
1.own contributions(参与人)本人之缴款
2.One that participates, shares, or takes part in something.参与者参与、分享或参加事物的人
3.A huntsman or hunting attendant.猎人或参与打猎的人
4.One that engages in arbitrage.套汇商人参与套利的人
5.Isolation of Adenosine in Panax Ginseng and Lepidium Peruvianum and Quantitation of Monomer Ginsenoside in Panax Ginseng;人参与秘鲁参中腺苷的分离及人参中单体人参皂苷的定量分析
6.one who shares in a noisy festival.一个参与喜庆日的人。
7.People in Equal Participation人民平等参与协进会
8.Division on Women's and People's Participation in Development妇女和人民参与发展司
9.One that participates only passively in an activity.被动参与一项活动的人
10.One who speaks in a dialogue.对话者参与对话的人
11.overall labour force participation rate整体劳动人口参与率
12.the parties in collusion参与共谋 (案件) 的当事人
13.Most of the US soldiers were involved in prostitution and some of them were even involved in selling women.他们大多参与嫖娼,少数人甚至参与贩卖人口。
14.The Study of Polyscacharide of Ginseng Cell Cultured and Natural Ginseng;组织培养人参细胞与天然人参多糖的研究
15.The Relationship between Chinese Ginseng Culture and Development of Ginseng Industry in Both Shore论中华人参文化与两岸人参产业发展的关系
16.The research on the change of ginsenoside content after the compatibility of panax and liriope人参与麦冬配伍后人参皂苷含量变化的研究
17.participatory human infrastructure人人都可参与的人力基础设施
18.policies and programmes involving young people: Participation, Development,Peace促进青年人参与的政策和方案:参与、发展、和

everyone's participation人人参与
3)Patient participation病人参与
4)people participation人民参与
1.The public policy participation system of our country has experienced two stages from the "people participation" mechanism with the characteristic of continuous political activities to the current"resident participation" mechanism which take the informal participation as the main characteristic.我国公共政策的参与制度经历了以政治运动为特征的"人民参与"机制和今天的以非制度性参与为主导的"市民参与"机制两个阶段。
5)merchant's participation商人参与
6)private participation私人参与
1.As one of the salient manifestations of economic and legal assimilation and amalgamation, private participation in the WT.作为经济与法律趋同与融合的重要表现之一,私人参与WTO法律机制的运行尤其是私人参与WTO争端解决机制的实践逐渐受到重视。
