1.Multiple-way Capital Reduction: A Broadened Perspective for Withdrawal of State Stock;多元减资:比“减持”和“以股抵债”更广的国有股退出视角
2.Reconsideration on the forced stop of the reduction of state-owned shares;对国有股减持被迫停止的再认识

1.The Discussion of the Reduction of the State-owned Stocks From Banzhaf Power Index;从Banzhaf指数看国有股减持
2.Study on the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Based on State-owned Shares Lessening;基于国有股减持的员工持股计划研究
3.Cutting down the state_owned shares at a market pr ic e led to a continuing fall of the stock indices,but it is not the fault of market price program.国有股减持导致股票市场的大幅下跌,其咎不在以市场价减持国有股的减持方案.
4.As this is a volatile stock, I will consider reducing the holdings.由于此股颇为波动,我会考虑减持
5.Applying of Convertible Bond on Lessening of State-owned Share Holding可转换债券在国有股减持中的应用
6.The Research on the State-owned Shares Lessening Based on Full Circulation of Stock基于全流通的国有股减持方案研究
7.Exploration and Discussion on Using ETF to Reduce and Circulate State-owned Stocks;利用ETF进行国有股减持流通问题探讨
8.The Market Valuation System Confusion in"Non-size Reduction"Background;“大小非”减持下市场估值体系的困惑
9.Analysis of Water and Sediment Reduction Effects by Soil and Water Conservation Treatments in Jing River Basin泾河流域水土保持措施减水减沙作用分析
10.Study on Separated Evaluation or Water and Sediment Reduction Benefits Through Soil Conservation Measures水土保持措施减水减沙效果分离评估研究
11.Research on Soil and Water Conservation Achievements of Benefits of Runoff & Sedimentation Reducing of the Qiushui River;湫水河流域水土保持措施减水减沙效益研究
12.Effect of soil conservation practice on runoff and sediment in upper reach of Guanting Reservoir官厅水库上游水土保持措施的减水减沙效益
13.The advocators of this erroneous doctrine are falling away.这一错误学说的支持者们正在减少。
14.the area of the grasslands has keeping decreasing, with the quality reduced;草地面积持续减少,质量降低;
15.Handheld microphones usually have their low frequencies intentionally rolled-off.手持话筒通常有意的做低频衰减。
16.This will help you lose weight and stay fit.这会帮助你减轻体重和保持苗条。
17.The base duration of the spell has been lowered by one second.法术的冰冻基础持续时间被减少1秒。
18.She tried to woo electoral support with promises of tax reduction.她试图以减税之承诺争取选民的支持。

1.An Analysis of Dynamic Inconsistence of Lessening Policies of State Shares;国有股减持政策的动态不一致性分析
2.This paper analyzes the reason of the pause of state-owned shares lessening from the point of gaming and social system changing.文章从博弈论、制度变迁角度对国有股减持暂停原因进行了分析,并认为两个观念的转变是推进国有股减持的关键因素。
3.Since the second half year of 2000, lessening of state-owned shares has been one of the most concerning problems in China s security markets.上市公司的国有股减持问题在2000年下半年以来成为我国证券市场最为关注的问题之一。
3)gradual sell-off渐进减持
4)Subtraction of Small-scale Non-circulation"小非"减持
1.Will the Subtraction of Small-scale Non-circulation Affect Market Quality?——Empirical Research of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Market;“小非”减持影响了市场质量吗?——基于沪深股市的实证
5)the price of the decreasing of the state-owned stock减持价格
6)step by step reduction分步减持

减缘减行【减缘减行】 (术语)缘者,指上界四谛与上二界四谛之八谛。行者,指欲界四谛下十六行相与上二界四谛下十六行相之三十二行相。自声闻乘四善根之初至忍法之上忍,连环普观此上下八谛之三十二行相,同自中忍之位,一行减之,遂至留苦或道等之一行相,谓之减行,每减其四行相自减一谛,故谓之减缘。其所以减之者,泛观上下八谛之三十二行相,观智浮漫而不猛利,故自中忍以后渐渐狭其观境,以养成猛利之观智,遂为发真无漏智之算引也。上下八谛之三十二行相,第一回自第一观至第三十一,因而减去第三十二即上界道谛下出之一行相,第二回更自第一观至第三十,因而减去第三十一即上界道谛下行之一行相。如此每一周自下逆次减一行相,终至减第一即欲界苦谛下苦之一行相。即减去者,三十一行相也。减此三十一行相中,每第四周减一谛,故谓之减缘,减于他三周之行相,谓之减行。即减缘七周,减行二十四周,合于三十一周减去三十一行也。第四周谓之减缘者,上下八谛,为所缘之境,三十二行相,为对于此之能缘观解,故减四行相即减所缘之境一谛也。因而逆次减去,每至第四行相,不谓为减行,特附以所谓减缘即减谛之名耳。(参见:行相)