合考量了基金折价率与基金绩效指标间相关关系。
2.Discount phenomenon of closed-end funds in China is becoming more obvious at present, the author analyses discount rate of closed-end funds in China from different aspects.目前我国封闭式基金的折价现象日趋明显,文章从不同角度对我国封闭式基金的折价率进行了分析,分析结果显示:基金规模与折价率分析存在明显的正相关效应;上市时间与折价率先呈负相关随后转为正相关;基金分红与折价率存在负相关效应等等。
4)Discounting (premium) rate折溢价率
5)Arbitrage cost溢(折)价率
6)assessment rate of discount估价折价率
1.The assessment rate of discount is recommended to decrease the sensitivity of assessment value.认为应设置估价折价率,以降低评估价格的敏感性,给评估业一个经验积累的空间。

封闭式基金折价率 封闭式基金折价率概述   当封闭式基金在二级市场上的交易价格低于实际净值时,这种情况称为“折价”。  折价率=(单位份额净值-单位市价)/单位份额净值。根据此公式,折价率大于0(即净值大于市价)时为折价,折价率小于0(即净值小于市价)时为溢价。除了投资目标和管理水平外,折价率是评估封闭式基金的一个重要因素。国外解决封闭式基金大幅度折价的方法有:封闭转开放、基金提前清算、基金要约收购、基金单位回购、基金管理分配等。 例如某封闭式基金市价0.8元,净值是1.20元,我们就说它的折价率是(0.8-1.20)/1.20=-33.33%。 封闭式基金折价率是一个小作品。你可以通过编辑或修订扩充其内容。