1.A Study on the Relationship between Mental Accounting and Anomalies;心理会计与金融异象关系研究
2.This article makes a conclusion and analysis of the anomalies not in compliance with EMH in the researches both at home and abroad.本文针对国内外实证研究中出现的不符合有效市场假说之异象进行了归纳和分析 ,并指出对异象的深入研究所具有的理论价值和实践意义。
3.Being widely applied overseas, it also explains many financial market anomalies better than the traditional ones did.该理论目前在国外已经被广泛应用,对于许多传统金融理论不能解释的金融市场异象,都能给出较合理的解释。

1.They are said to be conformational isomers also called conformers.它们叫做构象异构体,也叫做异象体。
2.Same Source,Different Expression--On the Poetic Style of Yan Yan-zhi and Xie Ling-yun;同源异象——颜延之、谢灵运诗风异同论
3.and the vision which I saw was like the vision I had seen when he came for the destruction of the town: and like the vision which I saw by the river Chebar; and I went down on my face.其状如从前他来灭城的时候我所见的异象,那异象如我在迦巴鲁河边所见的异象,我就俯伏在地。
4.A sudden or unusual sight.突然景象,特异景象
5.The phenomenon of the existence of isomers.同分异构现象存在同分异构体的现象
6.electrooptical anisotropy电学、光学各向异性现象
7.enol keto tautomerism烯醇 酮互变异构现象
8.rhombic hemimorphic hemihedral class菱形异极半面象晶族
9.Every rock looked like a person or animal,块块巨石形象各异,
10.The butt of whimsical persecution.异想天开迫害的对象。
11.The night had seemed strangely silent.夜里好象异样的寂静。
12.A curious spectacle was witnessed.目击了这一奇异的景象。
13.Daylight revealed a strange scene.日光呈现出奇异的景象。
14.Exception Object Address: 0x%x异常对象地址: 0x%x
15.macromolecular isomorphism高分子异质同晶现象
16.a singular occurrence, event, circumstance, etc异常的现象、 事件、 情况等.
17.unearthly visions, screams怪异的幻象、 尖叫声
18.An Exception Object can only be contained by a Catch Exception shape异常对象只能包含在捕获异常形状中

1.An Explanation and Appraisement of"Anomaly"in Securities Business by Behavioral Finance;证券市场“异象”的行为金融学解释及评介
3)conformational isomerization构象异构
1.The mechanism of bipyridine conformational isomerization was studied and the geometric parameters of transition states were located by B3LYP/6-311G~(**).之后采用B3LYP/6-311G**方法对处于势能面上的能量极小构象异构体进行全自由度几何优化和频率分析,并且寻找构象异构化过渡态。
4)abnormal phenomenon异常现象
1.This paper expounds an abnormal phenomenon occurring in the course of internal threading and the causes of it, makes detailed analysis on occurrence and calculating methods of the pitch, tooth-type half-angle, pitch diameter, etc.叙述了车削内螺纹时出现的一种异常现象以及产生异常现象的原因,详细分析了螺距、牙型半角、中径等误差的产生、计算方法及其对联结件可靠性的影响,并提出了补偿措施。
5)abnormal phenomena异常现象
1.Treatment on abnormal phenomena of magnesium content determination in phosphate rock;磷矿氧化镁含量测定中异常现象的处理
2.Analysis of abnormal phenomena in ultimate bearing capacity of bored pile;钻孔灌注桩承载力异常现象分析
3.In the paper,we will analyze the abnormal phenomena appeared using in the determinator and introduce some knowledge and experience in service.本文就仪器使用过程中出现的异常现象进行分析 ,同时介绍一些仪器维修方面的知识与经验。
6)conformation difference构象差异
1.Results Through disorder analysis on molecules in crystal state, we have found that the disorder of some atoms may cause conformation difference for molecules, bring about multiple conformation in crystal state hence reducing the symmetry o.目的 探讨晶态下分子中部分原子的无序现象,以期揭示自然界中有机分子存在构象差异的多构象性质。

异象1.亦作"异象"。 2.景象不同。 3.奇异的景象。