1.The article,after analyzing the rights and duties of guarantors,the main body in independent guarantee,tries to reveal some hot issues in it.文章通过分析独立担保中的主体——担保人的权利与义务,试图揭示独立担保中的一些热点问题。

1.Recognizance of Appellant's Sureties上诉人的担保人担保书
2.The guarantor shall be held liable within the agreed scope of guaranty.担保人在约定的担保范围内承担责任。
3.Notice to Surety for Appellant before Forfeiture of Recognizance没收担保前致上诉人的担保人的通知
4.Recognizance of Sureties for Appellant sentenced to a Fine被判处罚款的上诉人的担保人担保书
5.until they mentioned needing collateral or a guarantor.在他们提到担保物或担保人之前。
6.To prove to be qualified as a bondsman.证明有资格做担保人
7.Is a personal guarantor enough to get a loan?有担保人能得到贷款吗?
8.A guarantor is responsible for the loan担保人要对贷款负责
9.All of the obligations of the Guarantor hereunder shall be joint and several.担保人在本担保书项下承担的所有义务均应是连带的。
10.Explore Undertaking the Risk of Realizing Real Right for Security from the Standpoint of the Thing Guarantor;以物上担保人为视角的担保物权实现的风险承担探析
11.In the contract the parties may agree to provide a guaranty. The guarantor shall be held liable within the agreed scope of guaranty.当事人可以在合同中约定担保。担保人在约定的担保范围内承担责任。
12.Have you been keeping in touch with your financial sponsor?你和你的担保人保持联系吗?
13.Recognizance of Bail of Appellant上诉人的保释担保书
14.insurance or guarantee of private loans私人贷款保险或担保
15.One that makes a warrant or gives a warranty to another.保证人为他人提供担保或保证之人
16.One to whom a warranty is made or a warrant is given.被保证人得到担保或保证的人
17.partly secured creditors有部分担保的债权人
18.Release the guarantor from the liability解除保证人承担的责任

3)personal guarantee个人担保
5)people's guarantee人的担保
6)Insurance Guarantor保险担保人

担保人担保人 Guarantor