1.Scientific Value and Beautiful Landscape of the Baojing Palace in Yingde,Guangdong;广东省英德宝晶宫的科学价值与美景——为提升宝晶宫的文化品位与发展旅游的思考
2.Water quality and plankton in the water-sources river Population in scenic spots southwest of Yingde city;英德西南旅游区水源河流水质与浮游生物群落特征
3.Strike root in the actuality of mountain region,Promote Coordinate development of Economy and Society in Yingde City;立足山区实际 促进英德经济社会协调发展

1.Comment on the Anglo-German Alliance Negotiations and the Anglo-German Agreement in 1900论英德同盟谈判与1900年的英德协定
2.On the Conclusion and Effects of the Anglo|German Naval Agreement in 1935:A New Approach1935年英德海军协定的缔结与英法关系
3.---- Thomas Hood, British poet——英国诗人胡德。
4.Ingersoll-Rand jumbo column英格索尔-兰德钻车托杆
5.Edward, king of England, was slow to move.英王爱德华行动迟缓。
6.Britain declared war on Germany in 1911.英国在1914 年向德国宣战。
7.a German film dubbed into English用英语配音的德国影片.
8.Soviet Union, United States, United Kingdom andFrance Respective Occupation of Regions inGermany苏美英法分区占领德国
9.They sing the praises of the hero.他们为英雄歌功颂德。
10.She is familiar with English, German and French..她通晓英语德语和法语。
11.Two days later Britain and France declared war on the Reich.两天以后,英法对德宣战。
12.Derby Railway Technical Center of British Rail英国德比铁道技术中心
13.an English version of Don Quixote【唐.吉诃德 】的英译本
14.Literature and Virtue in Sidney's Apology for Poetry锡德尼《诗辩》中的文学美德功能(英文)
15.Comparison of German and English Grammar--An Effective Way for Learning German德英语法比较——学好德语的有效途径
16.On the Mock-Heroic Style in Absalom, Absalom!;戏谑英雄萨德本:南方英雄主义的祭杀
17.Handel was half German, half Italian, and half English.韩德尔是半德国人,半意大利人,半英国人。
18.Matthew Arnold-A Moral Conscience in the Transitional Era;马修·阿诺德—英国社会转型时期的道德良知

Yingde county英德县
3)Yingde City英德市
4)elite morality精英道德
5)the relationship between UK and Germany英德关系
6)Deutsche und englische Doppelsprache德英双语
